So what exactly is ASL?

Advanced Squad Leader is a tactical level World War II board game. Time scale is 2 minutes per game turn and the hex scale represents 40 meters per hex. You also have individual counters represent squads & half-squads (5-10 men), individual leaders, hero's, wheeled and tracked vehicles, support weapons, horse drawn wagon, and ordnance. Included are fortifications such as bunkers, trenches, mine fields, & barb wire. Miscellanious counters you will use are fire control, breaches, smoke and fire, concealed and many more.

Game's are scenario's usually depict a single engagement or a series of engagements (a campaign for example) based on actual or hypothetical historical events.

To get you started on ASL and explain what ASL is, you should visit my ASL Introduction page for a description of Advanced Squad Leader. The intro page will give you a very brief idea of what this game is. You can also link to a section I put together on add-ons (called modules) that are available to start or round out your ASL collection.

Here is the "skinny" on ASL

Around 1975, I got interested in playing board games. My first board game was Third Reich produced by The Avalon Hill Game Company. Lucky for me that I had a paper route and within a few short month's I had managed to buy a whole armada of games. These included Tactics, Wooden Ships & Iron Men, Afrika Korps, Thunder at Cassino, Panzer Leader, Panzer Blitz and Squad Leader to mention a few. I then spent several years in the Navy during which time I had left the board game scene, and in 1997 I returned to board gaming to play Adanced Squad Leader and The Gamers series of board games. If your a Washington State player and want to get together, send me an email. I live in a small town called Bothell on the East side near Woodinville & Mill Creek.

What am I trying to achieve with an ASL website? Who knows and who really cares. Its my website, I like creating web pages, and Im devoting space and time to it. Regardless of this, there are some interesting links in this section you can enjoy.

Before we get too involved in browsing. Now is the time to let all your fellow ASL'ers know that with Avalon Hill selling out to Hasbro, the guys at Multi Man Publishing have taken up the reins with ASL. You should relay this information to anyone who plays or is interested in ASL so that they may contact MMP at the following for their current or future ASL needs @:

Postal address 
     Multi-Man Publishing, LLC 
     P. O. Box 601 
     Gambrills, MD 21054-0601 
Telephone numbers Voice: 410-519-4411 Fax: 410-519-4151 Email General Information: [email protected] Sales: [email protected] Customer Support: [email protected]

Advanced Squad Leader and Squad Leader links

Unmounted Counters

Looking for unmounted counters? Visit these websites I have listed below and you can download several unmounted counters.

Divisional Unit icons

Looking for that unit icons to help you finish your graphic look to a scenario you designed? Take a look at these 32x32 pixel sized icons

ASL TOE Conversions

This is a new section that converts TOE and OOB data for ASL use.

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