A Spiritual Life

Is it for everyone?

Remember: you are not a human being seeking a spiritual experience : but spirit seeking a human experience"

Who is a spiritual person? A person who is connected: who is on the path to becoming aware of all those different "parts" that make us up: our desires, needs, compulsions, intuitions; our body, thoughts, emotions, relationships, inspirations.

Where are the Lightworkers? They are everywhere. They do all kinds of discernible jobs. They look like everyone else.
If you look closer, they relate a little more deeply to people around them, and seem at once more inwardly and outwardly focussed.
Whatever they may do, they really seem to spread Light around them

Did you encounter that cleaner in the hospital? In the odd hours of hospital routine, while Doctors and nurses reviewed patients' status, the cleaner would go in to mop out a room, greet the patient and visitors with a cheery smile or a word, and cleanse in a few minutes the room and the auras around. People would feel just that much lighter of spirit.

"Am I ready to live a spiritual life? Maybe when I'm older, have more time, and nothing much to achieve. Won't my life become dull and boring? I don't want to become serious, and lose all joy of life. Spiritual pursuits are for those who are sad and unhappy. "

These are not unusual feelings. This is a fear of the ego, that beautiful part of us that struggles to make us relate to the world of sensation and people. The ego fears to lose its identity, and thus be lost.
Could anything be further from the truth? When you decide to "live a spiritual life", you decide to acknowledge that little inner voice that oft went unheard. That could in turns surprise you or make you feel discomfited. That kept up its sound till it was more uncomfortable to ignore it than to listen to it. Listening to that voice will re-arrange your priorities and widen your perspective. It will help you to bring together your feelings, desires, attitudes, gut-feels-- in a way that makes you feel whole. And then it will lead you up the Path...

When you feel whole, you feel relaxed, happy, light-hearted, better able to enjoy yourself and laugh and also long to meditate. Dualities between fun and seriousness, child-likeness and maturity, material and spiritual-- begin to get resolved.

[Interconnected life] [Healing]

[Learning & Teaching] [Spiritual Life]
[Growing] [Parenting] [Working]

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�Meenakshi Suri 1997

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