Junkers J 9
- Museum and Survivor Aircraft -

Junkers D-I (Replica, museum closed, probably sold)
Aero Replica Fighter Museum
Lake Guntersville, U.S.A.
Museum Homepage
Museum Email

Serial no.:
Built in:

Junkers J9/D-I


I got the information, that at Lake Guntersville Fighter Museum, also a J9 could be found. This aircraft seems to be replica, but I am still looking for a confirmation of that information. The collection should have been built up by a man named Ryder, who died a few years ago.

The Replica Fighter Museum is closed. After the death of Frank Ryder the museum's assets have been sold to a number of people. No info, where the J9 replica currently is.

Further reading at the WWW:
Uncle Fuku (Japanese, but lots of images from the museum)

28th December 2002
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
at http://www.junkers.de.vu
� Horst Zoeller, Germany, Nov. 1996
[email protected]

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