“Rose Petal Ashes” Chapter Two


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Notes: A big Doumo Arigatou to Yukina2-san, Mallorey-san, Rose-san, Hieiko-san, Yume-san, Rin-san, (gomen ne… I hate leaving people out) and Youko especially. Yes, Youko, you especially. Thanks to your kind consultation, friendship, and your philosophy meshed with my own- I haven’t given up on writing. You’re the man Youko!




            “ Sovereignty is a desired power whom only fools dare try to achieve. The restraints hovering over this world only bring further burden to the populous. Monarchy is absurd, and therefore existence of this supremacy must be expelled from the lands. We, the populous, are dying of deprivation. The ruler of the three territories is a tyrant. As we all may be individual beings with our own interests- we have one interest in common. That is- the rebirth of Makai. Because of this common desire, we will –without much reluctance- join together and become one force. We will tear down the walls of the ruling and bring back the true Makai we loved so dearly. The Makai without law nor reason. This is our goal- bring destruction to our authorities and rebuild the Makai we knew… This is our dream…”




            “Here are the x-rays Doctor…”


            “Oh… Arigatou…” Reaching over- he fingered the plastic films and flipped through them quickly. His eyes sparkled softly as they gazed at each one of the sheets. For a moment, he stopped only to adjust his thin silver-framed glasses- then he continued looking at the stats of his patient. “Seems I will have to stay-up late analyzing these… How did this happen again? There isn’t a clear description on the form…”


            “Well… You know kids these days… Wearing those trousers which are ten sizes too big… The pant leg of his jeans got caught in the bicycle chain while he was peddling through the street. He lost control of his bike and went skidding along the road… It’s a good thing the boy didn’t get hit by a car… He’s only twelve…”


            The doctor nodded. “…Poor kid…” Taking one of the x-rays, he held it up to the light and took out a pen. “Look here… The bone to the femur is broken in three places… The plate of his knee- cap is shattered… Even in an accident like this… That shouldn’t have happened… Is the child anemic?”


            The young nurse bit her lip, crossing her arms over her white uniform while keeping her focus on the scans. “Not exactly… He’s a lactose- intolerant …”


            “No milk for him then… That explains why the bone didn’t absorb the impact the way it should have… Do his parents give him calcium pills?”


            The blond shuffled the papers on her clipboard. “They did… However, they ceased giving his prescription three years ago… They must have thought it wasn’t necessary once he reached his pre-teens.”


            “I see…” Taking the photograph from the light, he carefully slid it into the portfolio. “Make sure to keep him on the I.V. for a while… I haven’t examined the damage on his abdomen, so I’m not sure if he will be able to ingest solid foods yet. Also, make sure to give him painkillers every few hours… Be mild on the milligrams… He’s still young…”




            To himself- he nodded to approve his own diagnosis and prepared to leave the hospital. Before doing so, he filed away some folders- putting the latest cases in his binder- and hung his certified coat in his office. Sighing from a tiring day of endless injuries, illnesses, and even child births- he retrieved his car keys from his desk and swung them into his fingers. Shutting off the light, he closed the door.


            It was rather eerie how quiet the edifice was at night. The halls were lit only with low luminosity- giving tones of grays and blues directors often used in suspense films. The only noises made were the occasional sneezes and coughs- or the sporadic beeping of machines at work. Besides that, there was the tapping of his shoes which echoed along the walkways. Frightening was what it was. Feeling as though he was being followed from behind… Being chased down without knowing it… He shrugged away his anxiety. That imagination of his… Always getting the better of him… Of course he had a very good reason to always be on his toes. The experiences he had went through were enough of an excuse to be quite vigilant of his surroundings.




            His muscles tightened, merely relaxing later at realizing it was his assistant nurse whom was calling him. Smiling in such a gentlemanly manner, he turned to her slowly. “Yes…?”


            In return, she smiled back. “Drive home safely Doctor Minnamino… and have a good night. We wouldn’t want our patients to wake-up to a half-beaten medic…”


            Brushing through his short unevenly cropped bangs- the redhead laughed. “No we wouldn’t… I’ll lose my job if they all go into cardiac arrest!”




The crème colored paper crackled at his touch. Perspiration banded over his forehead, dripping down and absorbing into his blue tunic. His eyes brimmed with worry at reading the letter- whereas his master awaited somewhat coolly for the latest news of the countries. He had heard of stirrings happening among the youkai as of late; some rumors of inadequacy of the recently made triangular-system. The system was assumed to improve the divisions in classes. Where S-class youkai may be placed on the top, A-class and B were set right below the higher power, later to be followed by C and D. While C and D-classes were weak, they have then only been allowed to hold business and/or personal affairs amongst themselves. Meddling with the higher powers- or vice-versa- was rewarded with punishment. The whole use of such a law was to keep dictatorial mannerism under control amongst the beings. As a result, classes were divided in such a way that courtship with the separate classes was impossible. Thus, an episode akin to ‘inbreeding’ out-broke within divisions. Where C-class youkai may only court D or other C, their offspring were born to be lower youkai ranking at even below class D. In opposition to this- the A class and B class were only permitted to court each other or those of their same level. The outcome was children who outranked the A class, but found no position in S class. In addition, the weakest bearings of the C and D class offspring never survived. While with the A and B class brood- the infants were far to young to even hold their own immense power, causing their deaths.


