These are couple of my favorite dish clothes patterns to make. One is crochet (single crochet or double) and the other is knitted. Please enjoy!                   (Thanks Phyllis)
Crochet: Use size g or j hook.
Chain 48 chains loosely.  = smaller version
       Chain 62 chains loosely.  = larger version


Row 1:  Double crochet in the 6th chain from hook. *Chain 1, skip next chain, double crochet in next chain. Repeat from * across.

Row 2:  Chain 4, (counts as 1st double crochet plus chain1) turn.
Working in front loops only. Double crochet in next dc. *Chain 1, dc in next dc. Repeat from * across.

Repeat row 2 until dishcloth measures about 10 inches. Then Finish off.


Chain 47 stitches loosely. (10 x 10")

Row 1:  In the 4th chain from hook, sc, chain 1, skip 1 ch, sc. Repeat across.

Row 2:  Chain 2, *sc in front loop in chain 1 sp, chain 1. Repeat from * across.  (Will make like a ridge design.)

Row 3:  In last sc, chain 1, turn and sc in top chain in chain 2 sp. chain 2, sc in top loop of chain 1sp, ch 1. Repeat across.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until measures 10".  About 34-35 rows.

         [ I haven't tried this version, so I don't know how acurate it is.]

Knitted Dish Clothes:  Use size 8 or 9 knitting needles.

Row 1:  Cast on 4 sts.

Pattern:  k2, yo, k to the end.    Repeat until 43 sts on needle.

Then:  k1, k2 tog, yo, k2 tog, knit to end.

Repeat until you have 3 sts.  Bind off.

         [This is my favorite, I use this pattern all the time. My mom and sisters always want these for Christmas.]
Use Crochet Cotton Yarn
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