How to do Paper Mache

1.  Prepare your desired paper mache paste.
2.  Tear newspaper into strips, usually 1-1 1/2" wide, tear the strips-do not cut.
3.  Dip one piece of newspaper at a time into prepared paper mache paste, saturate thoroughly.
4.  Hold the strip over the paste bowl and run it through your fingers (between first two fingers, works well) squeeze off excess paste.
5.  Stick the newspaper strip over the form you want to paper mache, and smooth it down with your fingers.
6.  Completely cover your creation with a layer of newspaper strips. They should be overlapping.
7.  After one layer is applied, let it dry about 24 hours.
8.  Add another layer of newspaper strips and let dry another 24 hours. (Let each layer dry completely before adding another.)
9.  Repeat this process until you get the desired effect, but you should have at least 3 layers.
10.  Paint, decorate, and proudly display your creation!
   *Note*  Try over a blown up balloon, makes good piniata or make into a mask, etc. 
Pulp recipe for Paper Mache

*  Newspaper
*  Water
*  Salt
*  Glue

A pulp mixture is great for making smooth, fine details in your paper mache creations, or for creating small objects, or for texture (like eyebrows, lips, nose, 3-dimentional effect).  It would, however, take a lot of it to complete a larger project.

Tear the newspaper into tiny pieces and put them in a large bowl.  Add just enough warm-hot water to completely cover the newspaper.  Let soak overnight.

Once your newspaper has soaked for several hours, get your hands into it!  Play with it, mix it, and squeeze it through your fingers until it looks like oatmeal!  Try to get as many lumps out as possible.  If necessary, add a bit more water and let it soak a little more.

Once you have it as smooth as possible, add a few tablespoons of salt to help retard mold.  Mix it again with your hands.  Once mixed thoroughly, squeeze out any excess water and add a few tablespoons of glue.  Now you are ready to use your paper mache pulp.

If you don't want to wait overnight, you can add your newspaper to boiling water and let it boil until the newspaper falls apart.  You have to watch this carefully and possibly add extra water if necessary.  You can try letting your newspaper and hot water mixture sit for a few hours and then put it in a blender or food processor.  Don't forget to add the glue and salt once your mixture is smooth!
When I lived in Colorado Springs, CO., I bought pulp in bags of dryed pulp.  I got it in a teachers supply store.  I haven't tried to find it in a craft store.  I never noticed if they had any or not, I would assume this is harder to find.  You can also buy paper mache paste.
Paper Mache Pastes
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