of Waterdeep

RP Stories :�
The Fate Collection
by Seive, Sharp, Ventor and many more


Fate : The Regretted Witness by Zane (4/17/2001)
Zane traversed the misted forests of Haon Dor, revelling in the fullness of the velvet-black sky. The stars sparkled like mox diamonds against the nebulous satin backdrop, heralding the arrival of the Moon in all its sublime fullness.

Leaving the path back to Westbridge, Zane seeks out a private rocky outcrop from which to enjoy the wonders of the evening, undisturbed.

It has been some time since he has been able to take a break from the unending string of problems that have beliguered clan and friends of late; he has much to contemplate.

Zane's hands delicately remove the protective band which covers his eyes. He blinks back burning tears as he acclimates himself to the painful wan surface light.

As he settles himself to a night of meditation and communion with his Goddess, Zane's thoughts are disturbed by an odd cacophony of noise.
Fate : The Regretted Witness by Zane (4/17/2001)
Zane's ears twitch instinctively, seeking out the source of the out-of-place din, whilst his mind reels trying to identify what the sound could be. The priest traces the alarming noise to the crest of a moon-swept cliff, overlooking the city.

The metallic grating shriek, much like that of a hook horror running its talons down a mithril sided cavern wall, sends a chill coursing down his spine.

A rising chorus of hissing, spewing liquid fills the air with an oily fog which gathers in slick dewy drops upon the midnight leaves.

Cautiously he parts the concealing foliage to behold the source...
and just quickly.....
..........closes the foliage.

His jaw drops in obvious and utter bewilderment. His eyes widen in sheer surprise. He quickly grabs his holy symbol, warding himself from the abomination before him.

Backing away quickly, Zane hastily reties the gauze about his eyes, mumbling, "May Eilistraee strike me blind. Thats just NOT natural."

As he prepares the vortex back to the protection of the hall, he whispers to himself, "And to think, all that mess and fuss... JUST from kissing." With a last sickened shudder, he disappears through the rift before being subjected to seeing more.

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