Featured Book Reviews

Recommend Western Literature

Sylvia Brownrigg, The Metaphysical Touch
"He was the subject of a conversation he never even knew about."

Ana Castillo, The Guardians
"It was raining all night hard and heavy, making the land shiver -- all the bare ocotillo and all the prickly pear."

Willa Cather, My �ntonia
"Last summer, in a season of intense heat, Jim Burden and I happened to be crossing Iowa on the same train."

Ivan Doig, Bucking the Sun
"Selfmade men always do a lopsided job of it, and the sheriff had come out conspicuously short on the capacity to sympathize with anyone but himself."

David Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars
"The accused man, Kabuo Miyamoto, sat proudly upright with a rigid grace, his palms placed softly on the defendant's table--the posture of a man who has detached himself insofar as this is possible at his own trial."

Jon Hassler, Staggerford
"First hour, Miles yawned."

Jean Hegland, Into the Forest: A Novel
"It's strange, writing these first words, like leaning down into the musty stillness of a well and seeing my face peer up from the water -- so small and from such an unfamiliar angle I'm startled to realize the reflection is my own."

Barbara Kingsolver, The Bean Trees
"I have been afraid of putting air in a tire ever since I saw a tractor tire blow up and throw Newt Hardbine's father over the top of the Standard Oil sign."

Maxine Hong Kingston, Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book
"Maybe it comes from living in San Francisco, city of clammy humors and foghorns that warn and warn--omen, o-o-men, o dolorous omen, o dolors of omens--and not enough sun, but Whitman Ah Sing considered suicide every day."

Anne Lamott, Rosie
"There were many things about Elizabeth Ferguson that the people of Bayview disliked."

William Least Heat-Moon, Blue Highways: A Journey into America
"Beware thoughts that come in the night."

N. Scott Momaday, House Made of Dawn
"The river lies in a valley of hills and fields."

John Nichols, The Magic Journey
"Forty years before the Pueblo electricity scam rocked Chamisaville a year after April Delaney had returned home to resurrect an embarrassingly radical newspaper called the El Clar�n, April's father Dale Rodey McQueen, a sometime prizefighter, medicine-oil hustler, cowpuncher, flesh peddler, and general all-around energetic ne'er-do-well from Muleshoe, Texas, entered Chamisaville seated behind the wheel of a rattletrap school bus riddled with bullet holes."

O. E. R�lvaag, Giants in the Earth
"Bright, clear sky over a plain so wide that the rim of the heavens cut down on it around the entire horizon. . . . Bright, clear sky, to-day, to-morrow, and for all time to come."

Jane Smiley, A Thousand Acres
"At sixty miles per hour, you could pass our farm in a minute, on County Road 686, which ran due north into the T intersection at Cabot Street Road."

Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose
"Now I believe they will leave me alone."

John Steinbeck, East of Eden
"The Salinas Valley is in Northern California."

James Welch, Fools Crow
"Now that the weather had changed, the moon of the falling leaves turned white in the blackening sky and White Man's Dog was restless."
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JST, e-mail [email protected]
Created 3 December 1997 / Updated 19 October 2007

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