
in colaboration with



California Chapter

April 1997

Mr. Jacques Chirac

PrIsident de la Republique FranGaise

Palais de l'ElysIe

75008 Paris, France

Monsieur le PrIsident,

Permettez nous de vous informer en ce qui regarde les evenements internationaux et leur relations a la Roumanie, oi la democratie a ItI restaurIe seulement quelques mois auparavant, apreOs une pIriode de 50 annIes de gouvernement communiste.

I. Les Roumains de partout, en Roumanie ou a l'Itranger, voudraient bien que la Roumanie soit acceptIe comme membre de NATO le plust]t possible.

En mKme temps nous appelons aux Etats Unis, A la France et A tous les membres de NATO de prendre en considIration les rIalitIs politiques et historiques de ce pays, afin de crIer un climat de bonne entente et de paix en Europe.

La Roumanie ne doit pas Ktre forcIe de reconnaitre le Pact Ribbentrop-Molotov qui a dIjA ItI condamnI pare tous les membres de la CommunautI Internationale, y compris l'URSS (et UcraUne comme heritiere d'une part de l'Empire de l'URSS).

Le Parlement russe a declarI l'invaliditI de ce Pacte le 24 Dec. 1989.

Dans cette situation, aucun membre NATO ne pourrait opposer le droit de la Roumanie de demander la cessation des effects de ce Pacte.

Ce n'est pas une prItention d'un territoire de la part de la Roumanie mais l'affirmation d'un droit qui a ItI violI par l'implementation de ce Pacte.

La Roumanie est "de jure" souverain de tous ces territoires accaparrIs par l'URSS A la suite du Pacte Ribbentrop-Molotov et ne peut Ktre forcIe de rennoncer A ses droits, pendent que les cannaux diplomatiques offrent toujours la possibilitI du changem atentia asupra urmatoarelor:

- A fost ultimatumul Rusilor din 26 Iunie 1940, ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov care ne-a obligat la cedarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei de Nord si a Tinutului Herta.

- Insusi Tratatul de Pace din 10 Februarie 1947 stabileste ca " frontiera sovieto-romana este fixata In conformitate cu acordul sovieto-roman din 28 Iunie 1940 (Art. 1, alin. II) .

- Nu a existat un acord sovieto-roman de care vorbeste Tratatul de Pace. A existatdoar acel Ultimatum si Raspunsul Romaniei, care este: " Guvernul Regal Roman, pentru a evita gravele urmari pe care le-ar avea recurgerea la forta si deschiderea ostilitatilor In aceasta parte a Europei, se vede silit sa accepte conditiile de evacuare specificate In raspunsul sovietic." In acest raspuns e vorba de evitarea unui conflict armat . Asta a fost baza cedarii acestor teritorii si a stapanirii lor de catre Rusi din 1947 (de la Tratatul de Pace) pana la daramarea Uniunii Sovietice si declararea de catre Insusi Parlamentul rus la 24 Decembrie 1989 al Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov drept nul. Din acel moment aceste teritorii ar fi trebui sa revina automat Romaniei. Posesiunea In continuare a acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina este cu totul neIndreptatita si abuziva. Ucraina pe timpul cedarilor nu a existat ca stat. Dupa renasterea sa, ea este Indreptatita la teritoriile Inglobate In Uniunea Sovietica dupa primul razboi mondial Impotriva dreptului lor la autodeterminare. Ea nu se poate prevala Insa de cuceririle abuzive ale Uniunii Sovietice de la alte tari, ale caror frontiere au fost stabilite pe baza dreptului de autodeterminare si consfintite apoi prin Tratatul de Pace din 1920. In consecinta, nu exista nicio baza legala care sa justifice posedarea acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina.

De altfel, Nistrul ca frontiera Intre Moldova si Rusia a fost recunoscut Inca de Petru cel Mare prin Tratatul Incheiat cu Dimitrie Cantemir la 1711.

Domnule Ministru de Externe, nu dorim ca stradaniile marilor nostri oameni de stat care au faurit Romania Mare, sfintite de jertfele poporului roman si al glorioasei sale armate In lupta Intai pentru Intregirea tarii, apoi Impotriva comunismului si imperialismului rusesc, si dupa calvarul Indurat sub regimul de teroare ce ne-a fost impus cu forta armata timp de doua generatii, sa se soldeze cu o Romanie ciuntita.

Datoria reIntregirii tarii trebue sa fie farul care sa ne calauzeasca toate preocuparile pana la realizarea ei. Nu dorim ca numele Domniei-Voastre ca Ministru de Externe sa fie asociat cu ciuntirea de jure pe veci a Romaniei. Ne-ar pandi blestemul generatiilor ce ne urmeaza ca ne-am tradat neamul.

Martie 1997

Cu deosebita stima

Domniei Sale Domnului

Presedinte al Senatului Petre Roman

Senatul Romaniei

Bucuresti, Romania, Europe

Stimate domnule Presedinte al Senatului Petre Roman,

In legatura cu tratatele de bunavecinatate dintre Romania si Ucraina In vederea intrariiRomaniei In NATO, ca romani cu grija de soarta tarii, dorim sa va atragem atentia asupra urmatoarelor:

- A fost ultimatumul Rusilor din 26 Iunie 1940, ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov care ne-a obligat la cedarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei de Nord si a Tinutului Herta.

