“Winter Vignette”


By: Hikari

Category: From the Heart

Notes: Winter break is coming, which means it’s time again for a super LONG one-shot fic. “Winter Vignette” is the prelude to “La Clé, le Jardin, y le Noir Noir a Monté”. I hope you enjoy both these pieces. Roughly, the main fic will be around 50-60 pages, so I’m not sure if the board will permit so much space. ^_^()




            Kurama set down the watering can, then stood back and watched as the droplets dew glittered among his flowers. He smiled to himself contentedly, gripping the key to this place within the pocket of his coat. Releasing it, he turned to his friend, who was sprawled carelessly on the cool earth. The European grass had scented his hair of sweet smells, cool breeze in atmosphere breathing heaven up his nose. Rolling onto his abdomen, he pulled a budding rose that was dangling from a vine just above him. Closing his eyes, Hiei smelled it and smiled too. He enjoyed the night garden, and as it was winter- frost was prickling the petals with crystal- making it so fragile, should one drop the flower, it would surely shatter like glass. Odd then, how the scents of every bloom remained, that not a single plant wilted or died. No… Not in this garden…


            “Do you plan to take her here one day?” Kurama asked as he refilled the can.


            The dry grin on the fire youkai’s face faded, and no sooner had it did that he crushed the flower in his hand. The pigments from the rose smeared along his palm like blood. Indifferently, Hiei paid no pity and instead spread the trodden rose about his neck and face like perfume. “No… This year is an old year… If I am to show her anything… it will be new…”


            The last debris of the bud either slipped through his fingers or clung onto his smooth skin. He plucked another rose from the vine, this time… a white one, which hadn’t even begun to open…


            “I take it then… You will be taking her next year…”


            The smile returned, and sitting up- he handed the bud to Kurama. His friend took it, and slipped it into the chest pocket of his jacket. “Thank-you… I almost forgot I promised mother to bring her a white one.”


            “Hn…” Obviously not worried about tactlessness, Hiei lay back down on his back and starred off into the sky. “I will take her… Next spring…”


            Slipping on garden gloves and retrieving a pair of clippers, Kurama laughed at this. “May I hold you to that then?”


            Again, he indifferently responded: “You may…”


            “Then where’s your key?”


            He reached into the tunic of his coat and pulled out a long old iron key- holding it up into the air in mock-meaning. From his fingertips, it spun and swayed to the winds currents- sometimes squeaking because of the iron ring, which held it. “I’m surprised this place only has two them…”


            “Quand il y a D'un, il y a de Deux…”


            An eyebrow lifted.


            “French…” His friend inferred. “It means: When there is one, there are two. Look on the side of the neck of the key…”


            Hiei rotated the key, and sure enough, the very phrase was inscribed ‘Quand il y a D'un, il y a de Deux…’ He scoffed. “Hn… vous êtes romantique …”


            Kurama laughed quietly and looked up to the stars himself. *If only… that were totally true…* He thought. *This garden will only allow two people in at a time… otherwise… the beauty is just not the same…*

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