1933蛇蝎美人案(The Case of the Velvet Claws)
1934暴躁的女孩(The Case of the Sulky Girl)
1934幸運腿(The Case of the Lucky Legs)
1934狂吠之犬(The Case of the Howling Dog)
1934怪新娘(The Case of the Curious Bride)
1935義眼殺人事件(The Case of the Counterfeit Eye)
1935管理員的貓(The Case of the Caretaker's Cat)
1936夢遊者的姪女(The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece)
1936口吃的主教(The Case of the Stuttering Bishop)
1937危險的富孀(The Case of the Dangerous Dowager)
1937跛腳的金絲雀(The Case of the Lame Canary)
1938面具事件(The Case of the Subsitute Face)
1938竊貨者的鞋(The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe)
1939作偽證的鸚鵡(The Case of the Perjured Parrot)
1939滾動的骰子(The Case of the Rolling Bones)
1940上餌的釣鉤(The Case of the Baited Hook)
1940沈默的股東(The Case of the Silent Partner)
1941受蠱的丈夫(The Case of the Haunted Husband)
1941空罐事件(The Case of the Empty Tin)
1942溺死的鴨(The Case of the Drowning Duck)
1942冒失的小貓(The Case of the Careless Kitten)
1943掩埋的鐘(The Case of the Buried Clock)
1943蚊惑(The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito)
1944傾斜的燭火(The Case of the Crooked Candle)
1944黑髮女郎(The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde)
1944黑金魚(The Case of the Golddigger's Purse)
1945半睡半醒的妻子(The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife)
1946第五個褐髮女人(The Case of the Borrowed Brunette)
1947脫衣舞孃的馬(The Case of the Fandancer's Horse)
1947懶惰的愛人(The Case of the Lazy Lover)
1948寂寞的女繼承人(The Case of the Lonely Heiress)
1948放浪的少女(The Case of the Vagabond Virgin)
1949猶疑的新郎(The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom)
1949謹慎的風塵女子(The Case of the Cautious Coquette)
1950粗心的美女(The Case of the Negligent Nymph)
1950獨眼證人(The Case of the One-Eyed Witness)
1951變亮的手指(The Case of the Fiery Fingers)
1951憤怒的哀悼者(The Case of the Angry Mourner)
1952蟲蛀的貂皮大衣(The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink)
1952嘲笑的大猩猩(The Case of the Grinning Gorilla)
1953猶豫的女主人(The Case of the Hesitant Hostess)
1953綠眼女人(The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister)
1954消失的護士(The Case of the Fugitive Nurse)
1954逃亡的屍體(The Case of the Runaway Corpse)
1954不服貼的紅髮(The Case of the Restless Redhead)
1955艷鬼(The Case of the Glamorous Ghost)
1955日光浴者的日記(The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary)
1955膽小的共犯(The Case of the Nervous Accomplice)
1956最後的法庭(The Case of the Terrified Typist)
1956拘謹的被告(The Case of the Demure Defendant)
1956金百合事件(The Case of the Gilded Lily)
1957幸運的失敗者(The Case of the Lucky Loser)
1957尖叫的女人(The Case of the Screaming Woman)
1957大膽的誘餌(The Case of the Daring Decoy)
1958長腿模特兒(The Case of the Long Legged Models)
1958任性的女人(The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll)
1958日曆女郎(The Case of the Calendar Girl)
1959可怕的玩具(The Case of the Deadly Toy)
1959死亡圍巾(The Case of the Mythical Monkeys)
1959歌唱的裙子(The Case of the Singing Skirt)
1960半路埋伏的狼(The Case of the Waylaid Wolf)
1960複製的女兒(The Case of the Duplicate Daughter)
1960倩影(The Case of the Shapely Shadow)
1961坐輪椅的女人(The Case of the Spurious Spinster)
1961重婚的丈夫(The Case of the Bigamous Spouse)
1962頑抗的模特兒(The Case of the Reluctant Model)
1962淺色的礦脈(The Case of the Blonde Bonanza)
1962冰冷的手(The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands)
1963淘氣的娃娃(The Case of the Mischievous Doll)
1963繼女的秘密(The Case of the Stepdaughter's Secret)
1963戀愛中的伯母(The Case of the Amorous Aunt)
1964莽撞的離婚婦人(The Case of the Daring Divorcee)
1964虛幻的幸運(The Case of the Phantom Fortune)
1964不安的遺產繼承人(The Case of the Horrifed Heir)
1965困擾的受託人(The Case of the Troubled Trustee)
1965漂亮的乞丐(The Case of the Beautiful Begger)
1966憂心的女侍(The Case of the Worried Waitress)
1967選美大會的女王(The Case of the Queenly Contestant)
1968粗心的愛神(The Case of the Careless Cupid)
1969了不起的騙子(The Case of the Fabulous Fake)
1971The Case of the Crimson Kiss
1971The Case of the Crying Swallow
1972The Case of the Irate Witness
1972被圍困的女人(The Case of the Fenced-In Woman)
1973擱置的謀殺案(The Case of the Postponed Murder)

1939初出茅廬破大案(The Bigger They Come)
1940險中取勝(Turn on the Heat)
1940黃金的秘密(Gold Comes in Bricks)
1941拉斯維加,錢來了(Spill the Jackpot)
1941一翻兩瞪眼(Double or Quits)
1942變!失蹤的女人(Owls Don't Blink)
1942變色的色誘(Bats fly at dusk)
1943黑夜中的貓群(Cats Prowl at Night)
1944約會的老地方(Give 'Em the Ax)
1946鑽石的殺機(Crows Can't Count)
1947給她點毒藥吃(Fools Die on Friday)
1949都是勾搭惹的禍(Bedrooms Have Windows)
1952億萬富翁的歧途(Top of the Heap)
1953女人等不及了(Some Women Won't Wait)
1956曲線美與痴情郎(Beware the Curves)
1957欺人太甚(You Can Die Laughing)
1957見不得人的隱私(Some Slips Don't Show)
1958探險家的嬌妻(The Count of Nine)
1959富貴除中求(Pass the Gravy)
1960女人豈是好惹(Kept Women Can't Quit)
1961寂寞的單身漢(Bachelors Get Lonely)
1961躲在暗處的女人(Shills Can't Cash Chips)
1962財色之間(Try Anything Once)
1963女秘書的秘密(Fish or Cut Bait)
1964老千計,狀元才(Up For Grabs)
1965金屋藏嬌的煩惱(Cut Thin to Win)
1966迷人的寡婦(Widows Wear Weeds)
1967巨款的誘惑(Traps Need Fresh Bait)
1970逼出來的真相(All Grass Isn't Green)

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1937The D. A. Calls It Murder
1938The D. A. Hold a Candle
1939The D. A. Draws a Circle
1940The D. A. Goes to Trial
1942The D. A. Cooks a Goose
1944The D. A. Calls a Turn
1946The D. A. Breaks a Seal
1948The D. A. Takes a Chance
1949The D. A. Breaks an Egg