- Insusi Tratatul de Pace din 10 Februarie 1947 stabileste ca " frontiera sovieto-romana este fixata In conformitate cu acordul sovieto-roman din 28 Iunie 1940 (Art. 1, alin. II) .

- Nu a existat un acord sovieto-roman de care vorbeste Tratatul de Pace. A existat doar acel Ultimatum si Raspunsul Romaniei, care este: " Guvernul Regal Roman, pentru a evita gravele urmari pe care le-ar avea recurgerea la forta si deschiderea ostilitatilor In aceasta parte a Europei, se vede silit sa accepte conditiile de evacuare specificate In raspunsul sovietic." In acest raspuns e vorba de evitarea unui conflict armat . Asta a fost baza cedarii acestor teritorii si a stapanirii lor de catre Rusi din 1947 (de la Tratatul de Pace) pana la daramarea Uniunii Sovietice si declararea de catre Insusi Parlamentul rus la 24 Decembrie 1989 al Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov drept nul. Din acel moment aceste teritorii ar fi trebui sa revina automat Romaniei. Posesiunea In continuare a acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina este cu totul neIndreptatita si abuziva. Ucraina pe timpul cedarilor nu a existat ca stat. Dupa renasterea sa, ea este Indreptatita la teritoriile Inglobate In Uniunea Sovietica dupa primul razboi mondial Impotriva dreptului lor la autodeterminare. Ea nu se poate prevala Insa de cuceririle abuzive ale Uniunii Sovietice de la alte tari, ale caror frontiere au fost stabilite pe baza dreptului de autodeterminare si consfintite apoi prin Tratatul de Pace din 1920. In consecinta, nu exista nicio baza legala care sa justifice posedarea acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina.

De altfel, Nistrul ca frontiera Intre Moldova si Rusia a fost recunoscut Inca de Petru cel Mare prin Tratatul Incheiat cu Dimitrie Cantemir la 1711.

Domnule Presedinte al Senatului, nu dorim ca stradaniile marilor nostri oameni de stat care au faurit Romania Mare, sfintite de jertfele poporului roman si al glorioasei sale armate In lupta Intai pentru Intregirea tarii, apoi Impotriva comunismului si imperialismului rusesc, si dupa calvarul Indurat sub regimul de teroare ce ne-a fost impus cu forta armata timp de doua generatii, sa se soldeze cu o Romanie ciuntita.

Datoria reIntregirii tarii trebue sa fie farul care sa ne calauzeasca toate preocuparile pana la realizarea ei. Nu dorim ca numele Domniei-Voastre sa fie asociat cu ciuntirea de jure pe veci a Romaniei. Ne-ar pandi blestemul generatiilor ce ne urmeaza ca ne-am tradat neamul.

Martie 1997

Cu deosebita stima

Domniei Sale Domnului

Presedinte al Camerei Deputatilor

Camera Deputatilor a Romaniei

Bucuresti, Romania, Europe

Stimate domnule Presedinte al Camerei Deputatilor,

In legatura cu tratatele de bunavecinatate dintre Romania si Ucraina In vederea intrarii Romaniei In NATO, ca romani cu grija de soarta tarii, dorim sa va atragem atentia asupra urmatoarelor:

- A fost ultimatumul Rusilor din 26 Iunie 1940, ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov care ne-a obligat la cedarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei de Nord si a Tinutului Herta.

- Insusi Tratatul de Pace din 10 Februarie 1947 stabileste ca " frontiera sovieto-romana este fixata In conformitate cu acordul sovieto-roman din 28 Iunie 1940 (Art. 1, alin. II) .

- Nu a existat un acord sovieto-roman de care vorbeste Tratatul de Pace. A existat doar acel Ultimatum si Raspunsul Romaniei, care este: " Guvernul Regal Roman, pentru a evita gravele urmari pe care le-ar avea recurgerea la forta si deschiderea ostilitatilor In aceasta parte a Europei, se vede silit sa accepte conditiile de evacuare specificate In raspunsul sovietic." In acest raspuns e vorba de evitarea unui conflict armat . Asta a fost baza cedarii acestor teritorii si a stapanirii lor de catre Rusi din 1947 (de la Tratatul de Pace) pana la daramarea Uniunii Sovietice si declararea de catre Insusi Parlamentul rus la 24 Decembrie 1989 al Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov drept nul. Din acel moment aceste teritorii ar fi trebui sa revina automat Romaniei. Posesiunea In continuare a acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina este cu totul neIndreptatita si abuziva. Ucraina pe timpul cedarilor nu a existat ca stat. Dupa renasterea sa, ea este Indreptatita la teritoriile Inglobate In Uniunea Sovietica dupa primul razboi mondial Impotriva dreptului lor la autodeterminare. Ea nu se poate prevala Insa de cuceririle abuzive ale Uniunii Sovietice de la alte tari, ale caror frontiere au fost stabilite pe baza dreptului de autodeterminare si consfintite apoi prin Tratatul de Pace din 1920. In consecinta, nu exista nicio baza legala care sa justifice posedarea acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina.

