Dragonball Z


Series Info

One of Akira Toriyama's successful mangas, Dragonball was first shown in the weekly magazine, Shonen Jump in Japan in the mid-'80s, and a TV series soon followed. The immensely popular Dragonball series is actually a loose trilogy consisting of Dragonball, Dragonball Z and finally Dragonball GT (not yet shown in the country). The whole series has about 500+ TV Episodes , 4 Dragonball Movies, 13 Dragonball Z Movies, and 2 Dragonball Z TV Specials. It was aired in the country by RPN-9 (English), and then by GMA-7(Dubbed).
The first chapter of the trilogy, Dragonball dealt with chibi-Goku's(child-Goku's) adventures, the enemies were not as powerful as in the next two chapters of the series. It is when he first met Buruma (Bulma), daughter of the owner of Capsule Corp., that the adventure began. They met Yamcha and Poor, Master Butan and Krillin in their quest to collect the seven dragonballs. Son Goku and Krillin trained under Master Butan and then they joined the 21st. Martial Arts Tournament, which was won by Master Butan in a disguise by defeating Goku (he uses for first time in combat the Kamehameha technique). Afterward Goku tangles with the RED RIBBON Army and fight an array of strong fighters including General Blue and Taoo Pai Pai(Kao Pai Tek), the world famous assassin. After defeating various enemies, Goku and Krillin once again joins the 22nd. Martial Arts Tournament. Tenshinhan, a three eyed warrior and student of Tsuru-sennin(Hermit Crane also Tao Pai Pai's brother and Master Butan's rival) first met Goku here. The finals was between Goku and Tenshinhan was very exciting and was won by Tenshinhan by a "lucky strike". After the tournament, Goku fought his greatest nemesis in this chapter, Piccolo Dai Maku. He defeats him after drinking the "holy water" at Master Karin's tower, but Piccolo Dai maku was able to transfer all his powers to his "son" Piccolo Mayunia (Piccolo Jr.). Goku was trained by Kame-sama in his temple for three years to prepare him against Piccolo Jr. In the 23 Martial Arts Tournament, Goku, who grew up fought Piccolo in the finals, each warrior giving their all. Goku finally won the tournament after a long drawn battle and marries Chichi afterwards.
SAIYAJIN SAGA. In the second chapter, Dragonball Z, the storyline became more serious, the fighting styles has vastly improved and the characters reached incredible power levels. The story started with Goku's son, Gohan getting lost in the woods, after finding him they fly to Master Butan's house to be introduced, this starts the Saiyajin Saga. This is where Goku's brother, Raditz (KI = 1200) entered. He revealed Goku's true origins, that he was a Saiyan, a fierce warrior race and that his mission was to totally annihilate Earth's population so that the planet can be sold to Freeza. Goku (KI = 420)teamed up with Piccolo(KI = 420) and fought Raditz, but they told him about the secret of the 7 dragonballs. They defeated him but at a price, Goku died, and Raditz, before dying himself told them that there were two more Saiyans who were more powerful than him. This shocked the survivors and found themselves training hard for the coming fight. Gohan(KI = 710) was trained by Piccolo for a year, while Goku trained with Kaioh-sama where he learns the "kaioken" and the "genkidama" techniques. The Saiyans arrived after a year, our heroes fought with them 'till Goku was revived. Yamcha(KI = 1150) was killed by a Saibaiman(KI = 1200), Chaozu(KI = 1050), Tenshinhan(KI = 1800) and Piccolo(KI = 3200) were killed by Nappa(KI = 4000), then Goku (Ki = 30000) arrives and kills Nappa easily, which surprised the Saiyan prince, Vegeta(KI = 18000). Vegeta and Goku fought to a stalemate, until Vegeta uses his Ohazaru(KI = 180000) form and pulverized Goku. The situation looked helpless until Yajirobe cut off Ohazaru Vegeta's tail and he was transformed back to normal. Krillin could have killed him, but Goku told him to spare Vegeta. Vegeta left vowing to defeat Goku next time. Since Piccolo was killed, Kame-sama died and the dragonballs lost its ability to grant wishes. The survivors decided to go to planet Namek with Kame-sama's ship to find the Namecusein dragonball to revive Piccolo. Gohan, Krillin and Bulma were tasked to go, while Goku recovers from his battle injuries.
