of Waterdeep

RP Stories :�
The Fate Collection
by Seive, Sharp, Ventor and many more


Fate : Memories and an Old Friend by Sharp (4/6/2001)
Sharp didn't quite know how she found herself here, she had wanted to wallow in her thoughts and try and get some perspective. She sat on one of the pews in the Stonebow Dale church. Downcast, but not completely, a small niggling emotion of unknown propensity chewed at the innards of her robotic soul. Observing her surroundings, the quaint little chapel felt warm and somewhat comforting as she remembered the second last time she was here. It seemed like so long ago... Infact it was a lifetime ago, before her transformation, her sagely days...

They gathered from all around to attend. Animated in ecstastic anticipation, all, her closest friends. They had all waited for the big event, the bride and groom had waited until they both came of age in their newly matching bodily form. Sages in love! Deep love, a love believed to be all conquering...

Sharp sighed a hefty off-loading of reminiscence. "This robot is not meant to have feelings. This form was supposed to bring me emotional strength. Why do I feel so nostalgic? Oh, poor Ventor, what did I do to you? Will I ever know?."

A flurry of activity at the door of the chapel attracted her attention. Blazing through the entrance, mounted in all his glory, came Arghaii. Somewhat startled, Sharp tried to compose her sentimental state of mind. Arghaii dismounted and tethered his equine to the nearest pew, gallantly shuffling his robes behind his breeches as he strode towards her "Hello there Sharp, you remember me, don't you?" As if she would forget Arghaii! "I'm here to talk about Seive."

Sharp knew, she knew her old friend was here for no other reason than to probe her. She knew that Seive and Arghaii were half incestuous rivals, but when it came to the crunch, they were as thick as thieves. Arghaii and Sharp had been close in the old days of CoN, and had remained so in the months following Arghaii's departure from the church. Arghaii had since married the Lady Laisha, and Sharp knew that she had let her old comrade down on the day of his wedding, by turning up late. Things had not been the same since. She nodded solemnly at Arghaii as he slid up the pew closer to her.

"Sharp, he is distraught, he told me all about his heroics at Market Square, all about the conversation you had in that private place. We both know Seive, it is not like him to admit such a weakness, a weakness for a matter of the heart." Sharp's head became pendulous in it's nodding. "I know this, Arghaii, old friend. I know he is sincere, there is no question of that." Momentarily, Sharp craved someone to really confide in, and it looked as if Arghaii would be that confidante. "Remember back, Arghaii, think back to the time. Seive was most honoured by us all, he was great by sheer standard. Anyone in my reliant situation would feel the love I felt for him then. He was unattainable, and so taken by the Lady Tawny. Arghaii, it shocks me no end to hear a declaration of love leave his lips... It frightens me." Sharp drew her cloak further up protectively.
Fate : Memories and an Old Friend by Sharp (4/6/2001)
Arghaii looked on as the cathartic moment overtook Sharp. "I feel confused, I am here in the church where I married the one true love of my life, thinking of another, wanting to hold them both, but in such different ways. But once has Ventor entered my mind since joining the Nightmare and since I have willingly sacrificed his love for my clan. Now, I am faced with the revelation of love from somepod that I never once dreamed would love me remotely." The babble poured out like a gush from Sharp's mouth. Arghaii, kindness foremost, asked Sharp "Do you love Seive?" Shaking her head profusely, her body language contradictory, she sobbed "Yes, I think I do... I really think I do..."

Sharp felt embarrassed after her outpouring. Arghaii assured her that he would hold their interaction in the most confidence. Sharp, knowing now that Arghaii had met with Seive earlier, asked him if Seive had received her correspondence. Arghaii did not seem to know what she talked of. Hugging her warmly, Arghaii walked to his steed, waving her goodbye. "Sharp, you know that if you ever need me, I am always here, regardless of our past." Sharp waved Arghaii goodbye, assuring him that she knew his of his friendship, but wanting to spend some more introspective time alone.
Fate : Conflict of Feelings by Arghaii (4/6/2001)
He rode away, leaving the Church far behind him. He was very distressed. He liked Sharp and he hated to have to break her trust. He promised he would tell nothing to Seive and he was never eager to break his promises. But then he toyed once again with the possibilities and the opportunities..
He didn't want to harm Sharp directly and he would try to avoid having to confront their old friendship. But both of them they are so confused. Sharp loves two men and Seive.. Seive has never been vulnerable to feelings. This is the second time he lets his emotional defenses down and maybe the best opportunity ever to strike at him. The two of them should be together.. lost in their love and passion, confused by the clouds of uncertainty. Then one could find numerous ways to get advantage of this and bring turmoil to the Church of Nightmares and turmoil to Seive's heart.
Such feelings leave a soft spot in one's heart, and therefore a weakness.

'Yes.. I will let Seive know that Sharp loves him..' 'I will ask him to pretend he never found this out from me, and so Sharp will not lose her trust in me.' 'And then I will just wait to see how things evolve..'

The Horseman grabbed the reigns more tightly and increased 'Oneiros'' gallop. And he grinned below his mask.
Fate : Memories of the Perfect Day by Ventor (4/6/2001)
Stonebow Dale... I had such hopes for that little town. My friend Drayden was the mayor at the time Sharp and I were married in the church there. It was his blessing that allowed us to use the grove near the church for the ceremony. That was so long ago... I think I surprised Sharp when I accepted her challenge to give up my wizardly studies to become a sage with her.

It was the happiest day of my life. *snif* I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that. It sounds like such a cliche now.

Gathering my travelling gear and casting my protective magics I prepared to journey to Stonebow Dale and speak with Sharp. It was time to see if there was still a spark alive between us or to put this issue to rest once and for all.

Before leaving I decided I had best leave some indication of what had become of me incase things did not go well. I left a quick letter in the office to my fellow clan leaders telling them that I had gone to speak with Sharp. If I did not return they were not to confront the Church of Nightmares about it. The Guardians would not survive an open conflict with the Nightmare Lords.

That being done I proceeded to the train station to begin my journey. Upon arriving in Stonebow Dale I quickly made my way through the filth and decay to the old church. The doors stood ajar and so I quietly made my way inside. The figure sitting in the pews part way down the isle didn't turn as I approached but I knew it to be Sharp.

"Hello my dear, it has been a long time..."
Fate : Message Delivered by Zane (4/6/2001)
Zane had had enough. It had been days since Ventor had been seen. His last appearance being nothing more than a shambling walk, lost in serious thought, through the main hall before sequestering himself in his office.

Zane intercepted Morann as he was delivering Ventor's evening meal and promised to deliver the tray for him. He knocked on the office door and hearing no response, entered. "Ventor, I need to speak with you..."

What he found was the normally ordered office in a complete dissheveled mess. Ventor was nowhere to be seen, his bed in complete disarray as if from fitful sleep. Strangely, the scrying mirror stood uncovered in its corner.

Upon the desk, three letters were penned in Ventor's crisp lettering. Setting down the tray and picking up his own letter, Zane slowly opened the message, his paranoia growing as he quickly scanned the document.

His hands tremble in barely restrained fury, shaking the paper until its impossible to even read the words. His leather clad fist clenches, crumpling the missive, as his green eyes flare with eldritch flames through their protective mask. Through his clenched teeth hiss but a single word, "Sharp!".

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