Music, the Universal Language
The most inspirational element in my life is music. I need it. I thrive on it. Without it, I doubt I would even come close to any sort of creative power or imaginative brainpower.  I see images with words and beat. Sometimes I don�t even need words- symphonic music churns stories in my mind too.

Music, real music, gives me a sense of mood- at times an entire storyline. 75% of all the fiction I have written (whether they may be fanfiction or personal non-posted creations) comes from music. �Broken�, for instance, all began with one song: �Duvet� by BOA. �Chasing After Fireflies� was set-off after hearing the songs �Rebirth� by Mukuro�s seiyuu and �Chasing After� by Clear. �Hiei�s First Christmas� was born from the song �Koori wo Knifu o Daite� by Ogata Megumi (Kurama�s seiyuu). �Fields of Lilac� and Rose Petal Ashes�, both began with the pieces: �Ring� from Please Save My Earth, �Ameno� by Eric Levi and, most importantly, �Woman Warrior� from Vampire Princess Miyu. As you can see, I am HELPLESS without music.

The sad thing is, pop appears to be the music of the new era. As much as I like pop music, I simply don�t get the same impact as with the songs I have mentioned. My key interests are: new age, modern classical/symphonic, break-through artists such as Dido, Bjork or Delirium; rebellious and, of course, evil music by Korn, Incubus, and Gothic (surprised?). Even techno gives me a few fun spins. However, pop seems to be getting the best of me. Every station I turn to, the Backstreet Boys play, or N�Sync, or Madonna is playing for (must I say it?) the bazillionth time. I don�t want to offend any fans out there, but you have to admit, the songs they make are good until it gets over played on the radio. I don�t think anyone can ever come close to realize how happy I am to have the Napster server on the Internet (I will talk more about the court issues of their legal conflict later).

Napster allows me to share music with friends and for friends to share music with me. I can discover new artists every time I open my account, and it�s fantastic. Roughly four-fifths of all the MP3s I�ve downloaded were by artists who are hardly known. Isn�t it amazing how a lot of talented souls out there are stuck in back water because they don�t fit the pop category of this time and age? It�s sorrowful. These artists deserve to be heard. Eric Levi, Amel Larrieux, Kawai Kenji, Delirium, BOA, Bjork, Malice Mizer, A Perfect Circle- these names are cheated of the fame they deserve. Sure, this IS my opinion, but you need to see for yourself as to what I am talking about. The songs they write are meaningful, if not carrying an extremely unique and diverse rhythm.

As for the Napster trial, the official resolution is that Napster will NOT put a charge on their service, but they will, however, put blocks on songs that the music industries send explicit notices on to keep off the net. While this may limit our choice of download in Napster, we will still be able to keep the songs banned from the net to ourselves in our own personal files. In a way, the court sided with Napster�s good intentions. It�s ludicrous to waste up to $18 on a CD where only ONE song is good, while the rest is cheap junk. There are the occasional good tracks in a CD, but I notice that a lot of them are just fillers that surround the one desired song.

I realize that my thesis is deterring from the topic: The Undying Language: Music, but since this is my little essay- I can put whatever I feel like on it. At any rate, music IS an undying language. It�s universal- more so than mathematics. Although math is known from across the world to the depths of outer space to God knows where, only music can express emotion. The pull of a string- sadness. The beat on a drum- anger, and so on and so forth. Music has the ability to communicate feelings, stories, and imagination. Math gives figures and directions, while this may be important- there doesn�t appear to be any life within those figures or directions. In other words, math contains blueprints. This is a positive aspect on arithmetic, but should there be some life form out there (who knows?) or if we want to converse intimately with people in an unknown country, untouched by time- music is needed.

  To conclude this structureless article, I would like to offer you some songs I recommend to download off of Napster (if you don�t have it now, don�t be afraid to get it because there�s no risk- you�re missing out on a LOT if you don�t). I will eventually put these songs into the music section of my site, but uploading into my share folder is tedious and such a pain- so in the mean time, try these recommendations on Napster.

** Sometimes Napster may find the song, but not the artist and vice versa. If the song cannot be found, try typing in only the song title. If that doesn�t work, try the artist. If worst comes to worst, try to get a hold of me and I will personally send you the MP3 you desire. Please note, though, that I DO have a life and it has been extremely busy as of late.**

Artist                                                                             Song
Chrono Cross                                                                Time�s Scar
Kawai Kenji (Vampire Princess Miyu)                        Woman Warrior
Delirium with Sarah McLachlan                                   Silence
A Perfect Circle                                                             Three Libras
Angel Sanctuary (Vocal)                                               Sanctus
Angel Sanctuary (Vocal)                                               Paul and Liese
Malice Mizer                                                                 Le Ciel
Akino Akai (Outlaw Star)                                             Tsuki no Le
BOA                                                                               Duvet
BOA                                                                               Elephant
Aria (Dido)                                                                     Willow
Ogata Megumi (YYH)                                                   Nightmare


Bjork                                                                             All is Full of Love
Incubus                                                                          Pardon Me
Amel Larrieux                                                               Make Me Whole
Vampire Princess Miyu                                                 Heartbeat Shinma
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon                                 The Encounter
Crouching�                                                                  Night Flight
Fleetwood Mac                                                             Gypsy
Yukarie and The Thril (Blue Submarine No.6)            Mi Na Soko Ni Nemure (track 9)
Shoujo Kakumei Utena                                                 Adolescence Rush
Saint Saens                                                                    Danse Macabre
Please Save My Earth                                                   A Song Without a Song
Please�                                                                        Ring
Enigma                                                                          Age of Loneliness
Serial Experiments Lain                                                Bootleg 26
Serial�                                                                          Cloudy With Occasional Rain
Delirium                                                                          Euphoria
Korn                                                                               Freak on a Leash
Korn                                                                               Falling Away from Me
Moby                                                                              Porcelain
Moby                                                                             Machete
DJ Dado                                                                         Metropolis
Trance                                                                            Braveheart Remix
Dance Dance Revolution                                                   Butterfly
DJ Dado or Trance                                                         X-flies Remix
Trance                                                                          Matrix Remix
DJ Liquid                                                                        Final Fantasy
Techno                                                                         Wong Fei Hung
YYH                                                                             Dark Side Stories
Hiyamo Nobayuki                                                        Ryuusei no Solitude
Hiyamo�                                                                     Manazashi no Aria
Clear                                                                                  Clarity
Clear                                                                             Chasing After
Clear                                                                           What Your Grace Can Do

**I will add more songs as I discover them**
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