How I painted Dr.Fraiser pt1 • By HowlsThunder
a step-by-step but brief walkthrough for the curious
and because I was bored.

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Original Dr.Fraiser photo



The original photograph. Not mine, mind you...

Illustration by Kara Stenberg (howlsthunder)




My pen illustration I drew by hand.
I first sketch out the picture lightly in pencil, then inked the image using Pigma Micron pens and a good ol' dual-tip Sharpie.

I scanned this image into Photoshop at 300dpi in RGB mode, not bothering with any sharpening while scanning.

Click on the image to see a larger version.

putting in the background




With the image in Photoshop, I copy the entire image and paste it as an Alpha channel. Using the channel to select only black areas, I paint in the lines on a new layer to seperate the lines from the paper and to get rid of any flaws from scanning on the cruddy scanner I had to use.

This done, I painted in the background and gave the image a "frame" since I didn't draw the top of Dr.Fraiser's head.

ahhhh, candles!





Next, I put in the background - the blurred candles. For this I used the airbrush and selected colors from the original photograph. This was actually the easiest part. Just how I did it I won't say - you didn't think I'd give out ALL my tricks, didja?

Continue to the next step...

All images on this page except for the first one were all created by Kara Stenberg, who cannot and does not claim copyright since it's all directly based on a copyrighted image owned by MGM and who knows what else. This page was created for FUN and nothing more.
Created October 26, 2003

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