De altfel, Nistrul ca frontiera Intre Moldova si Rusia a fost recunoscut Inca de Petru cel Mare prin Tratatul Incheiat cu Dimitrie Cantemir la 1711.

Domnule Presedinte al Camerei Deputatilor, nu dorim ca stradaniile marilor nostri oameni de stat care au faurit Romania Mare, sfintite de jertfele poporului roman si al glorioasei sale armate In lupta Intai pentru Intregirea tarii, apoi Impotriva comunismului si imperialismului rusesc, si dupa calvarul Indurat sub regimul de teroare ce ne-a fost impus cu forta armata timp de doua generatii, sa se soldeze cu o Romanie ciuntita.

Datoria reIntregirii tarii trebue sa fie farul care sa ne calauzeasca toate preocuparile pana la realizarea ei. Nu dorim ca numele Domniei-Voastre sa fie asociat cu ciuntirea de jure pe veci a Romaniei. Ne-ar pandi blestemul generatiilor ce ne urmeaza ca ne-am tradat neamul.

Martie 1997

Cu deosebita stima

Domniei Sale Domnului

Presedinte al Romaniei Emil Constantinescu

Palatul Cotroceni

Bucuresti, Romania, Europe

Stimate domnule Presedinte,

In legatura cu tratatele de bunavecinatate dintre Romania si Ucraina In vederea intrarii Romaniei In NATO, ca romani cu grija de soarta tarii, dorim sa va atragem atentia asupra urmatoarelor:

- A fost ultimatumul Rusilor din 26 Iunie 1940, ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov care ne-a obligat la cedarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei de Nord si a Tinutului Herta.

- Insusi Tratatul de Pace din 10 Februarie 1947 stabileste ca " frontiera sovieto-romana este fixata In conformitate cu acordul sovieto-roman din 28 Iunie 1940 (Art. 1, alin. II) .

- Nu a existat un acord sovieto-roman de care vorbeste Tratatul de Pace. A existat doar acel Ultimatum si Raspunsul Romaniei, care este: " Guvernul Regal Roman, pentru a evita gravele urmari pe care le-ar avea recurgerea la forta si deschiderea ostilitatilor In aceasta parte a Europei, se vede silit sa accepte conditiile de evacuare specificate In raspunsul sovietic." In acest raspuns e vorba de evitarea unui conflict armat . Asta a fost baza cedarii acestor teritorii si a stapanirii lor de catre Rusi din 1947 (de la Tratatul de Pace) pana la daramarea Uniunii Sovietice si declararea de catre Insusi Parlamentul rus la 24 Decembrie 1989 al Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov drept nul. Din acel moment aceste teritorii ar fi trebui sa revina automat Romaniei. Posesiunea In continuare a acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina este cu totul neIndreptatita si abuziva. Ucraina pe timpul cedarilor nu a existat ca stat. Dupa renasterea sa, ea este Indreptatita la teritoriile Inglobate In Uniunea Sovietica dupa primul razboi mondial Impotriva dreptului lor la autodeterminare. Ea nu se poate prevala Insa de cuceririle abuzive ale Uniunii Sovietice de la alte tari, ale caror frontiere au fost stabilite pe baza dreptului de autodeterminare si consfintite apoi prin Tratatul de Pace din 1920. In consecinta, nu exista nicio baza legala care sa justifice posedarea acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina.

De altfel, Nistrul ca frontiera Intre Moldova si Rusia a fost recunoscut Inca de Petru cel Mare prin Tratatul Incheiat cu Dimitrie Cantemir la 1711.

Domnule Presedinte, nu dorim ca stradaniile marilor nostri oameni de stat care au faurit Romania Mare, sfintite de jertfele poporului roman si al glorioasei sale armate In lupta Intai pentru Intregirea tarii, apoi Impotriva comunismului si imperialismului rusesc, si dupa calvarul Indurat sub regimul de teroare ce ne-a fost impus cu forta armata timp de doua generatii, sa se soldeze cu o Romanie ciuntita.

Datoria reIntregirii tarii trebue sa fie farul care sa ne calauzeasca toate preocuparile pana la realizarea ei. Nu dorim ca numele Domniei-Voastre ca Presedinte sa fie asociat cu ciuntirea de jure pe veci a Romaniei. Ne-ar pandi blestemul generatiilor ce ne urmeaza ca ne-am tradat neamul.

Martie 1997

Cu deosebita stima


of South Florida

901 NE 14th Ave. - Apt. 601

Hallandale, FL 33009 USA

Cucernice Parinte,

Alaturat va trimitem textul unei scrisori pe care noi am conceput-o si trimis-o In numele Asociatiei noastre Presedintelui Emil Constantinescu, Primului Ministru Victor Ciorbea, Ministrului de Externe Adrian Severin, Presedintelui Senatului Romaniei, Presedintelui Camerei Deputatilor, cat si unui numar de ziare de mare circulatie din tara.