FREEZA SAGA. In Namek, Krillin and company realized that they were not alone in looking for the dragonballs, a fully recovered Vegeta (Ki = 24000) was there too, and his former "master", the hideously malevolent, Freeza ( Ki = 536000) and his forces. They were looking for the dragonballs to have eternal life, Freeza already have five of the dragonballs. Dodoria, one of Freeza's bodyguards revealed to Vegeta that the Saiyan planet,Vegeta was not destroyed by a meteor impact but was annihilated by Freeza to contain the Saiyans growing powers ( A story was aired as a TV special regarding this storyline, here Goku's father, Barduk, a leader of a team of Saiyan warriors was given a vision that his planet will soon be destroyed, but his son will one day avenge their deaths, he found this hard to believe, because Goku who was then newly born had a ki of only 3. Only when Barduk's team was annihilated by Freeza's troops he realized that the threat is real and urged all the Saiyans to defend their planet. The other Saiyans just laughed at him so alone, Barduk faced Freeza and his forces but failed to stop him. Before he died, he was consoled to learn that his son's capsule was on its way to Earth and was safe, and will fight Freeza soon to avenge all Saiyans. Coola, Freeza's stronger brother was watching the capsule but spared it because the ki of the passenger was insignificant, this proved to be a fatal error on his part. Vegeta who was just a kid was spared together with a not-so-bald Nappa and Raditz, because they on another planet on a mission for Freeza.).Vegeta who already have one dragonball disposes of Freeza's bodyguard, Dodoria(KI = 21500) easily, but had a hard time with Sabon(KI = 23000) (Sarah). Meanwhile Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Yamcha and Chaozu were training with Kaioh-sama. Krillin and Dende, a Namek kid they saved, went to the Great Namek Elder, Saichourou to secure the last dragonball, the old Namek "awakens" Krillin's hidden powers. Freeza now calls in his "special force", also called "Ginyu Force", to bring KI scanners and to recover all the remaining dragonballs. With Vegeta, fully recovered from his bout with Sabon, managed to steal Freeza's 5 dragonballs and hid them away in a lake. He then kills Sabon and takes Krillin's dragonball. Fortunately, Gohan recovers Vegeta's first dragonball and left with Krillin to go to the Namek elder's house. They were followed by Vegeta, who threatened them, but changes his mind and allied with Krillin and Gohan when they all felt that the Ginyu Special Force (Gurdo(KI = 13000), Rikum(KI = 35000), Botter(KI = 34000), Jeeze(KI = 33500) and Capt. Ginyu) had arrived in Namek. They quickly tried to gather all seven dragonballs but were too late. they were forced to fight the Ginyu forces. Vegeta easily killed Gurdo when he was about to kill Krillin and Gohan, then the three were beaten by Rikum. Rikum was about to finish Gohan when Goku arrives and paralyses Rikum with one shot. Then he paralyses Botter too, which sent Jeeze to flee for help. He came back with Gi New (Ki = 120000)and they fought fiercely. When Goku increased his ki to 150,000 both Ginyu warriors were scared. Then Capt Ginyu damages his body and used his special technique to exchange his body with Goku's. more...


Dramatis Personae
Name: Son Goku/ Kakarotto
Race: Saiyan-jin
Background: Son Goku was sent by the Saiya-jin race to wipe out all living creatures on Earth, but an accident occured and when Goku bumped his head, he became good-natured instead of the normal warlike Saiyan. He was found by a reknowned martial artist, Son Gohan, who trained the young Goku in the fightng arts, later he trained under various masters(including North Kaioh) and learned incredible techniques which he used in defending the planet he was once tasked to destroy.
Name: Son Gohan
Race: Saiyan-jin/ Human
Background: He is Son Goku's first son, and a powerful warrior in his own right, unlike his father, he does not relish fighting but when things get tough, you can depend on him. He was trained by Piccolo Jr. when he was a kid and he wore Namek clothes proudly. He wore the Saiyaman costume to disguise himself when he was studying at Orange Highschool, but was discovered by his classmate Videl who later became his wife. They have a daughter named Pan.
Name: Vegeta
Race: Saiyan-jin
Background: He is the heir to the Saiya-jin throne, and used to serve under Freeza, but only to learn more techniques and then he will overthrow him. He went to Earth looking for the dragonballs to gain immortality, but lost to the defenders of Earth. He then teamed-up with Goku and the others in the height of the Freeza saga to defeat Freeza, from then on he became a reluctant hero defending the planet he once wanted to destroy. His only goal now is to best Son Goku in combat.
Name: Piccolo Jr.
Race: Namecusein
Background: He is Piccolo Daimoh's "son", and is Son Goku's archrival, till the arrival of the Saiyans, then he decided to help defend the planet against numerous foes and even fused with Kame to become a Super Namek. He is now among the heroes defending Earth against evil. He is capable of regenerating his body and can manipulate his size and "grow".
