Homeopathy: synopsis

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All you should know about homeopathy

Origins, contemporary homeopathy, preparation and display of the product, clinical trials, official statements, placebos, and much more.

  • Origins.  The German doctor Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann published the homeopathic proposals for the first time in “Organon der Heilkunst”, in 1810. They were extended later in six volumes of “Pure Medical Matter” between 1820 and 1827. At Hahnemann’s time the fact that all living beings are formed by cells was not fully established. Even though M. Malpighi had confrmed the presence of cells in vegetal tissues in 1675 using the microscope, and A. van Leeuwenhoek had described cells and its nucleus in 1719, the definitive cellular theory of living organisms was postulated for plants and animals only in 1838 and 1839, respectively, by M.J. Schleiden and T. Schwann. Hence, at Hahnemann’s time the complex biochemical, physiological, and functional relations of the different organs in the human body at cell level remained unknown. Modern biochemistry, as recognized today, began with the synthesis of urea in 1828 by F. Wöhler, when he proved that organic compounds could also be synthesized out of the living beings, contrary to the generalized believe that these compounds could only be formed inside of them. When Hahnemann published his books, surgeries were carried out without anesthesia (Crawford, 1842), it was not known that microbes were the cause of many illnesses (Pasteur and Koch, 1870) and the role of vitamins in the organism was ignored (Gowland, 1906). Penicillin and antibiotics were unknown (Fleming, 1929); as well as x-rays, radioactivity and genetics, and the present criteria about ethics, clinical trials, biasing, the Evidence-based Medicine and the Cochrane collaboration were not established.1 See details.

  • Contemporary homeopathy. Up today, contemporary homeopaths preserve Hahnemann’s proposals without change, although the homeopathic postulates have nothing to do with the development of physics, chemistry, biology, medical, and any other science in the last 200 years. It has been pointed out that if a doctor of the XIXth century would come to the present day, would have to renew all its knowledge. If a homeopath of the XIXth century would come to the present day, would not have to renew anything.2

  •  Preparation and display of the product.  The homeopathic products form by means of a series of successive dilutions and a manual agitation of the receptacle after every dilution, many times up to a point in which there does not remain practically nothing of the original substance (mother dye) in the final product. They display in similar form to conventional medicines, but usually without specific indications about its form of preparation or real content of the allegedly ‘active’ product (see figure). The usual form of consumption is putting several drops under the tongue. A variant is to add a drop of the final dissolution to a sugar pellet as in Figure 1, to swallow it as a pill.3

  • A paradise for opportunistic.  The preparation features of the homeopathic products build paradisiac conditions for all kinds of opportunisc people. In most cases (concentrations 12CH and higher, allegedly the more potent by homeopaths) there is no way of differentiating a homeopathic product of a simple mixture of mineral water and flavoring, as well in its liquid form or as mixed with sugar. Since in both cases the original substance is practically absent of the fnal product, it is impossible to demonstrate before a court the attempt of swindle by means of chemical analysis, or any other technique. The consumer has no more option that to trust blindly in the one who gives him the product, which in many places sells without supervision of any state agency that guarantees its authenticity (as it happens, on the contrary, with conventional medicines or foods, which most times are subject to strict sanitary regulations).

  • Clinical trials.  The most recent clinical trials (metaanalysis Cochrane) on homeopathy,4 designed to avoid tendentious (biased) results and based on modern criteria about the ethics, the real beneft to the patients and the clear differentiation of the placebo effect,5 do not show real benefts of the homeopathy in any condition beyond the placebo.6


 1. See History of Medicine in wikipedia.org

 2. http://www.geocities.ws/rationalis/homeo-una-ilusion/RCF-2501- 2008-p38.pdf

 3. Ana Portilla Ferreira, Ana Granados. La homeopatía suspende matemáticas in www.geocities.ws/rationalis/homeopatia/2018/Suspende%20matematicas/index.htm

 4. http://www.geocities.ws/rationalis/2019/resumen-clinico/index.htm

 5. http://www.geocities.ws/etica-placebo/bueno-malo-feo/index.htm

 6. Homeopatía in www.geocities.ws/rationalis/














Actualized  09/11/2020

In this link detailed information about all this features: compositions, clinical trials, review articles, references, official statements, nosodes, and much more.

  • Nothing of these were known when Hahnemann made his proposals

  • 1842: Crawford Long realized the first surgery with anesthesia

  • 1865: Gregor Mendel published Experiments on Plant Hybridization, the begin of  genetic studies.

  • 1869 Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA

  • 1870: Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch published the microbial theory on infectious diseases.

  • 1895: Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X rays.

  • 1896: Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity.

  • 1906: Frederick Gowland Hopkins described vitamins and proposed their deficiency as the cause of scurvy and rickets.

  • 1910: Thomas Hunt Morgan showed that gens stay in chromosomes.

  • 1929: Alexander Fleming published the discovery of penicillin in the British J. of Exp. Pathology, giving rise to the antibiotics era

  • 1933: Jean Brachet showed that DNA is in chromosomes and that  RNA is present in the cytoplasm of every cell.

  • 1953: Francis Crick , James D. Watson and Rosalind Franklin discovered the molecular structure of DNA

  • 1980: The WHO officially states the eradication of smallpox, first human disease to be  completely defeated.

  • 1990: The Human Genome Project is created with the mission of set de relative position of all nucleotides (or base pairs) an identify the 20.000 - 25.000 gens in it. The project was finished in 2003.

  • 1992: The “Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group” (EBMWG) from  McMaster University, in Ontario,  published in the JAMA journal the article titled: Evidence-based medicine. A new approach to teaching the practice of medicine, introducing the present concept of  medicine based on evidence.

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