Crocheted Spiral Hair Tie
Size H crochet hook
Yarn:  simply soft 4 ply worsted weight or any that you choose

Chain 110, 4 dc in 4th ch from hook.  5 dc in each of the next 9 chains.  Sc in each chain across to last 10 chains, 5 dc in each of last 10 chains.
Fasten off and weave in ends.
Spiral Hair Tie #2, sometimes called Worms
Size G crochet hook
4 ply worsted weight yarn

Chain 100.  In third chain from hook, work 9 dcs, ch 3, sl st in same chain as dcs are worked.

Spirals:  First end, chain 2, 2hdc in next st, (3 hdc in next ch) 15 times, 2 hdc in next chain, chain 2, sl st in same chain.

Body:  Sl st in each chain until 17 chs from end.

Last end, Work the same as first end, but work backwards-work (3 hdc in next ch) 15 times, 2 hdc in next chain, chain 3, sl st into last chain, chain 3, work (9dc, ch 3, sl st) in same chain.

Fasten Off. 
Bookmark-same variation as #2 Spiral
Start with chain of 63, make end #1 only use 5 hdc per chain.  Work sl st down entire length of chain, at the end, secure a pom-pom (1").
Crocheted Headband
Size G crochet hook
3 ply sport weight yarn

Row 1:  Chain 141, sc in each chain across. Chain 1, turn.
Row 2:  Sc, dec, over 1st 2 sc, *tr in next st, sc in next st. Repeat from* across.  Sc, dec over last 2 sts.
Fasten Off.
Row 3:  With the Right Side facing, re-attach yarn in the 9th tr on Row 2.  Sc in the same st and in each chain across placing the last sc in the 9the tr from the end.  Chain 1,  turn.
Row 4:  Sc, dec over next 3 sts, tr in next st, sc in next st across to last 4 sts.  Tr in next st, sc, dec over last 3 sts.  Chain 1, turn.
Row 5:  Sc, dec over next 3 sts, sc in each remaining st across to last 3 sts. Sc, dec over last 3 sts.  Chain 1, turn.
Row 6:  Sc, dec over next 2 sts, *tr in next st, sc in next st. Repeat from* across to last 2 sts, sc, dec over last 2 sts.  Chain 1, turn.
Row 7:  Sc, dec over next 2 sts, sc in each remaining st across to last 2 sts. Sc, dec over last 2 sts.
Finish Off.
Ribbed Headband
Size G crochet hook
3 ply worsted weight yarn
tapestry needle

Leaving  an 8 inch tail for sewing together later, Chain 16.
Sc in 2nd chain from hook and in remaining ch across (15sc).
*Chain 1, sc in back loops only of all sc across.
Repeat from * until piece measures 15-16".
Fininsh Off.  Matching stitch for stitch, whipstitch together, weave in ends.
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