What is Ka'vanth Anyway?

The Ka'vanth are a house of dark (evil) elves on a MUD called Dark and Shattered Lands. They are dedicated to reclaiming the Vallenwoods (Shalonesti), the home that the dark elves were cast from after murdering a Shalonesti speaker. As Ka'vanth is a noble last name, you can check how many Ka'vanth are on at any given time by typing "whon ka'vanth".

What do you mean by "house"?

A house is a group of elves who work together in a certain area, or toward a certain goal. There are houses in both good elves, and dark elves. Houses are sometimes referred to as families, but not all of the members are related.

You don't ACTUALLY think you will defeat Shalonesti?

Nope, but it is fun to try. From an rp standpoint, the Ka'vanth do believe they will conquer Shalonesti... but would take a rather eccentric player to believe that we could, oocly.

So why do you bother?

Dark elves are evil, but half of the world doesn't play them that way... too many people ignore the alignment they choose, and play sheep in a wolf's clothing. This doesn't mean that we are bastards about things- we try to play evil elves with honor, and we need a unifying task to band us together. Reclaiming the vallenwoods is a goal that will never be achieved, but something that we can always strive and rp toward.

Are Ka'vanth and other dark elves drow?

No. Drow elves are another race entirely. Dark elves might be called "high elves". The only difference between a dark elf, and a Shalonesti elf, is that Shalonesti elves are good or neutral aligned, and dark elves are evil alligned. Dark elves who rp that they are drow will not be accepted into Ka'vanth.

Are Ka'vanth and Ka'tath the same thing?

Absolutely not. The houses conflict each other in many ways.

Do the Ka'vanth and Ka'tath fight each other?

In the past the two houses have fueded. Today we are not friendly toward each other, but seem to tolerate each other's existance. There is some tension between the two houses. The Ka'tath view Ka'vanth as imbeciles with a misguided vision, who bring a bad name to dark elven kind; and the Ka'vanth view the Ka'tath as weak and silent figures in society who do not have their priorities straight.

Anezka Ka'tath: "The Ka'vanth are idiotic whores."

Ursah Ka'vanth: "Weaklings, all of them, with no pride. I am ashamed to call them kin."

In other words... there is no love spared between them.

What are the Deathdancers?

Deathdancers are Ka'vanth's answer to bladesingers. It is a method of training in which select Ka'vanth are taught, involving the use of something called "the pulse". It is roleplay training only, there is no actual deathdancer reclass.

Who do I speak with if I my character wants to be considered for Deathdancer training?

If you are already Ka'vanth, speak with Nikerym Ka'vanth, Captain of the Deathdancers. No one outside of Ka'vanth will be involved in the training.

Do the Ka'vanth have to live in Verminasia? Can they clan?

Ka'vanth are not required to live in Verminasia, and can clan.

What are the requirements for joining Ka'vanth?

You must be dark elven (or half dark elven), have a good description and style of rp-ing, and your character must be strong in the belief that you wish to reclaim the vallenwoods.

So who do I talk to about joining?

Speak with or write a note to the Matron, Master, or Advisors, requesting an audience. Currently these are Ursah and Dar'shin. You may speak with any member of Ka'vanth to learn more of Ka'vanth, but only these two can decide whether or not you are Ka'vanth material.

Are tattoos required?

No. In the very distant past the Ka'vanth all bore a tattoo of a spider with a vallenwood tree etched upon it's belly. These are no longer a requirement.

Are there any other tidbits to know about Ka'vanth?

Our house colors are black, gray and purple. Our matron diety is Drakkara. Our house crest is a striking spider, with bared fangs. We are based out of Verminasia, and during times that Verminasia goes to war, you will be expected, if you are not in a clan, to return to Verminasia if you live in another kingdom.

Is it true... what I have heard about Ka'vanth? You know...

Absolutely not. The Ka'vanth are many things, but sexual deviants they are not. Perhaps at one time, and years ago, a few players acted that way. It WILL NOT be tolerated now. We are trying to shed all past images that sully our name. It is annoying to have to deal with this specific image. Frankly, it angers me that I feel there is a need to place this in a F.A.Q. - DSL is a family game, and I treat it as such. Any member who I deem to be acting inapropriately will be expelled from Ka'vanth.

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