Name: Tenshinhan
Race: Human
Background: He is Tsurusennin's best student and was Goku's rival in Dragonball. He is the second-strongest human among the Z-warriors, and has three eyes. He now lives with Chao-zu and is among the defenders of Earth.
Name: Yamcha
Race: Human
Background: He was once Goku's enemy who was afraid of girls, until he met Buruma, whom he had a brief relation with. He fought together with the other Z warriors to defend the Earth. He did not train much after the encounter with the Saiyajins, knowing he couldnot compete with such incredible power levels yet remains a capable fighter.
Name: Krillin
Race: Human
Background: He is the best human fighter having fought both Vegeta and Freeza, though his powers tapered down later in the series. He is Goku's best friend and trained alongside him since the day they met. He married Android 18 and have a kid daughter named Marron.
Name: Chaozu
Race: Human
Background: He is one of Tsurusennin's students and is Tenshinhan's best friend and companion. He has telepathic and telekinetic abilities.
Name: Buruma (Bulma)
Race: Human
Background: The brilliant daughter of the inventor of Capsule Corporation, she created the dragon radar which can detect the presence of the dragonballs. She was the one who taught Goku the importance of the dragonballs. She had a relationship with Yamcha, but later married Vegeta and had a son name Trunks and a daughter named Bra. She is quite good with anything electromechanical, even if it comes from an alien race.
Name: Chichi
Race: Human
Background: She is the naive, but headstrong daughter of Gyuumao(Ox-Satan), and she promised Goku that they will be married someday. She has two sons by Goku, Gohan and Goten.
Name: Kamesenin (Master Butan, Hermit Turtle)
Race: Human
Background: He's an old lecherous man but is a world reknowned martial artist who trained the child Goku and Krillin, then trained Yamcha, Tenshinhan and Chaozu as well. Kame usually spends his time trying to get a peek at women. He is usually accompanied by Umi-game, his pet turtle who tries in vain to keep Kame in line.
Name: Kame-sama(God)
Race: Namecusein
Background: He is Piccolo Daimoh's half-life, the good part of his being and is the Earth guardian. He fused with Piccolo Jr. during the Cell series to increase their chances of wining against the then incomplete Cell.
Name: Kaioh Shin(North Kaioh)
Race: ???
Background: The Guardian God of this dimension, who lives at the end of the Snake Way on a little planet, he taught Goku the Kaioh-ken and the Genkidama techniques, and how to appreciate good jokes as well. He then trained Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Yamcha and Chaozu in the later series. He lives with his pet monkey Baburusu and pupil Gregory. Using his antenae he is able to locate and communicate with others from a great distance, and often gives the Z warriors helpful advice.
Name: Freeza
Race: ???
Background: Freeza is an enigmatic entity feared throughout the galaxy even by the powerful Saiyans. He ruled entire star systems and could destroy them with a blink of an eye. He has a brother who is more powerful than him named Coola. He went insane with impotent rage when he lost to Super Saiyan Goku and for the first time tasted defeat at the hands of a "lower being". He returned to Earth to exact revenge, as a cyborg with his father, King Cold, only to be defeated by Future Trunks.
Name: Trunks
Race: Saiyan-jin/ Human
Background: He is Vegeta and Buruma's son and a powerful warrior in his own right. There are two Trunks in the DB Universe, the first one is called Future Trunks, who came 14 years from the future(Cell Saga). He returned from an alternate future to give medicine to an ailing Goku, and warned them about the androids that were created by Dr. Gero. He died at the hands of Perfect Cell later in the series but was resurrected by the dragonballs and went back to his own timeline and defeated the androids and the Cell there. The second Trunks--called Chibi-Trunks was born before the Future Trunks was to go back to his timeline. As a kid he teamed up with Son Goten and formed fusion Gotenks to help defeat the evil Majin-buu. He later went with chibi-Goku and Pan in their "Grand Tour" adventures in DBGT.
Name: Android 16
Race: n/a
Background: One of Dr, Gero's creations, he was based on a human model,is completely mechanical and was never meant to be activated. He is the most powerful of Gero's three androids. He was labelled as flawed since he values all living things rather than destroy them. He was destroyed at the hands of Perfect Cell, fueling Son Gohan's rage.
Name: Android 17
Race: n/a
Background: One of Dr. Gero's creations, this arrogant young kid destroyed his creator and then went on to fulfill his programming, to destroy Son Goku, until he was absorbed by Cell. He returned in Dragonball GT, to fuse with an alternate dimension Android 17 to form Super 17 but was defeated by Goku with the help of Android 18.
