Inuyasha is a half demon, and half human. His father was a demon and his mother, as you may have already guessed, was a human. Although Inuyasha says he hates humans, he really does have a place in his heart for some. Every month when the moon is new, Inuyasha turns into a human for one full day. He is constantly fighting and disagreeing with Kagome. He says that he hates her smell. In one episode when he has turned human, he gets injured. He asks Kagome if he can lay on her lap and then tells her that she smells nice. He even asks her why she was crying while she was helping to save him. He shows more compassion towards her when he is in human form and subtly shows it in demon form. Kagome actually freed Inuyasha from a spell cast with an arrow that her ascendant, Kikyo, cast. Maybe the beauty runs in the family and Inuyasha will fall in love with Kagome. I guess we'll see. The twosome travel together in search of the Shikon no Tama, or Shikon Jewel, shards. The whole jewel was originally in Kagome's side. This is how she first ends up in the Warring Time Period (Feudal Japan), or Inuyasha's world. She told Inuyasha that she was traveling with him to find the shards so that no innocent people would get hurt from the increased power that the shards give. Keep watching to learn more about Inuyasha and his possible love of Kagome.
Don't Trip on your way out (look at that stupid guy ---> lol)
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