Love Controversy

       I want to speak of my purposes in this informal thesis. I�ve put myself into a state of monotone in order to get my points across and to make it clear that I am not exactly vehemently choosing sides. I am not attacking ANYONE. This is simply my view and my beliefs.  First off, I want this specific essay to portray a view of difficulties between sexuality. Now, before you close this window at seeing that I used the word �sexuality�, please listen to what I have to say regarding this issue. I would really like to accomplish a story of prejudice, morality, and realistic conflicts- with the added science fiction and elements YYH has in the future after the completion of �Rose Petal Ashes�. This story (not RPA) is for those who are mature enough to take this kind of subject. I will do my best to avoid writing anything offensive, because I�m hoping both kinds of readers: yaoi and non-yaoi will read this. This is my first attempt at writing something like this, and therefore, I may not be able to convey what I want with great aesthetic flow. If you don�t want to read my personal insights and/or opinion, go ahead and do as you like. Close this window and read something else.

       As it is, I�ve turned fifteen this year on June and even though I�m not of legal age in the states- I have my own opinions just as anyone else; age doesn�t necessarily pose of any determination of the value of one�s views. After all, an adult may very well be a foolish child.

     To begin, I MUST say that I was originally and completely against the idea of homosexuality (I thought it was dead sick and wrong, without even looking at any facts or possibilities as to why it�s incorrect). Now, since my views have shifted and/or balanced, I have two comments concerning homosexuality in general and the idea of yaoi in fanfiction- particularly YYH. One view I have is in regards to the actual show and my rational ideas to Hiei and Kurama�s relationship (I will talk about this first). The second view is more along the lines of homosexuality as a whole in the real world.

      In Yu Yu Hakusho, Togashi-san clearly states at a convention that he DIDN�T make Hiei and Kurama a couple. Of course, this didn�t stop him from making an intimate relationship between Itsuki and Sensui (they ARE a couple). Now, we find pictures all over the net with Kurama quite literally draped over Hiei. Where ever you go, those two  are together, almost inseparable. In cards, screen caps, anything- they�re together. I think there are two reasons for this: the first is to emphasize the close relationship (take this however you want to) that Hiei and Kurama share and the second is to catch a crowd. From what I can tell, the female audience is much more captivated by the idea of a yaoi relationship. This thus leads to Japanese doujinshis (a fan-manga/comic of sorts) sold throughout the country by the bundle. What does this do? It brings more fans into the show. Girls (not all, I don�t want to offend any of you who are against yaoi) LOVE juicy relationships- even if it is a male/male one. With more female audiences, along with the already growing male audience, the show became an instant hit and the producers just keep on raking in the money. This is EXACTLY what happened with Togashi-san�s wife, Takeuchi-san, the creator of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (particularly the Sailor Stars Series). Originally, the Sailor Stars were ALWAYS female, they didn�t change sexes. They only change gender in the show because the producers felt that they SHOULD do it to get more people interested. Well, it obviously worked. Whatever the producers do to the character from the original manga is really out of the creator�s hands, which is why I am assuming or theorizing that the producers chose to make a suspicious bond between Hiei and Kurama.

        But aren�t Michiru and Haruka from Sailor Moon lesbians? Yes, this goes without saying- they are romantically involved just as Takeuchi-san had planned. Evidence for this is revealed at a convention and she firmly states that Neptune and Uranus are, in fact, lovers. However, she intended their relationship to be beautiful, not shameless. Haruka and Michiru�s love life is rather different from that of Usagi and Mamoru. They are far more devoted and affectionate. The dub in the states changes these characters into cousins for that very reason, but one must wonder what is going on with all the hand holding and such. The people of the dubbing company are fully aware of the hard-core SM fans and so they left all the romantic scenes, but pushed in the excuse that �Amara� and �Michelle� are cousins so that unaware viewers won�t be disturbed (I actually find that this is worse because it suggests the idea of incest). Also Kaoru from Neon Genesis Evangelion- he lasted only one episode and I LOVED him. He was so intelligent, kind, loving, and he sacrificed his life for that of mankind� He was also gay. Apparently, his sexuality hardly made a dent on how great a character he was. The characters in Gundam Wing- there IS some sort of relationship with Trowa and Quatre, but I�ll leave you to decide on that. So, supposedly Togashi-san decided to make Hiei and Kurama a couple- would their characters be any different from how they are now? In addition, does this affect how incredible these characters have been developed throughout the series? Because Haruka and Michiru's true relationship- many fans deny what Takeuchi-san wanted. Since, Kurama and Hiei are not a canon-couple, many assume they are or use this fact against yaoisists. However, we are forgetting the important thing- the CHARACTER. If they were in love, would one go so far as to hate the characters just for sexuality? This kind of thinking results in prejudice and hate. You don't have to like this type of relationship because you definitely have your own beliefs, but to speak so hatefully about something like this without even knowing how the two in love feel or must endure in society is really shallow because you're hating something you're not even trying to understand.

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