In constiinta ca este o problema nationala In sprijinul careia sunt chemati toti romanii, rugamintea noastra este ca s'o multiplicati si oferiti credinciosilor parohiei Dvs. cu rugamintea s'o semneze si s'o trimita demnitarilor respectivi la Bucuresti In nume personal, sau ar putea fi semnata colectiv si trimisa In numele parohiei.

Textul alaturat poate fi semnat ca atare sau modificat, daca cineva doreste sa aduca alte sau mai multe argumente In sustinerea cauzei.

In speranta reIntregirii Romaniei, raman al cucerniciei tale

de tot binele doritor si

cu dragoste In Domnul,

Februarie 1997

Rev. Romulus Radu

Consilier cultural

Traian Golea


Adresa pentru:

Presedinte este la " Palatul Cotroceni", Bucuresti

Primul Ministru la " Presedintia Consiliului de Ministri", Bucuresti

Ministrul de Externe este la "Ministerul de Externe", Bucuresti

Presedintele Senatului la " Senatul Romaniei", Bucuresti

Pres. Camerei Deputatilor la "Camera Deputatilor", Bucuresti


of South Florida

901 NE 14th Ave. - Apt. 601

Hallandale, FL 33009 USA

Iubite compatriot,

Alaturat aveti textul a doua scrisori pe care noi le-am conceput si trimis, versiunea romaneasca, In numele Asociatiei noastre Presedintelui Emil Constantinescu, Primului Ministru Victor Ciorbea, Ministrului de Externe Adrian Severin, cat si unui numar de ziare de mare circulatie din tara. Versiunea engleza am trimis-o Presedintelui Clinton, Secretarei de State Madeleine Albright, Presedintelui Comitetului pentru Afaceri Straine a Senatului Jesse Helms si Presedintelui Comitetului pentru Relatii Internationale a Camerei Deputatilor Christopher Smith.

In constiinta ca servim o cauza nationala In sprijinul careia sunt chemati toti romanii, rugamintea noastra este sa multiplicati si sa semnati scrisorile alaturate si sa le trimiteti demnitarilor respectivi. In speranta reIntregirii Romaniei raman

Aprilie 1997

al Dvs.

Traian Golea


Adresa pentru Romania:

Presedinte este la " Palatul Cotroceni", 76238 Bucuresti

Primul Ministru Victor Ciorbea. " Presedintia Consiliului de Ministri", Piata Victoriei 1, 71201 Bucuresti.

Ministrul de Externe Adrian Severin, "Ministerul de Externe", Aleea Modrogan 14, 71274 Bucuresti.

Pentru Statele Unite:

President William Clinton, The White House, Washington DC 20500, USA

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington DC 20520

The Honorable Jesse Helms, Chairman Senate Committee for Foreign Relations, The Capitol, Washington DC 20510.

The Honorable Christopher Smith, House Committe International Relations, 2170 Rayburn House Office Bldg., Washington DC 20515-6128

Stimate domnule Presedinte,

In legatura cu tratatele de bunavecinatate dintre Romania si Ucraina In vederea intrarii Romaniei In NATO, ca romani cu grija de soarta tarii, dorim sa va atragem atentia asupra urmatoarelor:

- A fost ultimatumul Rusilor din 26 Iunie 1940, ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov care ne-a obligat la cedarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei de Nord si a Tinutului Herta.

- Insusi Tratatul de Pace din 10 Februarie 1947 stabileste ca " frontiera sovieto-romana este fixata In conformitate cu acordul sovieto-roman din 28 Iunie 1940 (Art. 1, alin. II) .

- Dar nu a existat un acord sovieto-roman de care vorbeste Tratatul de Pace. A existat doar acel Ultimatum si Raspunsul Romaniei, care este: " Guvernul Regal Roman, pentru a evita gravele urmari pe care le-ar avea recurgerea la forta si deschiderea ostilitatilor In aceasta parte a Europei, se vede silit sa accepte conditiile de evacuare specificate In raspunsul sovietic." In acest raspuns e vorba de evitarea unui conflict armat . Asta a fost baza cedarii si a stapanirii lor de catre Rusi pana la daramarea U.R.S.S. si declararea de Parlamentul rus la 24 Decembrie 1989 al Pactului Hitler-Stalin drept nul. Din acel moment aceste teritorii ar fi trebui sa revina automat Romaniei. Posesiunea In continuare a acestor teritorii de Ucraina este neIndreptatita si abuziva. Ucraina, dupa renasterea sa, este Indreptatita la teritoriile Inglobate In URSS dupa primul razboi mondial Impotriva dreptului lor la autodeterminare. Ea nu se poate prevala Insa de cuceririle abuzive ale URSS-ului de la alte tari, ale carorfrontiere au fost stabilite pe baza dreptului de autodeterminare si consfintite apoi prin Tratatul de Pace din 1920. In consecinta, nu exista nicio baza legala care sa justifice posedarea acestor teritorii de catre Ucraina. De altfel, Nistrul ca frontiera Intre Moldova si Rusia a fost recunoscut Inca de Petru cel Mare prin Tratatul Incheiat cu Dimitrie Cantemir la 1711. Apoi la Intalnirea Clinton-Yeltsin din 21 Martie 97 la Helsinki s'a decis ca Romania nu va intra In NATO. Atunci la ce bun tratatul cu Ucraina cu cedarile de pamant romanesc?