Name: Android 18
Race: n/a
Background: She is Android 17's twin sister and is created from a human base. She has identical speed and strength with his brother. She followed #17 in his mission to destroy Goku, but was absorbed by Cell. She married Krillin after Cell was defeated and had a daughter, Marron.
Name: Cell
Race: n/a
Background: Dr. Gero's ultimate creation. Created from the cell's of the world's greatest fighters, he can use any technique, moves and abilities of these fighters. He was destroyed at the hands of SSJ2 Gohan.
Name: Mr.Satan
Race: Human
Background: The self-proclaimed World Martial Arts champion, he's a wuss, and a loser, and provides comic relief throughout the series, though, he had a great contribution to the defeat of the evil Majin-buu.
Name: Son Goten
Race: Saiyan-jin/ Human
Background: He is Goku's second son, he is more like his dad, he's carefree and naive but has a strong sense of justice. He teams up with Trunks usually to form the fusion "Gotenks".
Name: Videl
Race: Human
Background: She is Mr. Satan's daughter and Gohans's wife. They have a daughter named Pan. She also teamed up before with Gohan and was known as "Great Saiyaman II".
Name: Dende
Race: Namecusein
Background: He is Saichourou's 108th child and is a member of the Dragon Tribe, he replaced Kame-sama(after he fused with Piccolo Jr. as the Earth guardian) and created his own set of Dragonballs. He is primarily a healer than a fighter like Piccolo.
Name: Pan
Race: Saiyan-jin/ Human
Background: Pan is Goku's granddaughter, and Gohan and Videl's daughter. She is the most powerful female in the DB Universe, and is very adventurous, which usually spells trouble for her companions. She went to space with Trunks and Chibi-Goku.
Name: Karin
Background: He is the guardian of the holy water and the grower of the regenerating Senzu beans. He lives in a tower directly below Kame-sama's temple.
Name: Oolong & Puar
Background: Both are shape-shifters but only Oolong cannot maintain his form for more than 5 minutes. Puar is Yamcha's loyal sidekick. Oolong is quite perverted like Kamesennin.
Name: Mr. Popo
Background: He is Kame-sama's assistant and friend, and is quite a fighter himself, though he usually does not exhibit his abilities.
Name: Shenlong/ Porungga
Background: He is the Earth dragon who can grant any wish to anyone who can secure the 7 dragonballs. During Dende's time, he can grant two wishes. He turned "evil" in DBGT and had split into 7 dragons. Porungga is the original Dragon god and can grant three wishes to anyone who collects the Namek dragonballs.
Name: Yajirobe
Race: Human
Background: The cowardly and fat, sword-wielding Yajirobe who the one usually delivers the Senzu beans to the Z warriors. He lives with Karin in his tower. He is the one who was instrumental in Vegeta's defeat in the Saiyajin saga.
Name: Kaioh Shin (East Kaioh)
Background: He is the highest ranking Kaioh remaining who came to Earth during the Budokai, to prevent the reawaking of Majin Buu. He is the most powerful being in heaven but is surpassed by both Goku and Vegeta.
Name: Ginyu Corps.
Background: Compsed of the strong Rikum, the tag-team partners Jeeze and Botter, the time-manipulating Gurdo and the powerful, Capt. Ginyu, these are Freeza's most powerful minions and are called in as his last resort. Of the group, only Ginyu survived, and is in the form of a frog after a his "body exchange" technique went awry.
Name: Babidi
Background: He is the wizard Bibidi's son ,who planned to reawaken Majin Buu, to avenge his father's death, but was later killed by Buu himself
Name: Dabura
Background: He is the Lord of the Underworld who is under Babidi's control. He is quite strong and fearsome. He also has the ability to turn an opponent into stone.
Name: Dodoria/ Sabon
Background: The two are Freeza's bodyguards. Dodoria is the pink-colored one and was killed by Vegeta easily. Sabon, Freeza's right hand and is quite tough. He can transform into a more powerful but ugly form.
Name: Majin Buu
Background: Originally Bibidi's creation 5 million years ago to conquer the universe. He killed three of the Kaioh Shins and absorbed the Dai Kaioh Shin(God of Gods), which made Buu appear fat. When the West Kaioh Shin killed Bibidi, Buu was sealed and was locked up on Earth. After reawakened on Earth by Babidi, he performs his prime objective which is to destroy anything his master tells him to, until he killed Babidi himself. After absorbing the Z warriors and several forms, the original form, which is the strongest, chibi-Buu came out and fought Goku and Vegeta and was destroyed by Goku with the help of the fat Buu and Mr. Satan.




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