“Rose Petal Ashes” Chapter Three


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Notes: None.




            “WE CAN’T DO THAT!” Enki slammed his fist on the table as the rest of the council proceeded to babble on and on about the recent events. “Reikai is the strongest power of all three worlds… We cannot, in anyway, break their propositions because we are in no position to do so… Abolishing the system means our heads in Enma-Daioh’s hands. This is a no win situation. We fight the militia- we will lose. We abolish the system- we will lose. If we- ”


            “Enough.” Yomi impeded. “ I don’t want to hear what you have to say because nonetheless we must at least try to pull ourselves out of this quandary. You’re right on one point, however, Enma-Daioh refuses to eradicate the system- and therefore, even trying to get rid of the regulations secretly is out of the question. We’re officially in the field of war…”


            The group within the hall whispered amongst each other relating to the danger they were all in- including the militia. If the militia may win the war… the original attempt to unite all of Makai would have all been in vain. The worst part was the chances of defeating ninety percent of the populous- regardless of their strength- were very slim. The possibility that the upper classes would be exterminated wasn’t too far from reality either.


            “We must not allow the militia to win. Most likely, should this happen, the leader of the army will continue to manipulate the populous for his or her own desires.” Yomi continued. “ This is yet another reason why we need to fight this war. The lower classes not only lack strength, but many also lack wisdom. In order to be apart of the higher classes, one must gain astuteness- Mukuro your heir and my former partner are living examples of this… You know very well that letting our own fall pass is not only our plunge, but everyone in this world as well…”


            She spun the glass of wine within the tips of her fingers slowly- letting its contents slosh about, some drops staining the tablecloth. Drops of red. “You should listen to yourselves… All of you…”


            Everyone’s eyes widened at her coming statement. “The populous hardly matters to us anymore… Does it? No, let me correct myself. They never DID matter. Power was always number one on our priority list. We wanted to control and govern. The youkai- on the other hand- wanted a powerful and worthy a leader. This is how everything started. Makai wanted unification on its own. It was spontaneous. Now that each of us HAVE achieved a sense of control- we no longer can accept that our jurisdiction is being thwarted by those under us. We have gotten so accustomed to giving orders at our own will that none of us wish to be dragged into a ploy that we haven’t formed ourselves.”


            Enki frowned and countered. “ Even if that is so, either way we are being tested for our versatility. It is a waste of time to look back on our flaws- we must forget about them and succeed.”


            “Fool.” Mukuro snapped. “ In order to succeed… we must first correct our flaws.”


            One of the provincial representatives decided to jump in. “That may be true as well. But honestly, there IS no time.”


            Another demon, characterized for his distinct height and auburn eyes, also joined the topic. “We have tried dividing the lands between the separate classes, but that wound-up to be a failure because of the various geographical distinctions between lands. In some areas, natural resources are plentiful. Others are nothing, but arid wastelands. What can be done? This new Triangular system has been on movement for three years, and it’s already torn from the seams...”


            “We must fight…”


            “But we will die!”


            “Are you a coward?!?!”


            “Even if we win the war, Makai will no longer be a place worth ruling…”


            “That’s not the point of all this…”


            “We need tactical guidance!”


            Everyone turned to Mukuro. She smirked evilly and shook her head in abhorrence. “Pathetic… If you’re looking for my highest general and heir- you are too late. I have released him…”


            A councilman bashed his palms against the table- causing it to shake violently and make wineglasses topple over. Mukuro remained unmoved by the feat- instead she watched the sticky crimson liquid spill from the table cloth and puddle onto the marble floor. She closed her eyes.


            “Released him?!?!” His tone was both incredulous and wary. It bellowed throughout the palace, bouncing off the tall ceiling and walls. It was a hard tone, but it shook in between words. “What are you thinking woman?! AT THIS TIME?! IN THIS SITUATION?! WE NEED AS MANY TACTICAL GENERALS AS WE CAN OBTAIN!! AND YOU… YOU RELEASED JAGANSHI HIEI?!?!”


