Greetings Cousins,

Ka'vanth has many enemies, and as a Ka'vanth, you will inherit enemies, rightfully or not.

Should it matter that we have enemies? It is the story of every man who has done a great deed or created a new idea. It is the cloud which thunders around everything that shines. Fame must have enemies, as apples must have worms. However, we must act accordingly to the advances and taunts of those who oppose our house. Do not bother yourself about it; disdain. Keep your mind serene as you keep your life clear.

Every idea needs a visible envelope, every principle needs a habitation, every dogma needs a temple. Your character and conduct is representative of your house as a whole; You are Ka'vanth, as surely as Ka'vanth is in part you. Thus should you strive to hold yourself to the highest standard, and to act as is befitting a noble in a righteous cause.

In the past, actions of members have dirtied the name of the house as a whole. At the moment, we are striving to reverse this impression based on the actions of a few, and restore honor to the name of Ka'vanth. Here are seven traits that you should learn and memorize as Ka'vanth, and as a respectful dark elf:

1. Loyalty
2. Duty
3. Respect for your leaders and their subordinates.
4. Selfless Service
5. Honor
6. Integrity
7. Personal Courage

These values form the basis of your character and they sustain one in both time of peace and conflict. It is of the utmost importance that we consider how Algoron percieves House Ka'vanth. Close bonds and alliances must endure between the House and certain important figure heads in society if we are to be an effective instrument of Dark National Power. Therefore, I can not express greatly enough that we Ka'vanth must conduct ourselves with dignity and hold our heads high at all times.

This does not mean we must lose our fire and strength and become silent figures in society as the Ka'tath have. But, it does mean that we must be mindful that the eyes of the world are upon us. Your every action not only represents your leaders, but each and every fellow member of the House as well.

May you be as a key in restoring our house to honor and dignity.

ooc note: These virtues are identical to the 7 core US Army values as can be seen listed here. I am unsure who was the first Ka'vanth Master to use these as the 7 virtues of Ka'vanth, but it has been ingrained into our roleplay for the past four years, and long before I became Matron of the house. These values are the foundation of honorable unified conduct, and we could all do well to learn from them, and heed them in any aspect of our lives.

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