Badische Luftverkehrs GmbH
( --- )

B.L.G. Flightplan of 1925
(c) Time Table Images

22nd December 1923 at Karlsruhe

Hugo Junkers (since 1925)
Province of Baden

Management Positions:

Frankfurt - Karlsruhe - Stuttgart

Company Development:

Badische Luftverkehrs GmbH was founded on December, 22nd 1923 in Karlsruhe. Junkers delivered two F13 aircraft to this airline and took shares of the 300.000 Mark capital. On 9th May 1925 the traffic rights were issued by the Reichsverkehrsministery for the route from Frankfurt, via Karlsruhe to Stuttgart. Additional to the two F13s Badische Luftverkehrs GmbH used also two Focke-Wulf A16, which were delivered in 1925.

It seems, as if regular flights were not started in 1925. In 1926 BLG was integrated into Luft Hansa. Luft Hansa took over the 11% shareholding capital from Junkers.

BLG was the second airline in Germany, which used that name. Already in 1919 Badische Luftverkehrs GmbH was founded in Loerrach, but this company was dissolved in 1921, when the Allies confiscated all aircraft.

Further Reading:

8th July 2005
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
� Horst Zoeller, Germany, July 2005
[email protected]

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