Anne Day-Jones as Patsy, a nurse with a small problem

Patsy has a yen for Doctor Dox, the handsome new resident at the hospital. But, then again, so does the beautiful and rotten Nurse Goodie Tushuze. But then Patsy becomes a zombie. All of a sudden, the odds of winning the good doctor just might be in Patsy's favor.

Graveyard Alive: A Zombie Nurse In Love is the first feature-length film from Montreal-based Bastard Amber Productions. The all-female team behind this film are comprised of producers Patricia Gomez and Andrea Stark, and writer/director Elza Kephart. We got the chance to meet Andrea and Elza in Syracuse, New York, when they showed the trailer for Graveyard Alive at Ron Bonk's B-Movie Film Festival (and afterward, Ron took us all to the NY State Fair, where we rode go-karts and saw the "Little Rascals" butter sculpture, but that's a story for another time). Let me just say that Graveyard Alive is destined for cult status.

Shot for just $25,000 Canadian, the Bastard Amber ladies have crafted a dark and beautiful film about the battle of the sexes, where the heroine is not only sexually-empowered, but also the monster. Plus, it was shot in glorious black and white and (get this) 35mm Techniscope (fucking Techniscope!!) -- and if you aren't impressed by that, let's just say that this format of film hasn't been utilized to any great degree for at least ten years, and results in a much wider image than the normal 2.1:1 "widescreen" aspect ratio.

(I think most of you know what I'm talking about -- though some of you are sitting there saying "I was with you until you threw in the numbers". I sympathise with you; I used to do optical printing for a living and I'm still not sure exactly what all that gobbledygook means.)

At any rate, once it's finished, Graveyard Alive has a guaranteed spot at the prestigious Fantasia Film Festival, which is no mean feat. Keep an eye out for an interview with Elza and Andrea in an upcoming issue of Femme Fatale Magazine, (by yours truly, he said, never missing a chance to give himself a plug). And for more information, be sure to check out their official site:

Directing Samantha Slan


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