First Prime: Reunion
work in progress - spoilers for the story First Prime

01 • rough
02 • rough with sketching
03 • pencils only
04 • inks
05 • ink with background
06 • blocking of color
07 • shading
08 • textures
09 • final

This image was a spur of the moment thought about a reunion between Sam and Janet after events in the alternate universes story First Prime by Geonn Cannon. An alternate, non "First Prime" version is planned as well, but we'll see about that as it would require re-drawing Sam's attire and re-coloring it as well. Don't know if I'd replace the staff weapon with something else or not, though, as I like the angle it puts into the composition.

The bodies were completely made up but the heads are based on images from two Stargate episodes. Can you guess which two? *Hint: I changed Janet's hair from the original screen cap.

Other First Prime illustrations can be found at:

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