            No reply.


            “Mukuro…” Yomi took another approach. Deciding that being brash with the woman was ineffective, he spoke soothingly. “Why did you release him from your army… He is… after all… your heir to the throne…”


            Still unaffected, she moved to cross her arms over her chest. “Don’t speak to me that way… Just because of my sexuality… I have released him because not only is this OUR responsibility… but because it would be pointless to lose his life to this war…”


            “This is treason! You must never put one person above the majority!”


            “Call it what you like… I don’t care. We can’t force him to fight for us because there is nothing in this world he would die for. NOTHING. This land is nothing more than a birthplace to him. You cannot expect him to lead our armed forces because he has no reason to save Makai…”


            “That is a twisted excuse!”


            “Do you dare question my authority?! I have the sole right to do what I please with my subordinates! Have you no gall?! To dealt with this on your own?! As much as it poisons me to say it… We are damned because we cannot fall into a unanimous  train of thought!”


            “We are trying to save this world from apocalyptic…”


            “BULL SHIT! What we are trying to do is keep our power and save our asses!”


            Standing, she loomed over everyone at the table crossly. The temples at the sides of her head had tightened, the veins on her hand had made distinct creases along her creamy skin- fury heated in the hall. “I no longer have any interest in remaining in this assembly… Let Makai burn… it’s about time treachery has been paid for!”


            Her hold from the counter swished onto her wineglass, and vehemently- Mukuro threw it across the room, smashing it into tiny shards against the wall. She hissed at everyone, one good eye glaring at all those who held unspoken inquiries towards her. Without so much of a crack in emotion, Mukuro left the assembly. The loud slam of the door being her ‘good-bye’.


            Yomi sighed to himself- causing many eyes to fix on him. Another woman, with smooth flowing white hair turned to him entirely. Her deep-set onyx eyes flickered with peril- matching the threat emanating from her sharp nails, which were tapping over and over in a repeated rhythm. “…What will we do…?” The quality of voice came out soft and gentle, rather maternal. “…Would you like me to consult her..?”


            Breathing heavily through his nose, he waved his hand. “No… Sabashii…I will do it…”


            The leather of his coat fell to the floor heavily as he rose from his seat. Formally, he nodded to the others in order to coax them into delving deeper into the dilemma. Heels on boots clacking the tiles, Yomi exited in a conduct opposite to that of Mukuro. He quietly closed the door behind him and walked patiently down the corridors of his palace. It was of great irony that he held so much power, and yet didn’t  even possess the eyes to see the rewards OF his power. This fact left an aching sour in his tongue. That taste which ruined everything he ate and drank. Yomi couldn’t even see what he was consuming. He knew what it was, but couldn’t see it. The little pleasures life had to offer were stripped of their beauty for the simple reason that he was blind. Often, Yomi would ‘look’ back and wonder why he never directly sought revenge for his loss on Kurama. No matter, that was the past. The past should always be held as close as yesterday and never closer than that… Sometimes though… it was a little too hard to release… especially if doing so triggered more anguish.


            He stopped. There was a presence before him and quickly recognized it as the one whom he was seeking. Her power was down, but he knew it was her. Mukuro. Mukuro had a radiation to her that made it so easy to distinguish her from everyone else- even in a crowded room. It was like familiarizing body heat. Labeling everyone with their own perceptible presence. That was the only way Yomi was able to find anyone. Remembering the feel of their company. Was this why it hurt to lose someone? A feeling of losing heat?


Mukuro turned away from the full-window  she was staring through. Agitated to find that her contemplations were interrupted by none other than the one whom annoyed her ever since the beginning of power. A ‘hmph’ that couldn’t have possibly missed Yomi’s ears broke-out as she exhaled roughly. “What is it? What do you want?”


            The youkai dipped his hands into his pockets and walked forward- knowing that Mukuro wouldn’t move a muscle. He had her attention, and she wasn’t the type to drop her awareness so quickly. “This world means nothing to you?”


