
"America is in an uproar over the new bill that was proposed to Congress this afternoon. The war in Korea had been a controversial issue since President Smith decided to send American troops there ten months ago, and this is another step in that controversy. Congressman Ralph Davis, a democrat from Ohio, proposed a bill to keep the United States out of the war in Korea, and if passed, America will no longer be able to meddle in the affairs of other countries, similar to the Good Neighbor Policy. Zac Hanson, the country's most notable musician and celebrity since the beginning of the war has released a statement on this. 'I am thoroughly pleased with Davis's decision to propose this bill and I support him one hundred percent. I hope that is passes and it passes quickly so our friends and family can be whole again.' "

Taylor and Zac watched the anchorwoman continue on the matter, both smiling. There hadn't been a day gone by since this leg of the tour started that CNN wasn't on somewhere within their reach. Zac had never in his life thought his name or something he did would be on this channel so much, being that it was purely a news channel, but he was on it nearly every day with different news about the war, or more updates on his protest.

"Have you talked to the president lately?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I spoke to him earlier today. He's out to get me."


"Oh yeah," Zac said, looking over at his brother. "You know, I'm kind of worried about this bill. I hope it passes."

"It's going to pass. Do you know how many supporters you have? I'm surprised it hasn't passed already." Zac made a face. "It's going to pass, but of course, once it does that it's going to be up to the big guy himself."

"Yeah, too bad the president fucking hates me."

"Hey look, it's you," Taylor said, pointing to the television.

"Hey look, it's me! What are they saying about me?" Taylor turned up the volume.

"�CNN just recently did a poll and discovered that 78% of people will not vote for President Smith if he chooses to run next year in the presidential election and in a related poll, an astounding 45% percent say they would vote for Zac Hanson if he ran�" Zac put his arms up in the air.

"Score! That's almost a majority! I should run!"

"Zac, you kind of have to be thirty-five before you can run."

"We should propose another bill nixing that from wherever they say that. I should run for president." Taylor burst out laughing. "I know, that would be pretty bad. I don't know the first thing about running a country. But it would be a hell of an inauguration party!"

"True. Too bad you're not old enough to drink." Zac shrugged.

"But I would have the best music ever. Party at the White House." On the table his cell phone rang. He picked it up and put it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Are you watching CNN?" Madison asked.

"Yeah! Can you believe this?"

"You're not even out of high school yet and they want you to run for president. I wouldn't vote for you."

"Neither would I." Zac began to laugh. "I'm not even old enough to vote yet and they want me to run for president! Damn, I'm just so good at what I do�"

"You're the most powerful person in the country, Zac! All the magazines say so�you've earned the most money in the past year than, like, everyone! I read in Time that you're making ten and a half dollars every second."

"Damn! Just sitting here on my ass I'm making money?"

"They're just being theoretical here. According to this you've made close to four hundred million dollars since you started touring." Zac's jaw dropped. He hadn't seen any of the money; it just went straight to the bank. "That's not what you yourself earn though, you still have to deduct expenses from that, but it's still a fuckload of money."

"Holy shit."

"I know. Where's my share?"

"What makes you think you get a share?"

"I'm just kidding, baby. But, still, that's a lot of money. I mean what do you do with four hundred million dollars?" Zac shook his head.

"Hey, Taylor, did you know I've made four hundred million dollars since I started this tour?"

"Yeah, I know."

"How do you know?"

"I manage your books. That's how I know." Zac nodded.

"Why do you manage my books?"

"Because I don't trust anybody else to do it. I don't want some greedy accountant handling that much money." Zac nodded. "And it's closer to three hundred and fifty million, deducting expenses and all. You're a fricken expensive person, Zac. Private jet, nice cars, lavish hotels�"

"Still." Zac shook his head in amazement. "So how are you doing baby? Are the finals as hard as you were leading me to believe?"

"Not really. I'm almost done. My last one is tomorrow. I shouldn't even take it. If I don't I'll still have a fricken B in the class, but I can't blow it off. I'm too excited. I can't wait to come on tour with you again. That was so much fun, Zac."

