Jesus, could you make the heading any freakin' bigger?

HOLLYWOOD IS BURNING will consider reviews that adhere to the following rules:

1. The review MUST be of an independent film (oh, okay, it has to be related to independent film, and can be a show, a magazine, what the hell.).

2. It must be a serious and honest review, not a slam-piece. Just saying, "this sucks" and "that's a piece of shit", is not a review. Tell us why it sucks or why it's a piece of shit.

3. Spelling and grammar count. If you don't know the difference between "you're" and "your", don't bother us. (Hey, we don't want the fans of indie films to look like idiots either.)

4. Try and provide as much information about the production as possible. At least the names of a couple of actors, the writer, director, etc. We need to know who to look for/avoid.

Please try to provide links to the film or filmmakers' website, if possible. This isn't a requirement, but it makes our work easier.

Finally, all reviews submitted to HOLLYWOOD IS BURNING are done so voluntarily. We cannot provide compensation for unsolicited submissions. We also reserve the right to edit pieces for space and content (but we're writers ourselves, so we're pretty liberal when it comes to editing). By submitting to HOLLYWOOD IS BURNING, you are granting us the non-exclusive electronic rights to your piece, enabling us to display and/or archive your piece for the life of the website.

Please submit your review to: Hollywood is Burning with "REVIEW" in the subject heading.

Looking forward to 'em!

...What a great big lie.


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