Adding a Custom Background to an SGI system. - by Jodeman

Take an ordinary graphical background. JPG or GIF format is fine. If you have a picture that you wish to use as your background, make sure that the graphic is 1280x1024 so that it fits exactly to your desktop.

Using some sort of graphical editing program such as GIMP, change the format to SGI.

In the following example, dolphin.jpg was converted to dolphin.sgi

To "paste" the background to your desktop, use the following command. Be sure to specify where your dolphin.sgi graphic is. In this case, I don't have to specify as the file is in my home directory.

    bgpaste -t r g b dolphin.sgi

For more information, do a:       man bgpaste

Keep in mind that when you use this command to add a custom background to your desktop, bgpaste uses up some of your system's memory. Type "gmemusage" to see how much memory it uses up.

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