"Yeah, it was. It'll be less hectic now because I don't have Ron around anymore. You've been around long enough to know that. This time we have a lot more down time. Of course my schedule is filled with protests and pickets and publicity, but that's all right. I'll still have time for you. I'll pencil you in for five minutes a day every other day for a week or so before I have to cut you off."

"Shut up. You better make plenty of time for me, silly."

"I will. Don't worry, babe."

"Hey, Zac, look at that," Taylor said, pointing to the television. Zac looked up. The president was discussing the bill that had just been proposed that afternoon.

"I understand how Mr. Davis is trying to help the nation, but this bill, even if it passes, will not go through me. I do not agree with this at all. He has been manipulated by a punk teenager who just wants his family back. American must not give in to this boy, no matter how catchy his songs are, or how many teenage girls swoon over his looks. He is not an authority figure in this country. All he does is sing songs and sweet talk his way into the hearts of everyone in this country. He is none of our concern."

Zac's jaw dropped again. "Holy shit! Maddie, are you watching?"

"Yeah, I am. Shut up."

"Mr. President, those are pretty harsh words."

"It's the truth. If he wants to manipulate a country to think the wrong thing, then so be it. It is America's duty to uphold peace in our world and if it concerns fighting a war halfway across the world then so be it. We are doing good here and if some little hippie boy who doesn't remember that we're not in the sixties gets in the way then I am ashamed."

Zac was silent as the news switched to something less painful.

"Hey Maddie," Zac said, giving his girlfriend a small smile when he picked her up from the airport. She immediately saw his face and shook her head.

"Are you still thinking about what that awful man said?" she asked, giving him a hello kiss. Zac shook his head.

"No way! Why would I do something like that?"

"Because no one's ever talked to you like that before. He's just trying to bring you down, baby. Don't listen to him. He's old and decrepit and he's an awful, awful man."

"Maybe he's right, though," Zac said, shaking his head. "I'm just a punk kid and I think I can change everything but I can't. I'm just a musician who can sweet talk my way in to the hearts of all Americans." As they walked, Zac got a number of peace signs from people walking by. He would give them a smile and wave it back, but that would be the end of it. His new power gave him sort of a shield, so instead of getting mobbed, he just got praised from afar. Madison took his hand and looked up at him.

"He's wrong. You're everything to everybody and if you stop now the country would be disappointed."

"I can't possibly be that influential."

"Hey, great show the other night, Zac," someone said.

"Thank you," he said and kept on walking.

"Baby, have you looked around?" she asked. "Since I met you here I've seen about thirty people flash you a peace sign and compliment you. You can see it in their eyes. You inspire them. You are the reason this country hasn't fallen apart. You're the reason people are still holding on. They love you and so do I. Don't you dare think otherwise."

"You're so good to me."

"And, baby, this bill is going to pass, you're going to pester the president until he signs it, Isaac is going to come home and you can rest happy knowing you're the reason for it all." He smiled. They left the airport and went to the car where they drove immediately to the arena. He had a performance that night and only left to pick her up. Once he got there he'd have to get up on stage and do what he did every night. He was going to inspire people.

"Do you really think I'm the most powerful person in the country?" Zac asked, looking at her. The look in his eyes showed his vulnerability.

"Yes I do. You're more popular than the president, you've got America on your side and they all believe in you because you believe in them. You're doing all of these for the right reasons, Zac. You're not doing it because of money or fame or anything like that, you're doing it because you miss your brother and you don't want anyone else in the country to feel the way you do. You want everyone to be happy. I wish I could be like you."

"Hey, you were the one who actually did something. I just spoke to a lot of people. Nothing resorted from that. You bugged your congressman until he took your suggestion to propose this bill."

"Well, you know what they say," she said, sitting up straight. "Behind every man stands a more powerful woman."

"They're right." She giggled and kissed him.

"Don't get your hopes down," she whispered to him. "This bill might not pass today, it might not pass tomorrow, but it will, and when it does, you're going to be the reason for it."


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