 Besides this matter of perplexity, the arrangement kept the economy of the richer classes low, as most of the weaker classes were the industry of weaponry, herbs, and the like. It came to the extent where the meager were rich, but weak- and the superior were poor, but strong. The triangular- system that was meant to bring order to a lawless society only made the situation far more imbalanced. The populous was dissatisfied, but agreed to follow the system until a better one would be arranged. Anger toward such outrageous regulations had already begun to boil since the beginning of Yomi’s rule. Now that his term was over- Mukuro took charge from where he left off, and thus blame was shifted to her. Unfortunately, Mukuro had no way of amending the system for the higher spirits had appointed them to be responsible of these laws. Should they not be enforced- she, Yomi, and their minions would lose their lives.


His master took the letter from his hold and held it to his nose. The paper was perfumed with spice and ash. He handed the sheet back to his servant. “What does Mukuro want?”


The youkai cleared his throat. “Apparently, Yomi-sama, Mukuro-sama has discovered a militia formed by the classes. That is, ALL the classes. Sire, it’s impossible for her to fight a militia as large as ninety-percent of the Makai- that’s walking into death! What’s more, it could be very well possible that the leader of the army once had connections with the S class regime. For reasons unknown, we have a traitor among our class and councilmen. Should this problem regarding the triangular-system persist, I have no doubt in my mind that an all out civil war will flare. We may be stronger than most, but our numbers are few. Sire, Mukuro-sama desires your counseling.”


Yomi’s four out of six ears twitched at hearing the report. The overly ill nature of the youkai had transformed into an obsessive murderous hatred towards the so-called government. Wrinkles creased within his forehead. Long before the implement of the system- he knew the proposal would collapse. Though, it took years until the true shortcomings of the system finally occurred- unlike his original vision of an immediate rebellion.  Apparently, the mass did want some sort of order- to their dismay, the order brought to them only produced more corruption. Makai had always been trapped in a whirlpool of deception and carnage, but now political distortion was added in.


“Normally, I would let that crippled woman fend for herself.” He took a moment to contemplate the entirety of the situation. “However, it looks as if that I have been pulled into this sullied form of administration long before the Makai Tournament. I have no choice, but to be at her aid. Likewise, she has no choice, but to side with myself. What a disgusting twist in fortune- I must join with my long-living enemy in order to save our skins. Mizuno…”




“ Send message to her that we will hold a meeting of the classes tonight. Announce to the rulers of the provinces to gather at my palace. We need to abolish this system as soon as possible…”


“But what of Koenma? Sire?”


“Send another message to Reikai. They must understand that the obliteration of

Makai will bring discrepancy between the two other worlds. If that happens, all the worlds will fall. The universe will be put into a state of eternal dormancy… If Reikai does not heed our words, all will perish for nothing less than a nonfunctioning constitution. Go now… I will set a means to defeat the militia.”




The servant clicked his heel and went steadfastly off to accomplish his multifaceted tasks. Yomi sat on his throne and bowed his head solemnly. *We are definitely in way over our heads… There will be an unavoidable war… a war where there is only a victor, but no winner. No… all wars are like that… there is nothing at stake in these circumstances save for our very lives… There will be no meaning in this bloodshed…*




            Sighing, Minnamino shut off the computer. His green eyes darted for the clock on the wall. Twelve- forty eight. The lids over his eyes began to droop exhaustedly, a loud yawn slipping out of his mouth. He leaned back on his swivel chair- raising his long arms to stretch out. The back support of the chair went back and contoured to his movement, the springs inside the cushions compressing to his weight. It was late. He had promised himself to turn in once the clock hand struck eleven, but found himself so immersed in his work that time passed by right beneath his nose. Thankfully, he was already dressed in his nightwear and was just more than willing to collapse. Collapse. Never before did that word sound so sweet. Collapse, he repeated to himself- a grin came in.


            Abruptly, his keen ears picked up a creak in the room. Standing, the redhead sharpened his senses. There was a draft- meaning a window was open. *No…* He thought. *I didn’t unbolt the window tonight…* A hand moved to shove away the wheeled chair. He walked soundlessly to his white flowing curtains, and sure enough- the pane was wide open. The curtains flowed to the gusts of air weightlessly, sometimes passing the image of an unearthly being in the study of his apartment. *No… It couldn’t be…* The redhead shrugged and slammed the pane shut. The air from beneath the drapes depleted and gradually lowered them from suspension. Rotating, he discovered someone whom he hadn’t seen in years- sitting at his chair and looking at him intently.