            “This world means bleakness… what could I possibly want in that?”


            Fortunately, his patience was at its maximum. A question answered with a question was simply a nuisance to most. Still, Mukuro’s hand in war was a helpful hand. If sprouting a few gray hairs meant gaining a powerful alliance, it was well worth it. “What does Hiei mean to you then?” He continued. “How could you sacrifice a vital soldier for the sake of his life over billions?”


            First, she snorted- then replied. “I don’t deem this to be of any business of yours… Besides… would you have not done the same for your son? Or would you allow him to be crucified in this time of needless bloodshed- had you known in advance of
the creation of the militia as I had?”


“Makai has always known blood... and therefore... Shura must grow with it…”

Craning her steel arm back, Mukuro slapped him across the face so hard that the pain literally rang within his ears. The blow was so brutal, that the crack echoed in the empty corridor and made a fracture on the glass of the pane. Yomi’s right cheek swelled immediately, beads of blood seeping from a freshly made scar.


“You fool! Never stain a youth's eyes a hue of red! By doing this... You are already plotting a second future down fall for the Makai! Don't be stupid! I've made these mistakes myself and it cost me dearly! I may never know the touch of soft skin on mine for I have paid the price in this way! If he is truly your son, you would not permit him to take part in this war!”


A rare and startling event. To those all around her- she was as cold and as impassive as the machinery that adorns her body. Not many people knew what buttons to press to break down the barriers. Mukuro had a masked flaw of being emotionally unstable… and now he knew…


Straightening her stride, she marched passed him hotly- only to halt after a few mere steps. “I… will help you… for your son… I will help you… Keep in mind, however, that I shall never look upon you or your race with high regard…”


Yomi touched his cheek softly. “…My son…?”


“Yes. I don’t hold any ‘favorism’ toward that brat… But if I do not fight… I will be marked a charlatan for my words… That is the last thing I want to be… Also… maybe you can learn how to raise a child from me… Apparently, you know little of what you are doing to the boy…” This being her speech… she was gone before Yomi was able to come to words.


“…My son…”




            “She’s losing blood!”


            “We need a transfusion!”


            “What blood type is she?”




            “Get her into the emergency room! Stat!”


            A wheeled stretcher was pushed hastily through the halls of the hospital. Nurses and assistants ran frantically about, checking the machines and insuring the woman that everything would be ‘okay’. Blood saturated the sheet that was over her… tubes and wires were plastered all over her body and face. She shook violently… mouthing the same words over and over jadedly…


            “My… little boy… where is my… little boy…?”


            Her eyes were drooping and her gasps for air were turning raspy and jagged. Cold sweat bathed her entire form, chilling her flesh and turning her lips a shade of bluish-purple. The wheels below her stretcher screeched and rolled violently- even grazing the tiling on the floor. Her dark brown hair matted over her forehead, sticking onto her as though they too were clinging onto the last string of life.


            “Nurse! Nurse! Where’s the needle?”


            “Her pulse rate is going down!”


            “Prepare to give her the electrodes!”  A new voice ordered.


            The entire staff turned gratefully to their doctor and followed as he led them through the crisis. Kurama pulled his strands back and rapidly examined the accident. Bleeding from the lungs… A shard of glass had punctured through- that was evident due to the shade of blood flooding over her chest. No good. Electrodes would harm her. “Stop! Use only ONE paddle! The open wound on her chest will cause electricity to flare!”


            Warmly, he took her trembling hand into his. “Everything is going to be fine… Your son is safe and resting… Just HOLD on… Don’t be afraid…”


            Nodding shakily, the color of her skin began to fade into a harmful tone of yellow. With each passing second, her breathing began to hollow.  To her- all of the surroundings were fuzzy. There was an endless cacophony of given orders and physical statistics. She felt dizzy, and her vision fell to her chest. Eyes widening at the sight of blood- she trembled even harder and took heavier gasps of air. Seeing this- Kurama nearly panicked.


