
"Well what is Christmas anyway? It's not religious to everyone. It's lost all religious meaning to me over the past few years. No, it isn't that. It's being together with your family. Christmas is spending time with the ones you love and how are we supposed to do that if most of our families aren't even here. I have family in Korea along with so many other people and why the hell are they there? To fight a war that isn't ours to begin with. It's none of our business to be there. North Korea isn't trying to invade our country. They're not trying to blow up our cities and take down our democracy, yet it's killing our citizens and our families. Just before the holidays started the casualty mark hit a million. One million! In just six months of being at war! One hundred thousand people died within the first surprise attack, most of them American peacekeeping troops in Seoul. How many people are we going to allow to die before we realize that this isn't our fight? I know we signed things with South Korea during the first Korean War that we got involved in for no reason, but you know what, that's crap. I know we're supposed to keep the world at bay but these are two countries that no one else in the world is caring about them being at war. China isn't even getting involved! China was the force behind communist North Korea in the 1950's and they're not involved in this. Why do we have to back up South Korea and still get creamed when this is a battle between them? I know why we're involved in this. That president we have in the White House, that stupid idiot who doesn't know the difference between his ass and the button he has to push to send out his nukes is sending them there. He doesn't know the first thing about war and he's going to get rid of his country if he doesn't start thinking straight."

The family listened as Zac, later that evening, poured out his anger and his frustration against Madison to Mr. Rush Limbaugh on primetime television. It was originally supposed to be just a radio interview, Rush didn't do television anymore due to his loss of hearing, but Zac's views were so radical that the people about him decided it would be best to air it live on television. A few channels were simultaneously playing it, which shocked Taylor most of all.

"I didn't know Zac was this popular," Taylor muttered.

"Oh, he is," Madison said. "Even more than this."

"How'd he get there so fast anyway?"

"Private jet." Taylor nodded and went back to the program.

"Those are some pretty radical views you have on the leadership of our country, Mr. Hanson, do you feel you could do any better?" Rush asked. Zac shook his head.

"I personally wouldn't be able to do any better but I know that if I were president, I wouldn't have done something as foolish as send a million or more Americans into a battle that has nothing to do with our country. It's so like the United States to butt in the affairs of others. No wonder so many people hate us. We're nosy," Zac said, and paused to take a sip of water from a provided mug.

"How do you feel about nuclear disarmament?"

"I'm all for it. You know, out of all of the countries in the world with nuclear weapons, we are the only ones who still maintain the right to use them before being attacked by them first. All other countries say 'We will not use nuclear weapons unless we have been attacked by them first.' So basically that means that the only way we'll be attacked by a nuclear force is if we do it first. That's bulls�t. If we weren't so damn cocky we'd stop nuclear warfare altogether."

"Well certain countries have other alternatives to that. There's still the threat of biological warfare, germ warfare�what are we supposed to do about that?"

"Worry about it when we have to deal with it. Wait until we have a war that actually involves us before we start thinking about that."

"Mr. Hanson, you're a musician. You're not a politician; you're not even old enough to vote. What makes you think you can make a difference?"

"People know who I am," Zac began. "They see me, they come to my shows, and they hear what I have to say. They can either agree with me or they can call me a hippie, I don't care. All I know is that I'm reaching people�I'm inspiring people�to do something. I'm inspiring everyone listening and watching to think differently. By myself I'm just another radical who you can shut the door on and ignore. If I reach enough people across the country, I can get people talking. People will talk to their mayor, their congressman, whoever, and that will influence our government to make a difference. I wouldn't be doing this if North Korea had pinned an attack on American soil. That's completely different. That's our war. This isn't. We have nothing to do with it, so we shouldn't be killing our citizens because Washington wants to get props from South Korea."

"So what do you say we should do? What would make you pleased?"

"To have everybody over there who doesn't deserve to be over there, to have them come back home. When they're back home and they're able to rest, I'm able to rest."

"You know what, Mr. Hanson?" Rush asked. Zac raised an eyebrow. "You're right." Zac smiled.

"Did Zac just convince Rush Limbaugh that he was right?" Taylor asked, speaking for everyone in the amazed room.

"I think he just did," Madison said. "But better yet, he proved me wrong. That's what he set out to do and that's what he did." Madison shook her head. "Maybe I should do that more often."

"I wouldn't try it," Taylor said. Madison raised her eyebrows and looked at the screen where Zac's interview was over and now the president was speaking to the people. By what he said, it was obvious that he had not heard anything Zac had said just prior to his address.

"My fellow Americans," he started off with, "I wish you all a blessed Christmas and happy holidays. I know that it has been hard this past few months while our nation has been involved with the war in Korea, however I bring you good tidings and good will. I know many of you have loved ones away this holiday season. They are serving their country proud today, and North and South Korea have issued a ceasefire until the holidays are over. They are in it for the long haul, and they will fight however long it takes until this war is over. Ladies and gentlemen I am promising you that I will not rest until this dilemma is taken care of and everything is settled."

He continued to speak but the family sat, their mouths agape. "How the hell can he say that when Zac just went on complaining about them being over there for no reason?" Taylor asked. "Does he have no idea what just happened?"

"Obviously not," Diana answered. "Let's hope he doesn't talk forever." She glanced at her watch.

