Italian OOB - El Alamein battle - October 1942

Many thanks to Arturo Filippo Lorioli for contributing this article.

10th Corps

        Corps Units:
                31st Guastatori (assault engineers) bn
                10th Engineer Battalion 
                10th "LoC"(Line of Communications) Engineer Battalion 
                9th Bersaglieri Regiment (from 101st Motor Div "Trieste")
                        28th Bersaglieri bn
                        30th Bersaglieri bn             
                 16th Artillery Regiment 
                        49th Arty bn (105L28)
                 8th Artillery Regiment 
                        142th Arty bn (149L28)

27th Infantry Division "Brescia"

                19th Infantry Regiment (2 bns only)
                20th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
                1st Celere Artillery Regiment 
                        1st Arty bn (100L17)
                        3rd Arty bn (75L27)
                        4th Arty bn (75L27)
                        5th AA/AT Arty bn (88L56)
                401st AA Arty bty (20L65)
                        404th AA Arty bty (20L65)
                27th Mixed Engineer Battalion
17th Infantry Division "Pavia"
                27th Infantry Regiment (2 bns only)
                28th Infantry Regiment (2 bns only)
                26th Artillery Regiment 
                        2nd Arty bn (75L27)
                        3rd Arty bn (75L27)
                        4th Arty bn (75L27)
                77th AA Arty bty (20L65)
                        432nd AA Arty bty (20L65)
                17th Mixed Engineer Battalion

185th Parachutist Division "Folgore"

                186th Parachutist Rgt
                        5th Parachutist bn
                        6th Parachutist bn
                        7th Parachutist bn
                187th Parachutist Rgt
                        2nd Parachutist bn (from 185th Parachutist Rgt)
                        4th Parachutist bn (from 185th Parachutist bn)
                        9th Parachutist bn
                        10th Parachutist bn
                186th Parachutist Artillery Rgt
                        1st Parachutist Arty bn (47L32)
                        3rd Parachutist Arty bn (47L32) 
                8th Parachutist Guastatori bn

21st Corps

        Corps units:
                33rd Guastatori bn
                7th Bersaglieri Regiment (from 102nd Infntry Div."Trento")
                        8th Bersaglieri bn
                        10th Bersaglieri bn
                8th Artillery Regiment
                        33rd Arty bn (149L40)
                        52nd Arty bn (152L37)
                        131st Arty bn (149L28)

102nd Infantry Division "Trento"

                61st Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
                62nd Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
                46th Artillery Regiment
                        1st Arty bn (100L17)
                        2nd Arty bn (100L17)
                        3rd Arty bn (75L27)
                        4th Arty bn (75L27)
                412th AA Arty bty (20L65)
                        414th AA Arty bty (20L65)       
                4th "Granatieri di Sardegna" AT bn (47L32) (From "Giovani Fascisti" div)
                355th Frontier Guards Arty bn (77L28)   
                354th Frontier Guards Arty bn (77L28)
                51st Mixed Engineer Battalion

25th Infantry Division "Bologna"

                39th Infantry Regiment (2 bns only)
                40th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
                205th Artillery Regiment
                        1st bn (100L17)
                        2nd bn (100L17)
                        3rd bn (75L27)
                        4th bn (75L27)                          
                4th AA Arty bty (20L65) 
                437th AA Arty bty (20L65) 
                25th Mixed Engineer Battalion

20th Corps

Corps units: 34th Special Engineer bn (Guastatori) 2nd Bersaglieri moorcycle coy 1 x AA Arty bty (20L65) from 132nd Artillery Rgt ("Ariete"div)

132nd Armored Division "Ariete"

                132nd Armored Regiment
                        8th Tank bn (M13/40)
                        9th Tank bn (M13/40)
                        10th Tank bn (M14/41)
                        1 x AA Arty bty (20L65)
                 8th Bersaglieri Infantry Regiment
                        5th Bersaglieri bn
                        12th Bersaglieri bn 
                        5th AT bn (Semoventi L40 47L32)
                132nd Artillery Regiment
                        1st Arty bn (75L27)
                        2nd Arty bn (75L27)
                        3rd Arty bn (105L28)
                        5th Semoventi bn (75L18 SP)
                        6th Semoventi bn (75L18 SP)
                51st AA/AT Arty bn (90L53 + 20L65)
                31st AA/AT Arty bn (88L56)              
                3rd "Nizza Cavalleria" Armoured Cars bn (AB41)
                32nd Mixed Engineer Battalion

133rd Armoured Division "Littorio"

                 133rd Tank Regiment
                        12th Tank Battalion (M14/41)
                        51st Tank Battalion (M14/41)
                        ??th Tank Battalion (M14/41)
                12th Bersaglieri Regiment 
                        23rd Bersaglieri Bn
                        36th Bersaglieri Bn     
                        ??th Bersaglieri AT bn (47L32)
                3rd "Lancieri di Novara" Light Tanks bn (L6/40)
                133rd Artillery Regiment 
                        2nd Arty bn (75L27)
                        5th Arty bn (20L65)
                3rd Celere Artillery Regiment
                        554th Semoventi bn (75L18 SP)
                        556th Semoventi bn (75L18 SP)
                        29th AA/AT Arty bn (88L56)
                        332nd Arty bn (100L17)
                        406th AA bty (20L65)
                33rd Mixed Engineer Battalion

101st Motor Infantry Division "Trieste"

                65th Infantry Regiment (2 bns only)
                66th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
                21st  Artillery Regiment 
                        1st Arty bn (100L17)
                        2nd Arty bn (100L17)
                        3rd Arty bn (75L27)
                        4th Arty bn (75L27)
                        5th AA/AT Arty bn (75L46, 1 bty only)
                146th AA Arty bty (20L65)
                        411 AA Arty bty (20L65)
                8th Bersaglieri Armoured Cars bn (AB41)
                11th Tank bn (M13/40)
                52nd Mixed Engineer Battalion

Directly attached to the Deutsche Afrika Korps:

                136th Infantry Division "Giovani Fascisti"
                        1st "Giovani Fascisti" Infantry bn
                        2nd "Giovani Fascisti" Infantry bn
                        25th Engineer bn
                        136th Artillery Regiment (all "portees")
                                14th Arty bn (65L17)
                                15th Arty bn (65L17)
                                16th Arty bn (75L27)
                                17th Arty bn (100L17)
                        88th AA Arty bty (20L65)

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