Domnule Presedinte, nu dorim ca stradaniile marilor nostri oameni de stat care au faurit Romania Mare, sfintite de jertfele poporului roman si al glorioasei sale armate In lupta Intai pentru Intregirea tarii, apoi Impotriva comunismului si imperialismului rusesc, si dupa calvarul Indurat sub regimul de teroare ce ne-a fost impus cu forta armata timp de doua generatii, sa se soldeze cu o Romanie ciuntita.

Martie 1997 Cu deosebita stima

Preluat din "TARA"

Chisinau, 11 si 14 Martie 1997

"RENANTEREA BANATEANA" - 12 Februarie 1997

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Dlui Emil Constantinescu, Presedintele Romaniei, facuta Intr'un interview acordat lui Mediafax si P roTV cu ocazia reuniunii OSCE (Organizatia pentru Securitate si Cooperare Europeana) In Decembrie 1996 la Lisabona:

"Am discutat cu presedintele Kucima ( al Ucrainei), de determinarea noastra de a respecta granitele actuale, asa cum sunt ele, de a trece rapid la finalizarea tratatului. Am Insarciunat pe loc, atat eu cat si Presedintele Kucima, pe ministrii adjuncti de Externe, sa treaca neIntarziat la finalizare. Avem In fata integrarea In UE si NATO, conditionata de aceste tratate."

Presedintele Emil Constantinescu a fost ales sa salveze Romania, nu sa pecetluiasca ciopartirea ei. In articolul ce urmeaza vedem cum s'a ajuns la aceasta nelegiuire Impotriva noastra. Nimeni nu are niciun drept sa cedeze ceva din ceea ce Dumnezeu ne-a oranduit ca zestrepe pamant si care de peste doua mii de ani ne-a fost pastrata cu pretul sangelui. Asa avem si noi datoria s'o aparam.

B. O. P.

Mr. Bob Dole

Presidential Candidate

Republican National Committee

310 First Street S.E.


Dear Mr. Bob Dole,

Regarding the coming elections for the President of the U.S.A. we are submitting you as follows:

The Romanians are not an emigrant population and nearly all the Romanians living in U.S.A. and in the West after WWII left or fled their country because of the oppressive communist regime.

The Romanian-Americans voted twice (1980 and 1984) for Mr. Ronald Reagan as President of USA and voted for Mr. George Bush for his first mandate.

Mr. Reagan was very admired as President due to his great personality and his stand in internal and foreign policy, especially to his stand against the USSR, and the Romanians saw in him the Savior of their country.

The Romanians continued to be loyal Republicans and voted for the first mandate of President George Bush, but because ofd his attitude and his cold indifference for the Romanian Revolution in 1989 and after the Revolution, plus different other mistakes he did, the Romanian-Americans were very disappointed and everybody voted whomever they wanted.

Taking in consideration the coming elections for Presidency, we would like to knowyour position not only as far as concerns Romania, but concerning the International Policy related to this country:

1. The Republic of Moldova, with its overwhelming Romanian population was part of Romania in 1940, when following the Hitler-Stalin Pakt (named also Ribbentrop-Molotov Pakt) this Romanian territory was taken by USSR.

How is Mr. Bob Dole considering that Russia and Ukraine are refusing to recognize the invalidity of this Pakt concerning Republic of Moldova, while at the same time these two countries recognized the invalidity of the same Pakt concerning the Baltic States.

2. How is Mr. Bob Dole considering the situation of the 14th Russian Army in Moldova Rep. ((Transdniester Region) and which are the steps to be taken in order to hasten the withdrawal of this Russian Army which is a stronghold to Europe?

Everybody knows that the pressures made by Clinton Administration in this respect were without results and the Russian Parliament didn't want to approve this withdrawal. During the last two years Russia did only a few steps in this respect.

3. How is Mr Bob Dole considering the situation of Ilie Ilascu from Moldova Republic, the only Parliamentarian in the world to be jailed because of political reasons?

All the interventions made up to now on his behalf were fruitless (See please attached letters sent to President Bill Clinton).

4. How is Mr Bob Dole considering the situation of Northern Bucovina territory taken by USSR following the same Ribbentrop-Molotov Pakt in 1940?

This Romanian territory never belonged to USSR before the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pakt and now a day is occupied by Ukraine.

5. How is Mr. Bob Dole considering the request of the Romanians for Compensations for the survivors of the Hungarian-Horthyst Holocaust against the Jeas and the Romanians during the Hungarian occupation of Northern Transylvania in 1940-1944, in a period of time when this territory was not a battle field? (See please the attached papers).

Hungary approved recently to pay compensation for the Jews, but not for the Romanians who were persecuted or killed along with the Jews.

6. After the conclusion of WWII Romania was let 90% under USSR influence. Everybody knows this situation and this is confirmed by the attached copy of the paper written by Winston Churchill, with the agreement of President Roosevelt, when he visited Stalin in Moscow. Otherwise this happened with the other countries from Central and Eastern Eyurope.

Will U.S.A. repeat the same mistake 50 years after WWII?

7. How is Mr. Bob Dole considering the integration of Romania in the European Union and in NATO, taking in consideration that in your speech on TV this month during the Republican Convention in San Diego you mentioned just Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary to be integrated.

