Things I Am Responsible For


What we have here is very simple: various things that I am guilty of creating, or have helped to create. I will gradually put all sorts of stuff up here, probably one new thing per update, until I have no more left in my stash of stuff. Then I will only update as I have new things created which I think one of you will find interesting.

New Stuff

Antic 19 -- The nineteenth installment in the "Antics" series created by John and myself.


Antics is a drawning game for two players. The idea is for the first player to draw a person reacting to some invisible circumstance. Then, the second player takes on the responsibility of drawing in those circumstances in some surprising, silly, or otherwise comical way. Thus, the game is an improvisational game of one player setting up a gag and the other delivering a punchline, but it is done visually with pen and paper. The following pictures are examples of the game as played between John and myself. The link will take you to the original picture I drew. Then, click on the picture to see how John filled in the visual punchline.

Antic 1
Antic 2
Antic 3
Antic 4
Antic 5
Antic 6
Antic 7
Antic 8
Antic 9
Antic 10
Antic 11
Antic 12
Antic 13
Antic 14
Antic 15
Antic 16
Antic 17
Antic 18


Fusion Comic 1 -- A comic I made in a "fusion comic" project for my forum. I could give you some context, but I like it better without any.
Fusion Comic 2 -- A comic I made in a "fusion comic" project for my forum. This one stands a little better on its own than my other fusion comic. It takes place entirely in the dark because I was too lazy to put together actual pictures for the panels. The two characters are supposed to be on a powerless space cruiser.
Comic the First -- It's the first comic! Of what, I don't know. But it certainly is the first. John drew it; I scanned it, touched it up and colored it.


Simulator -- This is a little script I wrote with John, and which partially appeared in Lagniappe. What you may have seen in stage, however, is only half of what we originally intended. Here is the skit in its fully glory!


Math Team Poster 1 -- The first math team poster campaign poster I made. I told the truth and laid out a good plan for what I'd go about doing as co-head. I didn't win.
Math Team Poster 2 -- The second math team poster campaign poster I made. I made sensationalist claims, misspellings, and promises I couldn't keep. I won.
Dance Pad Instructions -- When I got my first pair of DDR pads, I was so entertained by the dance pad instructions that I felt compelled to scan them and make a wallpaper. It's funny. Trust me.
Drop in the Bucket -- Extrodinarily easy to create? Perhaps. Cool lookin'? I think so.
Lens Flares Are Cool -- My current wallpaper. And for all you lens flare nay-sayers, I say nay to your nay-saying! NAY!
Metroid Prime -- This was my background for the longest time. Then I changed it because I felt having the same game on my desktop for a year was a bit much.
Black Hole of Photoshop -- This is what happens when I get really bored.


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