Household Cleaning Remedies
Homemade Furniture Polish/Cleaners

1. Equal parts of lemon oil and white vinegar (1/2 & 1/2)
Put in a squirt bottle and shake. 
*Always shake before using!

2. Mix 2 parts olive oil with 1 part lemon juice.  Apply mixture to furniture with a soft cloth and wipe it dry.
Homemade Window Cleaners

1. Mix 2 tsps of white vinegar with 1 quart warm water.  Put in a squirt bottle and shake. *Always shake befor using!  Use a soft cloth or newspaper.  (1/2 cup vinegar to 1gallon warm water)

Mix 4 tbls ammonia, 2 tbls vinegar, and 1 quart water, and lots of elbow grease with newspapers.

3. Mix 2 tbls of borax or baking soda in 3 cups water and spray the glass using a pump sprayer.

Note: Do not wash windows in direct [over directly]sunlight; the  cleaning solution will dry too fast and streak.)
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Mildew Removers

#1. Dissolve half-cup of vinegar with half-cup borax in warm waster-mix frequently for each use.  Apply with a sponge or spray bottle if borax is completely dissolved.

#2.  Scrub with baking soda, borax or vinegar; for mold inhibition, wash with baking soda or borax solution.  Do Not rinse!
All Purpose Cleaner

Mix 1 quart warm water, 1tsp liquid soap, 1-2 tsp borax; squeeze of lemon and/or cap of vinegar to cut grease.  This solution can be stored in a spray bottle and used for countertops, floors, walls, rugs and more.
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