"And I tell you my fellow Americans that I will not stand for communist corruption in this world. As long as dictators are taking away from their people there is a problem to be solved here in this world. I have made it my personal duty�" Diana turned the channel, and it was a moment behind. "�my personal duty to use whatever force necessary to crush this mighty opponent." The benefit of this channel was the picture-in-picture shot of an astonished Zac watching the president give his speech. His mouth was hanging open and as the president continued to speak, he covered it and turned away, swearing under his breath.

When his speech was over the channels returned to Zac and Rush. "Well you just heard it, what do you think?" Rush asked.

"That man is an idiot and I hope one of these days he realizes that and resigns," Zac said bluntly. "Although that would leave his vice-president in charge, and I don't know how much better that would be." Zac shook his head and spoke under his breath. "What a moron."

"Do you worry about what he'll think when he sees this?"

"What is he going to do? Deport me? Send me to a better country? Ooh, I'm shaking in my boots!"

"No sarcasm," Rush said.


When Zac returned to the house, most of the family was in the backyard playing in the snow. He had to admit for a sucky day it was really beautiful out. There was enough snow to make angels and snowmen without it being too cold. Everything was calm and right but he was too pissed off, even after his stint on television, to admire it.

He stomped his boots and took off his coat, his cheeks pink from the sudden temperature change. "Hey fly guy, we were wondering when you were coming home," Madison said from the living room. He ignored her. "We all gathered around the television and watched. You were awesome; you really impressed me." He still didn't say anything as he went to the stairs. "Zac?" He ran up the stairs. "Fuck." She got up and followed him. He knew she was there this time as he deliberately slammed the door in her face. She tried the handle but he'd locked it already. "Zac! Open the door!" No answer. "Zac! Fuckin' A Zac, I'm sorry!"

"Please go the fuck away!" Zac quipped.

"Zac, come on, let me in." When he didn't answer, she pounded loudly on the door. "Zac!! I'm sorry! Talk to me!" She continued pounding on the door until finally he got pissed off and opened it.

"You know what," he said, "if you're not going to be supportive of me and believe in me, you can go home. I don't want you here. Stop banging on my door." He shut it again but she slipped in before he did so. He opened the door again. "Get out, Madison."

"Zac, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that but if you just look at the facts, something like this has never happened before! No radical rebel like you has ever persuaded Rush Limbaugh on all of the major news stations in simulcast! It just�it just doesn't happen."

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Ugh you are being so difficult! I'm apologizing here!"

"It doesn't sound like it to me." She gave him a look. "Hey, you still think you're right. I think you're wrong. You're not helping yourself out at all. Get out of here."



She huffed and walked out of the room. He slammed the door behind her. Pissed off, she ran over to Zo�'s room and went into it herself, slamming the door as well. She collapsed onto the small bed on the far side of the room and began to cry. It wasn't long before her door opened and Zac slipped in. She didn't hear it. Eventually she felt his presence and looked over, but huffed and turned away when she saw who it was. He walked over and laid down next to her, putting his arm around her waist. He knew she wouldn't move away.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. She smiled.

"So am I."

"Did you really watch my interview?"

"Of course," she said, turning around to look at him. "Your mother even taped it if you didn't get to see it."

"I'll have to watch that later. Wasn't that such shit the president said afterwards?" She nodded. "Man, if I hadn't been on television I would have gone off on that man for quite a while. He's the biggest moron ever." She smiled.

"One of the stations had a picture in picture view of you while he was talking. It was pretty funny to see your reaction." He groaned and sat up.

"Let's go downstairs." She reluctantly got up and they went down the stairs to the living room. As they approached, the phone began to ring. Zac knit his brows in frustration. "It's Grand fucking Central Station here." He picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Zac?" Zac put a hand to his forehead, closing his eyes. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Yes it is."

"Ah, yes, Mr. Hanson. This is the president." Zac's eyes flew open and he paused. "I watched your telecast." Zac put his hand over his mouth and turned away, his mind yelling at him.

"Oh, really? I�"

"I'll cut to the chase, Mr. Hanson. You're a bright kid, kind of mouthy but you're still bright. I'd like to meet you." He froze.


"Great. Can you get yourself here or will I have to send for you?"

"No, I can get there."

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow, then. Come to the White House about midday." Before Zac could respond he'd hung up and he was left completely confused. He looked over at Madison who was just as confused as he was. He slumped his shoulders and thought about it.

"Who was that?"

"The president," he answered. Her eyes grew in shock. "He wants to meet me tomorrow."

"Why?" she asked.

"I have no idea." He walked to the back of the house where he found his mother just coming in with Zo�. She looked up and smiled. "Hey Mom."

"Hey honey. That was wonderful what you did today. You might have gone a little bit too far with how you bashed our president and all, but it was still very inspiring. I had no idea you were so powerful." Zac nodded, taking the flattery quite well, only because he had other things on his mind.

"Thanks, Mom. By the way, speaking of the president and all�" Diana looked at him expectantly. "He just called. He wants to see me tomorrow."


"He wants to see me. I don't know why but I know I have to go."

"Zac," she warned, "Don't you dare say anything that can get you or us in trouble, you hear me? I know you tend to be a little long-winded when it comes to the president, but you're speaking directly to him, not to somebody else. He has a lot of power; a lot more than you."

"I know, Mom."

"But if he says anything about prolonging the war so he can get rid of the communist regime throughout the world, you talk your pretty little head off, dear." Zac smiled.


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