The 9.11 Event

What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past.

-Victor Hugo


In all of the 19 hijackers, seven people were pilots, other people also attended flight school. 13 people in 2001 Between April 23 to June 29 reached the United States. Upon arrival, they immediately dispersed throughout the USA, usually living in more remote suburbs, and had changed the English name.

8:46, two US Air Force F-15 Eagle fighter jets from the Massachusetts Air Force Base scrambled to intercept American Airlines Flight 11 (one of the flight which was hijacked), but did not know the correct position, theNortheast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) trying to determine the position of the aircraft in the next few minutes. New York Fire Department respond to the attacks at 8:46, when is the first plane hit the first World Trade Center towers.

World Trade Center collapse occurred in 9:59, causing many citizens and first responders firefighters died. However, the World Trade Center Tower 1 of the firefighters and commanders did not know what is happening initially. Many people think that the 1st tower is undergoing partial collapse. When the 1st tower hall full of rubble and debris, in Hall 1 of the first brigade headquarters commanders quickly issued via mobile radio communication evacuation orders, but many firefighters did not hear the Word command, some people able to leave because other combatants tell their headquarters has issued a withdrawal order.

When the commander and emergency medical services were finding shelter in the surrounding buildings, the World Trade Center Tower 2 collapsed across the West destroyed the accident rescue headquarters, command and control mechanism weakened. Fire Chief and other commanders at 10:29 on the 1st were killed in the collapse of the towers, so no accident rescue in temporary command of that state. In addition, the collapse occurred, many emergency medical services personnel do not know who is their Commander.

11:00, a senior official of the planning department was to succeed emergency medical service commanders , but in the next nearly half an hour, the whole accident rescue headquarters were still not very clear. During this time, some senior commanders have taken the initiative to rebuild the fire headquarters, sometimes resulting in multiple commands. 11:28, 4C city duty fire chief commander Note 6 was to succeed as a rescue scene commander, commanded the full restoration of the site.

The "clash of civilizations" theory among the Unite intellectual argument became one of "9.11" incident interpretation . Many media noted that a major source of world terrorism is America's Middle East policy. Long Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israeli military's killing of Palestinians and the US favoritism for Israel, "creating" mortal militants with fanatical determination. British Broadcasting Corporation BBC, the French "Le Monde" has pointed out that "the crux of the problem is that the US Middle East policy." British "Guardian" used "the best defense is fair" in the title, noting that America must "justice", "in order to truly stop Osama bin Laden getting support in the Arab and Muslim societies."



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