            “She’s going into shock! GIVE ME THE PADDLE!” One of the aids handed it to him and he pressed the device onto the left side of her upper torso. He only had God to thank that the glass missed her heart. “1…2…3… CLEAR!”


            The machinery sent a wave of electricity straight through her body. The woman jolted, but lay limp. The pupils in her eyes were beginning to dilate- the sparkle of life fading quickly.


            “We’re losing her!”


            The young doctor clenched his teeth. “No… not yet…1…2…3… CLEAR!”

            Delivering another surge of energy, her limbs literally went flying in the air. Kurama momentarily set the paddle on the table. “Get the glass out of her chest! Insert the one- inch diameter tube into her lung and serve her oxygen! She didn’t blackout because of blood loss! She’s suffocating! Her lung is engorged in her own blood!”


            “But doctor…”


            “DO IT!!!”


            The staff was pushed into silence by the harshness of his voice. Everyone took away their glance from Shuiichi’s eyes. They couldn’t bear to face him- rather, they complied to every command he made. To no avail… They had lost her…




            “So this is it...? Impressive.”


            “Yes. It took nearly a decade to create them, but at last they’re born. We need, but only a month for their full growth.”


            “What if the assault on the Supreme Class will occur sooner than expected?”


            In the darkness, she frowned. “ That is of no worry to me… If that is the case… I will simply augment the temperature within the incubators. The growing process only requires the division of cells and their genetic proteins. Cells can split only fifty times before they max themselves out. This is why I choose to set a regulated temperature. If the time of battle draws closer than expected- all that needs to be done is an increase in heat within the bodies. Heat increases the multiplication of cells… I must be very careful as to not kill my creations…”


            “Was this… how Shura came to be?”


            There was a moment of silence before she replied. “…Yes…”


            “Incredible. But how did you manage to make… THEM?”


            Wringing her wrists together edgily, the woman scoffed at him. “ You’re too much of a simpleton… You wouldn’t understand the complexity of this endeavor…” She couldn’t keep in a shrug. “I will explain it to you later… The important thing now is to make sure that these beings mature healthily…”


            Her guest walked carefully around each of the in-wall tanks. He noted all the details and effort put into the experiment. If everything was the way she said it was to be- there was no way that the militia would lose the war. The youkai paced back and forth- looking into every cylinder attentively. There was immense power coming from all of them… They were perfect. One set of the creations, however, were placed strategically in the far back of the laboratory. He eyed the beings within the tank and gasped.


            “What… ARE THEY?!” The rebel’s surprise and awe made the woman smile to herself.


            “My children… They belong to me…I am their mother…”




            Somewhat strolling around the woods, Hiei passed a tall-standing pine tree, catching sight of the temple further off in the distance.  Yukina and her human husband had decided to resident in Genkai’s shrine ever since her passing. Together, the little family made sure that the holy sanctuary would be well kept and maintained. They have been living there for six years now… Time went by so fast… It seemed that it was just yesterday when they moved in. Strange how time went from eras to seconds.


            Birds fluttered out of the foliage from above, hailing pine needles and drift over Hiei’s head. He shook is hair around to dust off the fall- when a pair of two small hands cupped over his eyes. Ceasing his movements- a small grin lifted onto his expression. The hands were warm, but dry- supple.


            “Now… Who could that be…?” He spoke, hearing a melodic giggle escape from his ‘attacker’.


            Abruptly, a little weight mounted onto the fire youkai’s shoulders- unlike his normal attitude, he welcomed the hitch openly. “Could it be a bear…?”


            More giggles.


            “No? Maybe a cat?”


            He sensed the one on top of him shake her head briskly- soft strands of her hair brushing against the sides of his face.


            “No…” Hiei continued. “Neko’s don’t have smooth skin… They have fur…”


            Coolly, he lifted the hands gently off of his eyes… “Could it be..? My little Yuwari…?”


