
Pondicherry is a hot little town on the south-east coast of India - and it's absolutely unique!

You're travelling along in Tamil Nadu, with its lush tropical flora and suddenly you get to a place where everyone speaks French! Pondicherry, or Pondy as I think it should be called is a superb place. JIPMER, my med school is situated there, booze is cheap and the beaches fabulous. The weather makes you head straight for the beach, bottle of beer in hand.

Shallow, calm, warm water for swimming in the sea - and if you feel like it you can hitch a ride on a catamaran - a word derived from "katta-maram" in Tamil, meaning tied logs. They're just that - three logs tied together. You sit with your legs hanging in the water on either side and you can capsize the boat if you want - it's dead easy to right it.

For those who are not into this kind of stuff, there'e the Aurobindo Ashram, and the international community -Auroville.

And, with the computer and internet revolution hitting Pondy - here's one more site that gives you news and views from Pondy

If you come to India - you can't miss Pondy!!

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