Prologue to: Broken

            By: Hikari


            Notes: I don’t whether this will become a fic or not… OH well! Here’s the prologue NE wayz! *grinz*  BTW, the song at the end of this is from the anime: Serial Experiments Lain. If you would like to listen to it go here:  >the title of the song is DUVET and needs to be downloaded<  another song that inspired me to write this is Cloudy with Occasional Rain, I highly recommend going to this site and downloading the files- it’s worth it ^_^.

One more thing, I set the lyrics into couplets and quatrains myself. If you would like some lyrics to YYH, Lain, etc., I’d be more than happy to help you out ^^. After all, everyone should help everyone.




So this is me. Bare naked and alone in this dark room. No one to keep me company, but my own reflection. It’s raining again, and the cool of the atmosphere makes my hair bristle and my skin tighten. I hate my life. Everything I have went through was all in vain and meaningless. My dreams and hopes just went through my tired fingertips like sand… like water. You look at me, you laugh at me, you’re my reflection, YOU’RE ME. How could this be? This monster in this mirror. Hideously green, covered with eyes, tinged yellow and evil. GO AWAY! YOU BEAST! YOU DEVIL!BASTARD! Why did this have to happen? Why did I turn into this? I throw my fist, and the glass shatters into a million pieces, grazing my bare chest, and scarring my face. Hot blood ribbons down my arm, fragments of the looking glass biting into my flesh- the embodiment of death in all forms. Surprisingly, this doesn’t hurt. On the contrary, it’s quite relieving. Perhaps hurting myself is a means of destroying death. Death. It used to be my favorite word. But the death I was interested in was evil. And like all evil, it may be appealing to the iris at first, but it won’t be long until the debt of pain follows. I fall to the ground, as my loss absorbs into the pure white carpet… tainting it. This is my touch, I kill everything my hands lay upon- even if it’s just a sweet caress. It’s so hard to breathe, everything is spinning. Have I lost it all? Even who I am? Who am I? I don’t know anymore… Would someone  please make the hurt stop? Make the stinging tears stop? I can’t… they just keep coming…                                                                                                                                                                                                                          



And you don't seem to understand…                                                                                                                                      A shame you seemed an honest man                                                                                                                        And all the fears you hold so peak                                                                                                                               Will turn to whisper in your ear

And you know what they say might hurt you                                                                                                             And you know that it means so much                                                                                                                    And you don't even feel a thing                                                                                                                                     

I am falling, I am fading,                                                                                                                                     I have lost it all…  

                                                                                                                                                                               And you don't seem the lying kind                                                                                                                        A shame then I can read your mind                                                                                                                                                                    

And all the things that I read in there                                                                                                                          Candle lit smile that we both share                                                                                                                       

And you know I don't mean to hurt you                                                                                                                 But you know that it means so much                                                                                                                    And you don't even feel a thing        

I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning,                                                                                                           Help me to breathe I am hurting,                                                                                                                          I have lost it all                                                                                                                                                             I am losing                                                                                                                                                               Help me to breathe I am falling…


I am fading, I am drowning,                                                                                                                                  Help me to breathe I am hurting,                                                                                                                           I have lost it all                                                                                                                                                        I am losing                                                                                                                                                             Help me to breathe…





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