You Know You Watch Too Much Tenchi When...
Nani?!  You can never watch too much Tenchi...but this is how you can tell if you have the dreaded...Tenchi-itis!

Ok, not so dreaded.  But I need more suggestions!  Anthony-chan has been so generous to get our "You Know You Hate Shin Tenchi and Watch Too Much As Well" list.  He's the treasurer to the OTAKU Club which you can see

Oh well, I know I don't like Shin and this is the only list so far.  If you have a suggestion, please email me at
[email protected].

There are two pages of this without about 40 different entries!
Page 2 of Too Much Tenchi
1) You cry because of the butchering of the animation in the Shins.
2) You cry because of the butchering of the plot in flashbacks.
3) You start animated debates with your friends about plot discrepancies between the 3 series.
4) You watch the Shins, despite its extreme suckiness, simply because it's Tenchi
5) You gag everytime you see Sakuya.
6) You are found frequently saying "Poor Ryoko, what have they done to your eyes?" and the like
7) You begin to make plans in your head to create Tenchi-ken out of origami
8) You successfully create origami models that resemble Ryo-Ohki
9) You call your friends "Washu, almighty genius scientist of the universe" (that would be me, the webmistress!!  ^_^) and Mihoshi (Amber, the president of the OTAKU club...very blonde.)
10) If someone says the word Kiyonee you turn around, smack them in the head, and scream "ITS KIYONE!! KEE-OWN-AY!!!!
Ok, here's some others...

1)  You fix your hair like Sasami's
2)  You have fantasies about Ryoko
             -By George-san
3)  You have a dress with a tale like Ryoko's
4)  You actually learn to cook just because Sasami can
5)  You really take a liking to carrots
6)  You can thoroughly explain the differences between the OAV, Universe, Shin and manga series
            -Laura (me)
7)  You lock your self in a closet and tell your mother your trying to wok on an interdimensional gate way to Tenchi's room and you can't be disturbed.
            -By Alex a.k.a. Apple Jack
8) You have extra copies of every Tenchi video existing.
9) You are begging your parents to let you become a Shintoist .
10) You tie rabbit ears to your cat or guinea pig for it to look like Ryo-ohki .
             -By Enyon7
11)  When you can't watch Tenchi, you look for Tenchi web pages.
12)  You have a Tenchi web page.
13)  Your Half-Life spray paint tag is Ryoko.
14)  You can tell the difference between a picture of Zero, and a picture of Ryoko.
              -By Fisher Ted Andrew
15)  You have whole conversations by only saying "meow" like Ryo-Ohki
16)  You take a special liking to big trees
17)  You have debates with people about who should marry tenchi and a speech on why
18)  You cancel your social life to be home to watch tenchi
19)  You record all episodes of tenchi you see (and time record the ones you'll miss)
20)  You try to explain to random people the plots of the different episodes even if they have absolutley no clue what you're talking about.
21)  When someone acts dumb you call them mihoshi and laugh
22)  Everyhitng begins to remind you of tenchi episodes.
23)  You debate with friends on wheter or not you're the biggest tenchi fan.
24)  You somehow prove you ARE the biggest tenchi fan.
             -By Washu610
25)  You watch all of the fuzziness at the end of Here Comes Jurai 2 hoping for more
26)  You buy a rabbit just to watch it run like Ryo-Ohki
27)  You get a stuffed Ryo-Ohki and then try to stuff the rabbit you just bought into it
              -By Fluffy-chan
28)  You say the incantation "pipopa" right before you eat anything (From Magical Project S)
               -Me again
On to page 2 of Too Much Tenchi--->
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