of Waterdeep

Member Stories :�
Contaminated Water�
by Zane

Contaminated Water (2/2/2001)
Zane kneels at the altar, alone in the Temple of Crescents, praying for guidance in thwarting this new disease which afflicts the realms. But like so many other times, his communion fails to profer an answer to the growing epidemic. His powers fail to cure this new menace... just as the blessings of every other priest of alternate gods have also miserably failed.

Into his meditative tranquility intrudes a telepathic message from another. Curious. It is Fafnir, loyal servant of Istishia, and avid naysayer of Lord Kossuth.

Zane's drow mind wheels as Fafnir's message comes through like a whisper. "What an odd request.", Zane thinks to himself. "Now why, I wonder, would a priest, who so avidly detests a much respected member of my family, seek to sell another priest a multitude of healing implements which I myself can provide."

Zane ponders this in silence, the moon crests reflecting the lunar phases against his marred face. "And further, why seek to assist someone whom you have publicly accused of betraying the balance of the realms by merely holding clannship with Lord Kossuth.", Zane ponders as he remember being unjustly and publicly disparaged in Market Square, some months back. A lasting warning from that debate with Fafnir still ringing in his ears, "We shall be watching you."

"Could this be merely some plot to despoil the surviving members of our proud clan." Zane formulates his answer, graciously declining Fafnir's proposal. Thinking to himself, Zane wonders whether these two events may have a more direct correlation. "Is it not water that bears the burden of spreading the diseases of the world to the masses?" Zane stands and walks to his ledger, taking quill in hand, and writes down his thoughts. "Might there be some collusion betwixt the Istishians and the continued spread of this disease? Mayhaps this hath needs deserve closer inspection."

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