Sometime in the near future, the world has just gone to shit.

Joe the DriverChaim Bianco’s upcoming techno-“noir”-thriller Split tells the story of Joe, a man with two lives, both of which suck. In one, he’s a corporate drone; in the other, a driver for a sadistic pimp named “Mom”. Hating both these lives, Joe formulates a plan: kill the boss, get the girl, take the money. This won’t be so easy, though. As Mom employs a personal bodyguard in the shape of Cyclops, a terrifically dangerous psycho missing an eye, an ear, part of her face and all of her conscience.

I first caught wind of Split in the second issue of the Draculina magazine Scan, in an article written by the film’s co-star and co-producer, Debbie Rochon. As many b-movie fans are all-too aware, Debbie is a lovely young woman and talented actress. In Split, she plays Cyclops.

A few months later, I caught my first glimpse of Split in the form of an extended trailer Debbie was playing at her table at The Zombie Jamboree in New York. In short, Split looks – and you will please pardon my language here – fucking incredible. Debbie Rochon as Cyclops

With dizzying camera-work and a production design that will bring a tear to your eye, Split looked like a whacked-out, ultra-violent film-noir. Brazil meets Murder, My Sweet meets the last ten minutes of Taxi Driver. I’m now dying for more.

It is the obligation of everyone visiting this page to rush over to the official Split website at and check out the stills and artwork for themselves. Then, all visitors should dig deep into their pockets and send Chaim Bianco a dollar, to help him finish Split so that I can see it. (You can all see it too, but it is more important that I see it.)

It’s things like Split that make me breathe a sigh of relief for the state of independent film. Movies with truly unique visions, where the creators struggle to complete their films against all odds and credit bureaus. Movies that employ genuinely talented actors that are not afraid to take on challenging roles.

Alright, I’m off my soapbox. Go bug Chaim now.

Mom Cyclops and a victim


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