Army Ground Forces Association
and the
Coast Defense Study Group

The 100th Anniversary of the
Coast Artillery Corps

Using Living History Interpretation
Fort Monroe, Virginia

6 & 7 October 2007

11:00am - 4:00pm

Welcome! Observe the history of the United States Army Coast Artillery Corps and the Harbor Defenses of the Chesapeake Bay from 1907 through 1950. This will be accomplished through hands-on interpretation of the weapons, fire control equipment, communications, and day-to-day life of the soldiers who manned the defensive batteries. The public will have the opportunity to observe ships through optical fire control equipment, talk on a functioning vintage telephone network, and examine many pieces of museum-quality equipment during formal and informal tours and presentations.



1. Casemate Museum courtyard / Postern Gate entry
After welcoming our guests we will provide an overview of the Harbor Defenses of Chesapeake Bay. This station will be manned by members of the Coast Defense Study Group and Army Ground Forces Assn. and will provide informal presentations on the history of the Coast Artillery Corps and Fort Monroe.

2. Casemate Museum
Inside the museum using living history we will provide an overview of the fire control process, communications, and observe a plotting room in action.

3. C-2 Command observation post (top level of tower)
At this location the public will get hands-on experience. We will continue the artillery fire control discussion, position finding, and communications. We will also elaborate on the command and control purpose of this station.

4. Battery Irwin
Here visitors can see soldiers manning the guns and learn about the life of a soldier while training at a seacoast battery.

5. Field behind Battery Parrott
This area will have mobile equipment and military vehicles on display.


Army Ground Forces Association
Andy Bennett
Andy Grant
Mike Murray
Jonathan Prostak
Shawn Welch

Coast Defense Study Group
Jonathan Prostak
Steve Kobylk
Sam Stokes
Phil Payette

The Casemate Museum
Paul Morando

Go to main site:
Seacoast Forts of Hampton Roads
Chesapeake Bay Harbor Defenses
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