Quick Sewing Fun

Material (any color)
Elastic (about 7" of 1/4" wide elastic)
Needle and thread
Saftey pin


1.  Cut a strip of material at least 3" x 20" (for a fuller fluffer look, cut material wider and/or longer).

2.  Fold material in half-long ways, placing the right side of the material on the inside.

3.  Sew along edge with a small running stitch. (or sew by machine-no more than a 1/4" in).

4.  Once the sewing is complete, turn the material inside out so the right side of the material is on the outside.

5.  Take the elastic (about 7" long), and attach the safety pin to one end.

6.  Thread the elastic through your tube of material (being careful not to let go of the end of the elastic).

7.  When the elastic is all the way through, detach the safety pin and tie the two ends of the elastic together in a knot (or they can be sewn together).

8.  Finally, hem the edges of the material and then sew them together, making sure that the elastic can move freely inside the material.

9.  Fluff up the material and your scrunchie is ready to wear.  
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