Credits and Thanks
Squeak: Pictures, backup vocals on demo (screams in Used and Abused (old version))
Jim Workover: Video taping, roadie, special buddy.
Angie: for providing dozens and dozens of egg cartons for sound-proofing
Karin: for taking pictures
Josh Rojas: Video taping a show, teaching Tom the art of mixing,  and being all around cool
Omid Majdi: Recording 23 of our songs
Ed and Nancy Manning: Letting us stay at their house
Garnet: Pictures, fan site, giving people our de?mos, setting up recording, merch bitch
Viola Gomez: Pictures
Pat and Justin from INFM: recording our first demo and backups on demo
Parents: pictures, support, blah blah blah.
Sarah Osburn: Pictures
Kevin Desoto: Pictures
Allison Lyons: Buddy Icons
Murray Bowles: Pictures
Karissa Torres: Buddy Icons, fan site, merch bitch
Melissa Super: Video taping shows, merch bitch
Andrew Ukele: Pictures, Backup vocals
Jeff Wheeler: backups on demo, playing drums when Tim couldn't, hooking up shows
Craig: Setting up the PureVolume account for us and hooking up the music
Melysa Y: pictures
Tara and Megan: pictures
Redemption Value: for the cymbals and drumsticks
Sam: for taking pictures
Asphyxiated, Greg, John and Donk (including past members, Togos, Zach, Puff, and all the ones we never got to know well) for recording, patches, bass amp workings, fill-ins, hookups, and all the love and support
Expression College of Digital Media for the free recording, and the students for being easy to work with
All the other people for the videos, pictures, audio, setting up websites and all that.
Every band we've ever played with for all support and loanage of gear
(In no particular order)
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