Will the West let aside Romania again?

Mr. Bobn Dole,

We want to remind you that before WWII Romania used to be a very advanced country, the sixth place in Europe, at the same level as Belgium, very tied to the West, while Bucharest, the Capital of Romania, used to be nicknamed "little Paris" .

We want to remind you also that during the WWII King Michael of Romania madethe turning point of the war, by declaring war to Nazi Germany and taking the arms against them along with the Allied Forces.

It is appreciated that this turning point resulted in the shortening of WWII with at least six months and the losses of the Romanian army demonstrate the contribution of Romania to the victory of the Allied.

The human capital engaged in the war places Romania the fourth, after the Soviet Union, the United States and Great Britain, according to the statements made in he British Parliament in January 1945.

538.536 Romanian soldiers served on the battle

fronts against fascism and the recorded casualties ammounted to 164.822 officers and soldiers, of whom 21.035 dead, 90.344 wounded and 58.443 missing. Meanwhile Czechoslovakia and Polonia were occupied lands, but Hungary fought with Germany against the Allies until the end of the War. In addition, the corpse of Horthy was brought in Hungary and on 3rd of Sept. 1993 was burried with all honors due to a Chief of State.

Otherwise, on the celebration of 50 years since the cessation of WWII. King Michael of Romania was invited to participate at the Normandy ceremony along with the other Chiefs of States who fought against Germany.

Mr. Bob Dole,

What next in your opinion ?

The answer depends of in case you are going to be elected President.

We are waiting for your answer and we wish you good luck and good decisions for the benefit of the whole world.

Sincerely yours,

Alex. Ronnett, M.D. George Duma, Ph. D. Traian Golea

President Romanian-American Representative for California President of Romanian Association

National Congress of the World Association of South Florida "Pro-Bessarabia and Bucovina"

502 Garwood Ave. 1730 3rd Avenue # 1202 901 NE 14th Ave. Ap. # 601

Mount Prospect, IL 60056 San Diego, CA 92101 Hallandale, FL 33009

The Romanians are asking compensation for

the Romanian Holocaust survivors from Northern Transylvania

during the Nazi-horthyst era - 1940-1944.

July 1996

It has been a half century since WWII. On the commemoration of this tragic event Hungary took the right initiative to help the 20.000 Holocaust Jewish survivors with monthly payment and to return confiscated property.

The Romanians are hailing this initiative and at the same time they want to remind the whole world that along with the Jews from Northern Transylvania were killed also many Romanian people, while others suffered expulsions and Human Rights abuses during this period between 1940-1944 and this happened at a time when this territory wasn't a battle field.

There were masskillings, (recorded are 6.183), expulsions (including 142 Romanian priests), while others had to flee the country (around 300.000 people). Besides there were also 17 Romanian churches razed to the ground, 33 destroyed or rendered unusable and 53 were deprived of their priests, locked and sealed by the Horthyst administration (see please attached photos and Ioan Ciolan's book "Transylvania, l'Ultima persecuzione magiara", ed. "Europa", Roma, 1980, which contains the testimonies of Bishop Nicolae Popovici of Oradea, of Bishop Vasile Stan of Maramures, and the testimony of Bishop Nicolae Colan of Cluj concerning their expulsion and of their clergy, the massacres, expulsion of people and destruction of their churches). There was a true radical "ethnic cleansing" operation against Romanians.

In addition, there is the book written by the American scholar and specialist Randolph Brahan under the title "Genocid and Retribution, the Holocaust in Hungarian ruled Northern Transylvania" (Nijhof Publishing, Boston 19873), which gives informations about these tragic events what happened during Horthy's era and attached has supporting documents which provide additional insight along with the booklet written by the Historian Dr. Oliver Lustig under the title "Distorsions and Misrepresentations that bring Insults and Desecrate the Memory of the Victims of Horthy's

Reign of Terror," also attached.

Dr. Oliver Lustig is a Romanian citizen of Jewish nationality, a survivor of the death camps and he is from Northern Transylvania, that part of Romania given by Hitler and Mussolini to Hungaryfollowing the Vienna Diktate (30 August 1940). According to Dr. Oliver Lustig's book, under the Hungarian occupation of this territory the Nazi-Horthysts sent to death camps 131.641 Jews (see also Randolph Brahan), and about 16.000 more Jews sent to death camp to Kamenetz-Podolsk-Ukraine in 1941. After the conclusion of WWII (1945) this portion of territory returned to Romania.

Hungary never apologized for the massacres, atrocities, human rights abuses and other war crimes they commited against the Romanians during the occupation of Northern Transylvania. As a conclusion, the Romanians are considering that Hungary should help beside the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust against them also the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust done against them.

Traian Golea George Duma, Ph. D. Alex. Ronnett, M.D.

President, Rom. Assoc. California President, Romanian-American

of South Florida National Congress

901 NE 14th Ave.- #601 1730 - 3rd Ave. - # 1202 502 Garwood Ave.

Hallandale, Fl. 33009 San Diego, CA. 92101, USA Mount Prospect, IL 60056

B. O. P.

Mr. Bob Dole

Presidential Candidate

Republican National Committee

310 First Street S.E.


Dear Mr. Bob Dole,

Regarding the coming elections for the President of the U.S.A. we are submitting you as follows:

The Romanians are not an emigrant population and nearly all the Romanians living in the West after WWII left or fled their country because of the oppressive communist regime.