            “Long time…”




            “Yes… This is it…” The woman’s black eyes sparked excitedly. It took years, but finally it was done- the experiment was complete. Not only complete, but an utter success. The corner of her lip curved maliciously. Yes, it was done. “If my anticipations are correct… this will come in useful…”


            Her long thin, bony hand clasped the curve of the glass incubator- lengthy nails screeching at the shield. The auburn water within it was glowing, emitting strong light in the quarters of the gloomy lab. “For this war… I will create a legion of each you…”


            Delicate lips pressed onto the cold glass, kissing it. “You are beautiful… and you are mine… Who would have thought it would only take a drop of blood to create each and everyone of one of you… and you are all mine… All of you… matching everything from your predecessors… only made to perfection… All of you… will be my army and when the time of blood comes, then will be the time my heart shall be cast open to this wretched world and I will make him know my pain… My agony… My children… Fight for me…”




            “Hiei?”  The redhead blinked in surprise, then chuckled. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be…”


            A thin eyebrow lifted. “Nice to see you too… Actually, I’ve been released…”


            “Released?” He inquired. Moving up to him, he sat on the arm of the couch across the desk. “You mean you’re not under her service anymore?”


            Hiei smirked. “Not exactly…”


            His eye wandered over the desk, spying the x-rays his friend had been examining for hours on end. “What happened to this guy? His knee-cap looks like confetti…”


            “Oh… bike accident. It was a boy, really… only twelve. I’m still trying to figure out a way to align the three pieces of bone without damaging the muscle. As for the knee-cap…”


            “Poor kid… He needs a proxy…”


            A beaming smile washed over the other’s face. “Have you visited Yuwari recently?”


            “Afraid not… I haven’t seen her in months… How is she Kurama?” The youkai’s ruby eyes shifted quickly to his companion. They were hinting an emotion of compassion.


            “Doing well. Yuwari is becoming more and more lovely every day. Still, every time I see her, she’s ALWAYS asking about you… I admit… I’m a bit jealous of the way she favors you over everyone else. I’m beginning to feel that her father is quite uncomfortable about it…”


            “Hn. I’ll go and see her tomorrow… She loves it when I surprise her…” Hiei’s vision went back to the desk, running along all of its components and details until he reached a pair of glasses. “Kurama… are these yours?”


            Kurama stood up and took the spectacles into his hands a little embarrassed. “Yes… They’re mine… My human body is getting old I guess…”


            Both eyebrows went up. “Kurama… you’re not even thirty yet…”


            He laughed. “In two years I WILL be… My mother is even begging for a grandchild…”


            “Then give her one…” Hiei said simply.


            “Wish it were that easy…”


            “I don’t know what you’re talking about… You should be aware that you still cause heads to turn. The only difference I see about you now is that you look the way you did when I first met you- with the addition of THOSE-”


            Looking down to the glasses at hand- Kurama passed them to his friend. “My god… I was fourteen at the time. I’ve doubled in age in the blink of an eye!”


            The fire youkai held the frames up and looked through them- quickly taking them away from his face and squinting his eyes tightly later. “Damn…”


            The expression on the redhead’s complexion narrowed humorously- particularly around the eyes. “I’m not THAT blind… It’s you whose eyes are too sharp for their own good…” He snatched the glasses. Hiei smiled.


            “Back to the subject… Why AREN’T you seeing anyone? You could pull any woman you wanted right out of the bag…”


            “If I wanted to…” Folding the spectacles, he placed them back on the table. “It’s too dangerous though… and anyway… I haven’t found a woman that special to me yet… I think…”


            “Ch’. You’re being too paranoid…” With that, he snapped his head to the wall- a long tail of hair swinging to the sudden jerk. The eyes in Kurama’s sockets bulged.


            “Your hair… It’s long!”


            “You didn’t notice?”


            “Not with the front of your head facing me… You stole my hairstyle!”


            Hiei laughed at the idea. “Incorrect. Number one, I don’t have two locks coming from the front of my ears. Number two, my hair is tied. Number three, I don’t keep plants in it. Lastly,  my hair is no where near as thick.”


            “Heh…” A large smile was plastered over the redhead’s face- he shaking his head as though the bolt from the blue visitation itself overwhelmed him. Walking around the couch, white socks rubbing against the light blue carpeting- he slumped into the sofa drained. This action earned consideration on the fire youkai’s part.


            “Something wrong?”


            Kurama laid his head back and shook it again. “No… Just…”


            Another enormous yawn.




            “A little… Say what time will you be going to see your niece?”


            Getting out of the chair, he plopped next to him. “I don’t know… But I’m going to sleep-in tomorrow… Do you mind if I stay here for a while?”


            “No… Of course not. I like having your company around… This place gets way too quiet… Anou… Just don’t finish the pancakes…”


            “It’s been years since I’ve had pancakes.”


            “Too bad, tomorrow morning they’re MINE.”


            “Fine by me… Don’t be shocked to find the syrup missing though… What time do you wake-up?”




            “You got it as bad as I do back in the Makai…”


            “Well…” He chimed. “I like what I do… Taking care of people…”


            Hiei snorted mercilessly. “If you don’t think about yourself- you won’t have enough energy to think about others… So get the hell out of my bed for the night and sleep before I dent your head in with the hilt of my katana…”


            “My how you’ve changed…”

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