            Big ruby eyes shimmered into his. The little girl’s head was cocked over him- upside down from Hiei’s view- carrot colored pigtails hanging down loosely from her blue ribbons. She smiled and welcomed him politely. “Konnichi-wa… Hiei-san…Ossan…”


            He grinned just a bit wider and proceeded to walk to the temple. As his niece was already boarded on his back, a piggyback ride was fitting for the moment. “Where were you hiding? In the trees?”


            Yuwari nodded. “Yes… I knew you would be coming.”


            “You knew?” He blinked, surprised.


            “Yes… I had a dream last night… Of a man with spiky hair and dark red eyes, with a long tail trailing behind his neck… He had to be you…”


            “You dreamt of me?”


            “Many times… lots…”


            Hiei was touched- to say the least. A light blush rose to his cheeks. “You’ve… grown a lot in just a few months… You’re six now, right?”


            “Mm-hm…” The pitch in Yuwari’s voice unexpectedly descended from innocent to grave. “Ossan…”


            He looked up to her. “Hn?”


            “Kurama-san… Something happened…”


            “What do you mean?”


            The young child looked up to the sun, letting its rays cleanse her face and cover her in mid-day’s warmth. Her eyes softened. “I’m… not sure…”




            Kurama sat at the steps, head leaning weakly against his palm. He lost a patient. For the very first time… he wasn’t able to save a life. The woman died, and what made it worse was that woman was a mother to a nine year-old boy. She had a son. The only person she thought about throughout the whole ordeal. Her chanting rang repeatedly in his head, torturing him: ‘My… little boy… where is my… little boy…?’


            *If only… I had been faster… I could have saved that boy’s mother…* He thought to himself. Wiping his palm across his face, he let out a dejected sigh. The woman and child were caught in a traffic accident- them being the victims of the violent crash. A drunk driver went through a red light and smashed right into their car. Their car- being the small vehicle it was- spun and made a double three-sixty spin in mid-air. The car landed bottom-side up. The glass had shattered from the shield and a piece impaled itself into the mother’s chest. The hole in her lung bled until her oxygen was being cut-off. If only he had thought about that one detail- that she would suffocate to death before dying of blood-loss.


Taking the palm from his face- he slammed his fist into the wall. Because of him, an innocent little boy lost his mother. Such an unbearable… unforgivable… loss…


            This wasn’t helping, and it certainly wasn’t going to help the woman’s son either. Using the rail from the staircase to heave himself up, Kurama walked halfway down the hall and into the boy’s room.


            Quietly, he turned the knob and let himself in. The child had bandages all over his forehead and right arm from being in the passenger’s seat. There were several bruises here and there, a few mild cuts, but otherwise the boy was fine. The patient gazed at him hopefully, hazel eyes welling with fresh tears. Kurama slowly went up to his bed and sat next to him.


            “…What’s your name…?” The redhead asked, wanting to stall the news as much as possible.


            “Chairudo… Junryou Chairudo… My friends…they call me Jun for short…”


            “Oh…” Absently, Kurama began to stroke Jun’s hair. “May I… call…you Jun?”


            Jun nodded very faintly, but quickly went to the point before the other could.        “ Oishasan… Atashi no Kaasan… doko...?”


            A loving hand pulled the boy into Kurama’s chest. He sheltered the little one from the world beneath his chin, never halting from caressing the soft blue hair at his fingertips. “Your Kaasan… She… loves you very much… but… she couldn’t stay…”


            Jun immediately knew what that was supposed to mean. He suppressed his tears, keeping the hot water inside himself to the point he felt he would burst. Small frame trembling- Kurama took him deeper into his embrace. “Don’t be… afraid to cry…”


            With that, the child bawled over- searing tears fountaining out of his eyes and spilling onto the older’s white shirt. His small fist clutched onto him tightly, holding on desperately from losing control of his quaking body.


            “Sumanai…” Kurama whispered, feeling tears of his own drip from his long delicate lashes and splashing on the boy’s tresses. “Sumanai…”












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