
Wrestler's Name: HurricaneWebmaster

Characters Real Name: Tyler R.

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 285

Hometown: Louisville, KY

Age: 18

Birthdate: April 18, 1987

Heel, Face, Neutral: Face

Physical Appearance: Hair, straight,short, blonde with spots of black, eyes: brown

Gimmick: A powerful "giant type"

Wrestler's History: As the HurricaneWebmaster started his journey in the CWE (Championship Wrestling Entertainment) as a nobody, but within 4 weeks he began his feud w/ IC Champ Randy Orton and with the help of a former WWE superstar (Gangrel) he gained the CWE IC Title and defended it many times successfully. He held the title until the company went down in early April of 2004. He took the CWE IC Title with him and still has the title to this day. He's been in temporary retirement until he could find a new federation to join, he looked around and did a search and found WpW.

Finisher 1: Shut Down (Two Handed Choke Bomb into a pin)
Finisher 2: Ultimate Shut Down (Submission; Russian Leg Sweep into a "Steiner Recliner")

Signature Move(s): Chokeslam, Sharpshooter, Fallaway Slam, Camel Clutch, DDT, Diamond Cutter, Stunner, Cross Powerbomb

Quote: "You can run, you can hide, but you will not awaken once you've been SHUT DOWN"

Theme Song: Thunderkiss 65 by White Zombie

Entrance: As soon as guitar solo starts HWM hits the stage, to an "X" formation of fire, HWM walks through it in a black trenchocoat (w/ HWM logo in red), black shirt w/ WpW logo on it, and black boots, once he enters the ring the ring lights up on fire for a breif period of time (:25 seconds) then lowers his hands and the flames are extinguished

****************************************************************************************************** Wrestler's Name: Ivan

Real Name: Ivan Gerradi

Height: 7'0"

Weight: 355

Hometown: Parts Unknown

Age: 25

Alignment: Tweener

Physical Apperarance: Tall and bald, really buff with a goatee, always seemingly has an angry expression on his face

Gimmick: Security man, who can lay the smackdown!

Wrestler's History: Ivan came in after HWM had been getting attacked viciously by Triple N and Jason HWM decided to play it smart and brought in Ivan, trained him and now Ivan is one half of the new tag team HurriStorm Inc....

Quote: "Running from me is the only way to avoid being you LAST HOPE of escape"

Finisher 1: Last Hope (Military Press into an X-Factor)
Finisher 2: Clock Stopper (Clothesline into a dragon sleeper)

Signature Moves: Big Boot, Chokeslam, Corner to Corner Splash, Powerbomb, Spear, Russian Leg Sweep, DDT, German Suplex

Theme Song: "Bad Boy" (Razor Ramon's Theme)

Entrance Style: Once the music begins, Ivan enters, usually aiming the finger at his opponent or if his opponent isn't out yet he gives the finger to the audience, then walks down the ramp, once he enters the ring, all four ring posts light up, then one big boom, and Ivan gets on top of one of the four corners to wait for his opponent

Double Team Move 1: Bottom Out

Description of D.T. Move 1: Ivan throws opponent against ropes, HWM catches opponent on the fly, then hits a reverse X-Factor

Double Team Move 2: HWMIG

Description of Move 2: HWM hits the shut down without the pin and Ivan hits the Last Hope or vice versa depending upon who is the legal man.

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