Junkers Flugzeugf�hrerschule
( --- )


Main Business:
Commercial Pilot Training

Management Positions:


Company Development:
The challenges of commercial airline operations became more and more important in the mid 20s. Initial night flights and the idea of an airline winter operation in foggy and rainy weather asked for well trained pilots. To ensure their own pilot qualifications, Junkers Luftverkehrs A.G. established a commercial pilot school at Dessau in 1925.

It seems as if that pilot school was not absorbed with Lufthansa, but was later added to the Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule in Berlin, which was also established in 1925.

4th December 2004
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
at http://www.junkers.de.vu
� Horst Zoeller, Germany, August 1996
[email protected]

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