ITALIAN ARMY June 10th 1940

Many thanks to Arturo Filippo Lorioli for contributing this article.

Chief Of Staff: Marshall Rodolfo Graziani

Army Group West (HRH Umberto of Savoy, Prince of Piemonte)

1st Army (Gen. Pietro Pintor)

2nd Corps (Gen.Francesco Bertini)

3rd Corps (Gen.Mario Arisio)

15th Corps (Gen.Ferdinando Cona)

Army Reserve

4th Army (Gen. Alfredo Guzzoni)

1st Corps (Gen.Carlo Vecchiarelli)

4th Corps (Gen.Camillo Mercalli)

Alpini Corps (Gen.Luigi Negri)

Army Reserve

Army Group East (Gen. Camillo Grossi)

2nd Army (Gen.Vittorio Ambrosio)

5th Corps (Gen.Riccardo Balocco)

11th Corps (Gen. Matteo Roux)

6th Army (Gen. Mario Vercellino)

Fast Corps (Gen.Giovanni Messe)

Armoured Corps (Gen.Fidenzio dell'Ora)

Motor-Transpotable Corps (Gen.Francesco Zingales)

8th Army (HRH Adalberto of Savoy, Duke of Bergamo)

6th Corps (Gen.Ezio Rossi)

14th Corps (Gen.Giovanni Vecchi)

Army Group South (Marshall Emilio de Bono)

3rd Army (General Reserve) (Gen.Carlo Geloso)

5th Corps (Gen.Riccardo Balocco)

7th Army (GHQ Reserve) (HRH Filiberto di Savoia, Duke of Pistoia)

7th Corps (Gen.Aldo Aymondino)

8th Corps (Gen.Remo Gambelli)

Sicily Command

12th Corps (Gen.Angelo Rossi)

Sardinia Command

13th Corps (Gen.Augusto de Pigner)

Italian Aegean Islands Command (Console Gen. Cesare Maria de Vecchi di Val Cismon)

North Africa Command (Air Marshall Italo Balbo)

5th Army (Gen. Italo Gariboldi)

10th Corps (Gen.Aldo Barbieri)

20th Corps (Gen.Federico Cona)

23rd Corps (Gen.Annibale Bergonzoli)

Army Reserve:

10th Army (Gen.Mario Berti)

21st Corps (Gen.Lorenzo Dalmazzo)

22nd Corps (Gen.Enrico Pitassi Mannella)

Italian East Africa Command (HRH Amedeo of Savoy, Duke of Aosta)

Albania Command and 26th Corps (Gen.Sebastiano Visconti Prasca)

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