Chapter Six

Angela spun and found herself in a studio. Rather confused, she looked around. Taylor was sitting in a chair, fiddling with buttons on a large switchboard. Angela walked over and tapped Taylor on the shoulder. He flipped around to find nobody, and realized it had to be Angela. He turned back to the switchboard, trying not to look back. "You didn�t come yesterday."

"I did, but I was on punishment. I talked out of turn and now you�re the only one who can hear me." Taylor smiled. She reached out to touch one of the switches. He must of known, because he slapped her hand. "Hey!"

"Don�t touch." Still surprised he had found her hand, Angela pulled out his ponytail. He rolled his eyes, trying to ignore her. It was hard, he could feel her presence hovering over him.

"I like your hair down," Angela said, not even realizing she said it. Afterwards she was a bit embarrassed. He stopped his progress, his hand reached out to turn a knob. Angela watched as his eyes dropped. "I mean, it looks better that way, uh, you know what I mean."

"Uh, yeah." Angela spun a piece of her hair through her fingers. She had to change the subject, the tension in the room was horrible.

"Whatchya doing?" she asked, looking over the switchboard. It was so huge with so many buttons, how could he know what button did what? It was almost impossible for her to remember what she had for lunch!


"I can see that. But wouldn�t it work better if there was a song playing to edit?" Angela suggested. "You know, maybe it would help. I really don�t know anything about the process." Taylor called her a smartass and flipped on a song. A deep voice filled Angela�s ears, making her jump. "Ahh! Who is that?"

"That�s Zac," Taylor informed. Angela let her mouth drop, and shook her head. Considering the only CD she had was Middle of Nowhere, it was a big change. The last time she heard Zac, he was singing Lucy.

"That is not Zac!" Angela said. "No way!" Taylor gave her an obvious face. "Well Taylor I haven�t heard anything from you people since Middle of Nowhere!" Now Taylor let his mouth drop. Angela figured she would have to tell him about herself. She didn�t want to.


"I hate to say this, but I�m not exactly in the best financial state. When my father died two years ago he kinda took everything with him. And I do mean everything! We, we being me and my mother, lost our possessions. Things are just beginning to look up."

"Oh," Taylor said. He didn�t remember being without a ton of money. "Well why didn�t you say that before? I�ll just send everything home with you. No, actually I think you won�t be able to take things with you." He scratched his head, thinking about what he should do.

"Hey Taylor, here�s a thought! Why don�t you mail it to me?" Angela asked. He nodded and smiled, not having thought about that. She saw some paper and a pen nearby. "Can I use this?" she asked, picking up the pen. Taylor nodded, and she scratched down her address.

"Oh no the pen is moving by itself!" Taylor joked. Angela put a mark on his hand. "And it�s attacking me!" He started laughing at his own statement. Angela shook her head and handed him the paper. "Oh no! Now the�"

"Taylor shut up."

"Fine then. I know when I�m not wanted." Angela wrapped her arms around his neck. "Obviously now isn�t one of those times." He had already gotten used to not being able to see her. He had the feeling of where she stood and was right 99 percent of the time. Throughout the two days that he was actually with her, Taylor had found a loyal friend in Angela.

It was weird for him to be so comfortable around her. He�d never been able to open up to people before, especially people he knew for such a short time as Angela. But with her the feeling was something he�d never known, something he�d never thought of. It was just�right.

"What�s wrong?" Angela asked, sensing the confusing thoughts that Taylor had. She still had her arms around him, and he seemed completely comfortable with the situation.

"Well it�s just that I met you two days ago and it seems like we�ve been friends longer than that. I seem to be so comfortable around you. Normally I�m very closed off around new people."

Angela thought about it. "I guess it�s cause you�re well�I don�t know. Ignore me." He rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! I don�t know everything. I know a lot, but not this."

"But Angela I thought you knew everything!" She groaned. "Oh well. It�s your fault, anyways."

"I try, hun. I really try." She begun to twist his hair, but stopped at his words. "You suck." Taylor didn�t notice the door opening and Isaac walking in.

"Thanks a lot, Angela." Isaac stopped and looked around to find no one. It confused him. With Taylor being secluded and everything, Isaac was beginning to think he was insane. This was his proof.

"Um, Taylor, who are you talking to?" Isaac asked. Taylor�s head shot over, and his eyes grew. Angela tightened her grip on him, whispering for him to make up something. Please make up something.

"Isaac! I was just talking to Angela." With Isaac�s strange look, Taylor figured he had to explain more. "My imaginary friend Angela. You know I don�t have any real friends." Taylor�s eyes dropped, seeming ashamed by the fact. "But Angela likes me. She likes me a lot."

"Taylor�s your sixteen Goddamn years old!" Isaac said. "And I thought your imaginary friend was Bob." Angela started laughing, loudly. Taylor looked to Isaac, then turned back to the switchboard. The look on his face was enough to make Angela laugh even harder.

"Bob died." Taylor took a breath to regain his composure. "He had one too many contaminated Pepsis and now he�s gone." Taylor smiled, perking up. "But now I have Angela! She�s very nice, I want you to meet her but only I can see her. Sorry." Taylor actually sounded believable.

"Just make him go away, Taylor," Angela said, between laughs. She calmed down quickly, and begun to sound serious. "Him being here makes me uneasy. I still think he can hear me. Just get rid of him." But she had to laugh at the whole situation. He was good.

Taylor ignored it and turned back to Isaac. "Angela doesn�t like you, Isaac. I suggest you go away." Isaac looked at his brother, worried. "She said she just likes me cause I�m super special!" Isaac kept his grip on the doorknob, beyond confused.

"Okay�" Isaac let his sentence trail. His worried look grew. "Anyway we�re leaving now. So why don�t you and �Angela� finish up here." It scared Isaac; all of this. He thought Taylor was getting better. By the looks of it, he wasn�t. Isaac started to walk out, mumbling. "Sheesh, and people think I have problems." Once the door was closed, Taylor let out his sigh. Angela hugged him, smiling about the entire incident.


"You shut up! It�s because you were talking that I had to make up the story. I will forever be scarred because of you." Angela gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was comfortable with it. "Let go of me, I don�t like you anymore," he teased.

"Yes you do! Nobody could not like me!" she said, in a tone that almost made Taylor cringe. Too much like the screaming girls he still hadn�t grown accustomed to. It made him uneasy. "Come on, finish up!" He groaned and turned off the switchboard.

"I didn�t get anything done while you were here. I thought you were here to help me, not distract me." She let go of him and opened the door. "Oh no! Now it�s the door opening on it�s own!" Angela groaned.

"You shut up." He got up and grabbed her before walking out the door. Taylor found his brothers and they left. Angela sat on Taylor�s lap in the front. It wasn�t exactly safe, but the back seats were occupied. She noticed that Taylor was once again staring at the stars. "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

"Huh?" Taylor quietly asked.

Angela smiled. "It�s from Batman. I think of it whenever I see someone looking at the stars." She laid against him as the car came to an abrupt stop. Angela covered Taylor�s mouth with her hand when he decided to make a comment. Taylor let his eyes flicker to Angela, and closed his mouth.

"You�re in deep enough with Zac, wait until that�s over before you go yelling at Isaac," she said. She took the hand off his mouth. He opened it again, and she just put her hand over it again. This time he licked her hand. "Taylor! Ew!!" She wiped his on his shirt.

When Taylor started to laugh, he just received another look from his brother.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Index

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