some personal thoughts

I will treat people as if I've known them my whole life

Necessity will find a way

Everyone in soul and in mind are unsearchably deep.
Even the simplest of people are likened unto bottomless wells.

Every person is worth an eternity in tears

I will not judge, only help

Those who do not care are the world's greatest threats;
those who take no action have already taken part in the slaughter

A person must have the character to find the most boring of subjects
and menial tasks as enjoyable and learn to find interest in them

I look to never stay in one place

If you are not going to go all the way, you might as well not go at all

Christianity is not a side dish

When I am called upon to do something, I will not allow myself to be chosen because I was the only one there or because I am the best at performing that sort of task in the area, but because I am the best

To become popular, you must first do what is not

I will allow my faith to grow so much inside of me that I will have no choice but to let it out

I look to praise God as much as some people curse

In one way or the other, I will not allow my faith to be secret

Everyday is a struggle to conquer myself

Not being used of God is one of the most depressing things I can think of

If the matter of your seeking does not have eternal significance, then it is worth not chasing

I am concerned with what I have not done more than what I have

Living a self sustaining life is a life I will never wish to have

Shallow people cannot see past their own eyes

Laziness is my worst enemy; and laziness prevents me from defeating it

If you want something to be remembered forever, make sure God notices it

I will never be truly happy when I have not done all that I could of done from the will of God

Every decision deserves deep consideration

Every man is missing a rib

I will never look at a girl for good looks, but at her expressions in her face
The human face reflects the condition of the soul.

I realize some people cannot be expressive in their face as much as some can. What I try to do is draw what the person wants to fully express without any structural boundaries

Marriage should not be for how much two people love each other, but for how much two people love each other for loving God.

To be a Christian is to be a tool

Age is never an excuse for stupidity or intelligence. You are who you are because of who you are.

Where you are should never be a deterrent in who you should be.

It takes more effort to resist the will of God.

A hero that outlasts time deals outside of his own and considers the entire scope thereof.

A good vision is one that supercedes trivialities.

A shallow man is a man constructed by his surroundings.

A man of persistence is one that shapes his surroundings to meet the requirements of his standard.

I tend to have more respect for the "evildoers" in this world because they actually do what they believe.

Great men don't always have to be in the past.

Get to know God now before you don't have a choice.

Know His right hand or He who sits there.

I wish to become strong physically not for the sake of being strong, but that I may be able to take more bullets for someone else.

I don't ever want to be known for what I have done. I want my actions and beliefs to supercede me, because that is what is more important to me.

It does not matter where you are at, but where are you are going. Considering the position of an arrow mid-flight is pointless. Where it is heading to strike is what is important.

Run from the light, a man chases his shadow. Run towards the light, a man leaves his shadow behind.

Living life for the point of living is a pointless endeavor

The words of a friend are better than a night's rest

Every second spent on me is a second that will never return. I will respect each second spent on me that was pulled out of another's life even if the subject of that second was pointless.

A Christian without concerns is a dying Christian

A man with no concerns is taken by the wind

Frugalness and resourcefulness saveth lots of money!

A great man that then proclaims himself as great is a man that will no longer be great; for it is the people around him only that should recognize his greatness.

I am nothing, but I pray with every last breath and thought in me till the day I day I die, that, with God, I will be something more than I could ever be or dream to be.

Every person has the specific qualities that make them an individual that would be adored by a specific people at one point in time or in an alternate time. If the earth in its present condition could last forever and all variations that could be played out in social civilization (such as values, etc.) throughout the coming times and that it would adore every distinct characteristic and mindset that a person can have throughout its passing, be it evil or good, to the point of reverence of heroism, then every person can be considered a hero, for all time has already past for God, and all has already been played out. For the definition of hero to the secular public changes with the majority. And the majority is a fickle and an ever shifting entity. Its opinions change with the wind, and its stands rise and fall continually. Only a true hero can be built on solid rock. A hero is supposed to be ageless in its stand, setting up a standard for all times. And the only characteristics that make an ageless hero within a person; one that sets up ageless standards, is a hero after God�s word. For God is ageless and his stands; they have been and will always be a constant.

A man who will not seek the truth and will not look to make a difference for all times is a man that will allow the circumstances and bounty of the time he lives in and the pleasures thereof be his sustainer, teacher, and shepherd. Times and ages of man bring things along with: technology, knowledge, philosophies. Men who are shallow and pushed by the winds of their time grasp these things in order to thrive in their appointed times and eras. As an easy solution to his current problems. Ready-made packaged goods to sustain him for the moment. Man always looks for a quick fix up. Something to patch something up, for the time being. For man constructs things and does things and philosophies things to survive mentally and physically in that moment in time. But once they enter eternity, they find that their technology, knowledge, and philosophies fail them, for they were constructed for the moment. They take no account for life after death. They only satisfy the flesh and sustain it for the moment. Seek those things that are eternally sustaining. Not what will sustain us for a moment in time. So seek out your Saviour, Jesus Christ, and all the things that come along with him. For they are a sustainer, teacher, and shepherd to us for eternity. God�s spiritual bounty for us will help us in all times; they will sustain more than any constructed object ever could.

There are many religions and philosophies constructed for man�s specific needs. Only one faith can sustain them all.

Everyone is built for an individual, specific purpose. One that no one else can perform. God has constructed you specifically to bring honour and glory to Him. Seek out God�s will for your life, and do your best in it and be honoured. Because you are the one God chose to do it.

Silence can be precious and also a deadly force.

Knowledge for the sake of having it is useless.

When one seeks the truth in lowliness and humbleness, all answers to all questions will be revealed, because you never get in the way of them. Most people never see the truth because their pride is the only thing between the truth and their soul.

Progress takes time.

Foundations should be built slowly. Forgetting one stone could cause the whole structure to collapse.

Do not settle for the alternate because it is easier.

Modern conveniences should be used sparingly and with intent that you will make up with more hard work in other areas with the time that you saved by using it.

Make your intents and purposes specific, so no one can wedge a doubt into you.
Make them so, so your movements are efficient.
Make them so, to know how to strike.
Make them so, to make your strategy sure.

Everything needs a battle plan.

Most genius wastes itself on the pointless.

Art is a language.
It is also one of the most versatile, able to speak to all people with clear communication.

Aesthetics should be used sparingly. Everything should have a purpose. Every movement a thought behind it.

An action with out purpose, plan, or direction is an action not worth performing.

God is always speaking to us. One just needs to keep their eyes and ears open.

What must be done, must be done, no matter the physical boundaries.

I find myself sick to my stomach when I make an excuse, even if it a valid one.

A smile and a cheerful face that is a fruit of the soul is all that a lady needs to be beautiful.

Man is not just made by how many good things he has done, but also how much evil inside of himself has been subdued.

When a man fears something, the more boldy a man should confront it.

more to come...

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