of Waterdeep

Member Stories :�
Search for a Sword�
by Zane

Search for a Sword (9/10/2000)
Minerva and Zane secreted past the legions of drow and on into the shadowed city of Menzoberranzan. Their passage cloaked in the most mystical of magiks to hide them from the ultrasensitive hearing and sight of the evil denizens. Through the malicious streets of the vile city they crept, searching here and there for a prophecied Sword to this place where the sun never shines and humans dare not tread. Through the dank, smelly pits holding the slave goblinoids, through the faerie-fire limned houses of the nobility, through the very pillar of Narbondel itself... all to no avail in their quest. Whilst plucking through the crumbled remains of House Do'urden, the travelers were set upon by wicked driders, foul creatures with the head and torso of a drow set upon the clacking body of a giant spider. The battle was hard set against the vile creatures, but the pair prevailed, striking the lancing legs from beneath the beasts and destroying them. Even freeing the woefull spirit of Zaknafein proved to reward no information concerning the possible whereabouts of the Sword of salvation. Finally, secreting through the house of the ruling family, House Baenre, the pair traveled and searched as far as they dared. For within the final, unsearched room in the whole of the city there were two wicked creatures. The first, the drow Matron Mother, leader of House Baenre and all of Menzoberranzan, sat upon her spider etched throne in her full power - well beyond the ability of the pair to deal with alone and weakened as they were. The second, more hideous and frightening than the first was a Handmaiden of the Demon Goddess Lloth, a Yochlol sent from the pits of the Abyss to deliver the dark necessities of the Spider Queen. Seeing that to even delve into the room, would spell certain doom, the pair of Guardians retreated to the safety of their hall, promising to someday gain the strength of numbers to defeat the unholy trio and search the remainder of the house for sign of the mystic treasure.
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