The 9.11 Event

What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past.

-Victor Hugo


The war on terror

In September 13, 2001, US Secretary of State Colin Powell held a press conference to announce that Osama bin Laden has been locked for the 911 terrorist attacks prime suspect. In the evening of September 14, US President George W. Bush was agreed to authorize the use of force against terrorists by US House of Representatives. According to US polls, the American public, 90 percent support the implementation of the US force against terrorists.

About October 7, 2001 13:00 PM, US President George W. Bush announced that the US and Britain had begun to target Afghan Taliban military authorities and Islamic extremists bin Laden's Qatar training camps a military strike. The outbreak of the war on terror.

These two wars caused by the US military dispatched a total of more than 200,000 troops and thousands of fighter planes. According to the American Institute for Congressional calculated under the premise without inflation and Treasury bill rate adjustment, the United States spent $ 1.4 trillion in total military spending. Because the United States has a lot of debt saddled, only the interest on this one will face hundreds of billions of dollars in spending.

May 1, 2011, a squad US Navy SEALs raid shelter Osama bin Laden's shelter by helicopter . Osama bin Laden was killed because of resistance. Whole process took about 40 minutes.

Flight Travelling

In 9.11 incident, American Airlines and United Airlines each lost two aircrafts, the entire air transport standstill for three days. After the return to flight, due to the shock of events, the number of airline passengers was in severe contraction, even there was only one passenger in group of airplane . After the disaster, the US aviation industry had made a request to the government $ 5 billion in cash and $ 19 billion rescue aid in other ways.


Clean firefighters, police officers, sanitation workers who participated in "9.11", as many as 3700 people suffering from cancer, of which up to more than 2,100 firefighters. Many of them have long endured suffering illness, and can not be put on the "hero" aura. For now , whether there are more people have cancer or other physiological, mental illness, we do not know. Obviously, for them, "9.11" is not far from over yet.




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