“Rose Petal Ashes” Chapter One


By: Hikari

E-mail to: [email protected]

Notes: Yaoi/Non-yaoi fic- workable for both groups. Language and some violence.

All disclaimers apply.




            The petals fall- cascading down amidst the sweet morning air. One by one they drift. Softly… Quietly… The whole world cries when they do so… They burn their way… Soft red crackling with flame… It’s so strange… How the whole world lies still at this moment… This rose has bursted… wilted to no more than thick dark ashes.  The whole world cries when this happens…




            His eyes blazed over from the flickering flames of fire. The sparks of light leapt into the air, only to be extinguished by the cool of the lonely wind. He closed his eyes- let the breeze wash over him and pull his form into its loose embrace. Grinning smugly, he tossed his long hair. It flew for a moment and landed gently on his shoulder, curling and waving in flowing rivers. The camp had retreated to their tents after another grueling day. Nothing out of the ordinary really. The regular circuits and sparring- highly uneventful. Sometimes he felt compelled to do hell with his army and see how they would hold out. No. That would be too cruel- too predictable. Besides, what use was there in fighting subordinates who were weaker than thou? Nevertheless, peace was peace, and he was glad to have finally realize it. Though, one would wonder if peace could be so foreboding. There was bittersweet feeling in his stomach, a feeling he had for many months now. He paid it no heed.


            “You said I would find it one day…” He whispered. “You were right… I have…”

His gaze lifted to the skies- which were clear and as starry as a blanket arrayed with pure

diamonds.  “ I suppose this means it’s the end then… the end of this road… Or would you like me to take a new one?”


            The grin he was wearing lengthened to a smile. “So many roads… I wonder… which should I take…? Maybe then… I should take the road home?”


            “Which way is home?”


            Jerking with a little surprise- he turned all knowingly to his eavesdropper. “You tell me… I’d like to know…”


            She smirked and took a seat next to him on the log he was sitting on. The wood creaked– rocking slightly, several chips and dust falling to the ground due to age.

“I’ve been lost for many years… you’re asking the wrong person…”


            “An answer I anticipated from one such as yourself…”


            Looking to him, the woman found that his irises were focused on the night’s abyss… The blackness… and the stars… Eyebrows furrowed at the other’s demeanor, yet, they disregarded the concern by relaxing over her brow once more. Her hand lifted, long willowy fingers- falsing weakness- brushed over her jagged bangs. Pulling the tresses back, only to have them slide forward again. “As insolent as always… What are you thinking about…?”


            A shrug escaped his breath- the warm hot air from his mouth transforming into mist. “It started with the day… I was thinking of nothing… Then you had me started… With real thoughts…”




            “Wherever that may be…”


            “Hm…” Her metal hand cracked one of the branches off from the log- tossing it carelessly into the bonfire later. “You said a moment ago… That you’ve found it…”


            He grimaced at that. “Exactly how long were you behind me…?”


            “It’s not my fault… You’re becoming horribly lazy… That… and you have a tendency to speak to yourself quite often…”


            “I should slice-off your ears…”


            Ignoring the last remark, the woman stripped off another piece of wood from the log and threw it in. The fire flared, then lowered it’s fiery after consuming the lumber. Cynically, she prepared to scrap-up another piece. Odd. She enjoyed watching the pieces burn. Be destroyed. Like her dreams… her happiness… This sadistic joy would have to do. If she couldn’t achieve contentment… an imitation would be more than enough. “Would you like to go home?”


            Now his eyebrow furrowed. They were thin, and therefore, gave clear impression of what was running through his thoughts. Glad to have actually received a reaction, she reached for his hair. Her fingertips petted at it from the nape of his neck, playing around the strands until they stopped right above his rear.


            “You’re not complaining…” She noted.


            “I could always cut it… I don’t care…”


            “Somehow… I doubt that…” Her chilled hands reached under the mass of hair- sliding up his back and feeling the warmth from behind his neck. A flinch caught her attention- the sense of feeling right gave her a victorious sensation.


Before she knew it, he had spun around- pushed her onto the earth until her shoulders were coated with soil, and had her at blade-tip to throat. Another wave of pure satisfaction immersed her. It showed plainly through her stormy blue yes.


            “You’re right.” The tip of the rapier deepened into her thin flesh, but not enough to cause her to bleed. Standing over her- disdain lurked over every fiber of his body. The woman knew this, and mentally laughed to herself at thinking how emotionally closed this man was supposed to be. What a façade…


            “I don’t know why you even bother…” Her tone altered to that of a cold one- icy. “You will not even take the opportunity to kill me… You would never do such a thing…”


            “You’re right…” He repeated.


A wind blew again, bringing silence along with it. They stayed this way, for quite some time, not uttering a word. No need. Eyes could speak volumes.


“You can go home now… Hiei…”


Suddenly, in a movement so swift it was completely unseen to the eye, his katana was resheathed and Hiei stood stiffly. Danger loomed darkly within his eyes. That danger in his eyes that knew of blood. That blood… they stained the colors of his irises… forever…




Heaving herself, Mukuro went on heel militarily. “… Yes… Home will come to you in time… There is no life that may live without ever going back to where they have started… That is impossible. Of course, should this happen… that soul is damned to hell. Though… when home may come to you… sometimes you must search for it…”


“And of you? Your home?”


“My place is on the battlefield… It’s not home… but it’s where I belong… Your place is a much better place than this…” With her arm, she gestured toward the ambiance around them. Dry ground- sometimes blotched with mud- parched plants, atmosphere scented with blood and ash, bleak.


            “And you know this by…?” There was doubt.


            “I just do… home is waiting for you…”








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