The Romanian-Americans voted twice (1980 and 1984) for Mr. Ronald Reagan and for the first mandate of Mr. George Bush.

Mr. Reagan was very admired due to his great personality and his stand in internal and foreign policy, especially for his stand against the USSR. The Romanians saw in him the Savior of their country.

The Romanians continued to be loyal Republicans and voted for the first mandate of President George Bush, but because of his cold indifference for the Romanian Revolution in 1989 and after, they were disappointed.

- For the coming Presidential elections we would like to know and therefor respectfully are asking what are your opinions about i.e.:

- The refusal of Russia and Ukraine to recognized the invalidity of the Hitler-Stalin Pakt (named also Ribbentrop-Molotov Pakt) concerning the Republic of Moldova , while at the same time these two countries have recognized its invalidity concerning the Baltic States.

- The situation of the 14th Russian Army in Moldova Rep. (Transdniester Region) and the steps to be taken in order to hasten its withdrawal?

- The situation of Ilie Ilascu from Moldova Republic, the only Parliamentarian in the world jailed because of political reasons?

- The situation of Northern Bucovina territory taken by USSR following the same Ribbentrop-Molotov Pakt and now-a-day occupied by Ukraine?

- The request of the Romanians for Compensations for the survivors of the Hungarian-Horthyst Holocaust against the Jews and Romanians during the Hungarian occupation of Northern Transylvania in 1940-1944, a period of time when this territory was not a battle field? (See please the attached papers).

Hungary accepted recently to pay compensation for the Jews, but not for the Romanians who were persecuted or killed along with the Jews?

- The integration of Romania in the European Union and in NATO?

Mr. Bob Dole, we want to remind you that before WWII Romania used to be a very advanced country, on the sixth place in Europe, the same level with Belgium, and very tied to the West, while Bucharest, the Capital of Romania, used to be nicknamed "little Paris" .

We want to remind you also that during the WWII King Michael of Romania made the turning of the ostilities against Germany, fighting her along with the Allied Forces. It is appreciated that this turning against Germany resulted in shortening the war with at least six months. The losses of the Romanian army demonstrate its contribution to the victory of the Allied. The human capital Romania engaged in the war against Germany was 538.536. The statements made in British Parliament in January 1945 places Romania as the fourth allied army, after the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain. Meanwhile Czechoslovakia and Polonia were occupied lands, Hungary fought with Germany until the end of the War. As a matter of fact, as participant to the ceremonies of celebration 50 years since the end of the war in Normandy, France, among the other chiefs of Allied states was invited also King Michael of Romania.

Mr. Bob Dole, we wish you good luck in these elections.

Sincerely yours,

Alex. Ronnett, M.D. George Duma, Ph. D. Traian Golea

President Romanian-American Representative for California President of Romanian Association

National Congress of the World Association of South Florida "Pro-Bessarabia and Bucovina"

502 Garwood Ave. 1730 3rd Avenue # 1202 901 NE 14th Ave. Ap. # 601

Mount Prospect, IL 60056 San Diego, CA 92101 Hallandale, FL 33009

The Romanians from West are also asking compensation for

the Romanian Holocaust survivors from Northern Transylvania

during the Nazi-horthyst era - 1940-1944.

It has been a half century since WWII.

On the commemoration of this tragic event Hungary took the right initiative to help the 20.000 Holocaust Jewish survivors with monthly payment and to return confiscated property.

The Romanians from West are hailing this initiative and at the same time they want to remind the whole world that along with the Jews from Northern Transylvania were killed also Romanian people, while others suffered Human Rights abuses during this period between 1940-1944 and this happened in a territory which at that time wasn't a battle field.

There were masskillings , expulsions of Romanians, while others had to flee the country (around 300.000 people) and besides the synagogs were also many Romanian churches totaly destroyed or rendered unusable (see please attached photos). There was an "ethnic cleansing" operation against Romanians.

The book written by the American scholar and specialist Randolph Brahan under the title "Genocid and Retribution, the Holocaust in Hungarian ruled Northern Transylvania" (Nijhof Publishing, Boston 19873), gives informations about these tragic events which happened during Horthy's era and attached supporting documents provide additional insight along with the attached booklet written by the Historian Dr. Oliver Lustig under the title "Distorsions and Misrepresentations that bring Insults and Desecrate the Memory of the Victims of Horthy's Reign of Terror."

Dr. Oliver Lustig is a Romanian citizen of Jewish nationality; he is a survivor of the death camps and he is from Northern Transylvania, part of Romania given by Hitler and Mussolini to Hungary following the Vienna Diktate (30 August 1940). After the conclusion of WWII this portion of territory returned to Romania in 1945.

Under the Hungarian occupation of this territory, the Nazi-Horthyst sent to deatth camps around 131.641 Jews from Transylvania (see Randolph Brahan), plus around 16.000 Jews sent to death camp to Kamenetz-Podolsk-Ukraine in 1941 (see Oliver Lustig).

