How to make a copy of a Hard Disk from the Command Monitor - by Jodeman

This procedure was borrowed from a manual that I used to have. I forget which manual it came from.

You can copy a hard disk onto another identical size/model hard disk through the Command Monitor. (PROM Monitor) You can do this to create a backup disk in case of failure or if you wish to create an identical disk for another new system with the same configurations as the system from which the original disk is in.

Graphics Board & CPU must be identical because the kernel is custom configured for the CPU and graphics type.

  1. Shut down your system and install the 2nd (destination) drive into the system that you will use for copying.
  2. Make sure that the 2nd disk is of a different SCSI id number than the first one. Give it the SCSI id of 2.
  3. Boot system to the System Maintenance Menu.
  4. Select Option 5 to enter the PROM Monitor
  5. Type the command: boot
  6. From the sash: prompt type:

    cp -b 128k dksc(0,1,10) dksc(0,2,10) 

    You can also copy the disks at a slower speed if you wish if you feel that it's more reliable.. tho' this is usually due to the individual's preference

    cp -b 64k dksc(0,1,10) dksc(0,2,10)  OR
    cp -b 32k dksc(0,1,10) dksc(0,2,10)
  7. You will see a "read error" message when the copy is complete. This is normal and it lets you know that it has copied the entire disk.
  8. If you see a "write error" message, there was an error copying the disk and you will probably have to install the software onto the disk in the usual tedious manner.

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