The Romanians from West are considering that Hungary should help beside the Jewssurvivor of the Holocaust against them also the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust done against them. Hungary never apologized for the war crimes, atrocities and human rights abuses they commited against them. As a conclusion, compensation should be paid also to the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust from Northern Transylvania.

Stimate domnule Presedinte,

In legatura cu tratativele dintre Romania si Ucraina, solicitam Presedintelui Romaniei declararea Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov nul si neavenit, astfel cum a f

The book written by the American scholar and specialist Randolph Brahan under the title "Genocid and Retribution, the Holocaust in Hungarian ruled Northern Transylvania" (Nijhof Publishing, Boston 19873), gives informations about these tragic events which happened during Horthy's era and attached supporting documents provide additional insight along with the attached booklet written by the Historian Dr. Oliver Lustig under the title "Distorsions and Misrepresentations that bring Insults and Desecrate the Memory of the Victims of Horthy's Reign of Terror."

Dr. Oliver Lustig is a Romanian citizen of Jewish nationality; he is a survivor of the death camps and he is from Northern Transylvania, part of Romania given by Hitler and Mussolini to Hungary following the Vienna Diktate (30 August 1940). After the conclusion of WWII this portion of territory returned to Romania in 1945.

Under the Hungarian occupation of this territory, the Nazi-Horthyst sent to deatth camps around 131.641 Jews from Transylvania (see Randolph Brahan), plus around 16.000 Jews sent to death camp to Kamenetz-Podolsk-Ukraine in 1941 (see Oliver Lustig).

The Romanians from West are considering that Hungary should help beside the Jews survivor of the Holocaust against them also the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust done against them. Hungary never apologized for the war crimes, atrocities and human rights abuses they commited against them. As a conclusion, compensation should be paid also to the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust from Northern Transylvania.

Stimate domnule Presedinte,

In legatura cu tratativele dintre Romania si Ucraina, solicitam Presedintelui Romaniei declararea Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov nul si neavenit, astfel cum a fel cum a f

The book written by the American scholar and specialist Randolph Brahan under the title "Genocid and Retribution, the Holocaust in Hungarian ruled Northern Transylvania" (Nijhof Publishing, Boston 19873), gives informations about these tragic events which happened during Horthy's era and attached supporting documents provide additional insight along with the attached booklet written by the Historian Dr. Oliver Lustig under the title "Distorsions and Misrepresentations that bring Insults and Desecrate the Memory of the Victims of Horthy's Reign of Terror."

Dr. Oliver Lustig is a Romanian citizen of Jewish nationality; he is a survivor of the death camps and he is from Northern Transylvania, part of Romania given by Hitler and Mussolini to Hungary following the Vienna Diktate (30 August 1940). After the conclusion of WWII this portion of territory returned to Romania in 1945.

Under the Hungarian occupation of this territory, the Nazi-Horthyst sent to deatth camps around 131.641 Jews from Transylvania (see Randolph Brahan), plus around 16.000 Jews sent to death camp to Kamenetz-Podolsk-Ukraine in 1941 (see Oliver Lustig).

The Romanians from West are considering that Hungary should help beside the Jews survivor of the Holocaust against them also the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust done against them. Hungary never apologized for the war crimes, atrocities and human rights abuses they commited against them. As a conclusion, compensation should be paid also to the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust from Northern Transylvania.

Stimate domnule Presedinte,

In legatura cu tratativele dintre Romania si Ucraina, solicitam Presedintelui Romaniei declararea Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov nul si neavenit, astfel cum a fel cum a f

The book written by the American scholar and specialist Randolph Brahan under the title "Genocid and Retribution, the Holocaust in Hungarian ruled Northern Transylvania" (Nijhof Publishing, Boston 19873), gives informations about these tragic events which happened during Horthy's era and attached supporting documents provide additional insight along with the attached booklet written by the Historian Dr. Oliver Lustig under the title "Distorsions and Misrepresentations that bring Insults and Desecrate the Memory of the Victims of Horthy's Reign of Terror."

Dr. Oliver Lustig is a Romanian citizen of Jewish nationality; he is a survivor of the death camps and he is from Northern Transylvania, part of Romania given by Hitler and Mussolini to Hungary following the Vienna Diktate (30 August 1940). After the conclusion of WWII this portion of territory returned to Romania in 1945.

Under the Hungarian occupation of this territory, the Nazi-Horthyst sent to deatth camps around 131.641 Jews from Transylvania (see Randolph Brahan), plus around 16.000 Jews sent to death camp to Kamenetz-Podolsk-Ukraine in 1941 (see Oliver Lustig).

The Romanians from West are considering that Hungary should help beside the Jews survivor of the Holocaust against them also the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust done against them. Hungary never apologized for the war crimes, atrocities and human rights abuses they commited against them. As a conclusion, compensation should be paid also to the Romanian survivors of the Holocaust from Northern Transylvania.

Stimate domnule Presedinte,

In legatura cu tratativele dintre Romania si Ucraina, solicitam Presedintelui Romaniei declararea Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov nul si neavenit, astfel cum a f



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